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No Arab Spring for Turkish news media: Crackdown on the press is ...

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  • No Arab Spring for Turkish news media: Crackdown on the press is ...

    The International Herald Tribune, France
    January 5, 2012 Thursday

    No Arab Spring for Turkish news media
    Crackdown on the press is viewed as contradictory to democratic aspirations


    Analysts say a crackdown on the Turkish media is part of an ominous
    trend and tarnishes the country's democratic aspirations.

    One year ago, the journalist Nedim Sener was investigating a murky
    terrorist network that prosecutors maintain had been plotting to
    overthrow Turkey's Muslim-inspired government.

    Today, Mr. Sener stands accused of being part of that plot, jailed in
    what human rights groups call a political pogrom against the governing
    party's critics.

    Mr. Sener, who has spent 20 years exposing government corruption, was
    among 14 defendants who appeared last month at the Palace of Justice
    here on charges of abetting a terrorist organization. The other
    defendants include the editors of a staunchly secular Web site
    critical of the government and Ahmet Sik, a journalist who has written
    that an Islamic movement associated with Fethullah Gulen, a powerful
    and reclusive cleric living in Pennsylvania, has infiltrated Turkey's
    security forces.

    At a time when Washington and Europe are praising Turkey as a model
    for Muslim democracy in the Arab world, Turkish analysts say the
    crackdown is part of an ominous trend. Most worrying, they say, are
    fresh signs that the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    is repressing press freedom through a mix of intimidation, arrests and
    financial machinations, including the recent sale of a leading
    newspaper to a company tied to the prime minister's son-in-law.

    There are now 97 members of the news media in jail in Turkey,
    including journalists, publishers and distributors, according to the
    Journalists' Labor Union, a number that rights groups say exceeds
    China. The government denies that figure and insists that with the
    exception of eight cases, those arrested have all been charged for
    activities other than journalistic reporting.

    Turkey's justice minister, Sadullah Ergin, last month blamed local
    civic groups for creating the false impression that there were too
    many journalists in jail in Turkey. He said a new plan to enhance
    freedom of expression this year would alter perceptions.

    In 2011, the European Human Rights Court received nearly 9,000
    complaints against Turkey for breaches of press freedom, compared with
    6,500 in 2009.

    In March, Orhan Pamuk, the Turkish writer and Nobel Literature
    laureate, was fined the equivalent of about $3,670 for his statement
    in a Swiss newspaper: ''We have killed 30,000 Kurds and one million
    Armenians.'' Six people had sued him on the ground that his words
    insulted their honor, dignity and race.

    Human rights advocates say they fear that with the Arab Spring giving
    new regional clout to Turkey, the United States and Europe are turning
    a blind eye to encroaching authoritarianism in the country.

    ''Turkey's democracy may be a good benchmark when compared with Egypt,
    Libya or Syria,'' said Hakan Altinay, a senior fellow at the Brookings
    Institution. ''But the whole region will suffer if Turkey is allowed
    to disregard the values of liberal democracy.''

    Among the most glaring breaches of press freedom, human rights
    advocates say, was the arrest of Mr. Sener, 45, a German-born reporter
    for the newspaper Posta. In 2010, he won the International Press
    Institute's World Press Freedom Hero award for his reporting on the
    murder of Hrant Dink, a Turkish-Armenian journalist who was
    assassinated in Istanbul in January 2007 by a 17 year-old Turkish

    Mr. Sener says he believes that he is in jail because he dared to
    write a book criticizing the Turkish state's negligence in failing to
    prevent Mr. Dink's murder. He also has shone an uncomfortable light on
    the secretive Gulen movement.

    His defense team says the prosecution's case rests on spurious
    evidence, including a file bearing his name that an independent team
    of computer engineers from three leading universities concluded had
    been mysteriously installed by a virus on a computer belonging to
    OdaTV, an anti-government Web site. He was held for seven months
    without charges. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison.

    ''Nedim Sener is being accused on the basis of rumors and fantasies,''
    said his lawyer Yucel Dosemeci. ''He is being targeted to create a
    culture of fear.''

    In late December, Turkey drew fresh criticism after the police
    detained at least 38 people, many of them journalists, in raids across
    Turkey. The government justified the arrests on the ground that those
    arrested had possible links to a Kurdish separatist rebel group. But
    critics say dozens have been arrested whose only crime was to have
    expressed general support for the rights of Kurds, a long-oppressed
    minority here.

    Over the past year, the government has been arresting prominent
    critics like Mr. Sener, as well as dozens of current and former
    military personnel, intellectuals and politicians who have been linked
    to a purported plot to overthrow the government called Ergenekon.

    Four years into the investigation, none among the 530 suspects has yet
    been convicted after courts have heard more than 8,000 pages of
    indictments, many of them based on transcripts of surreptitiously
    recorded private telephone conversations.

    While democracy advocates have praised the government for limiting the
    military's influence over the state, they say that the arrests of
    journalists like Mr. Sener are undermining the trial's credibility.

    After Mr. Erdogan swept to power in 2002, human rights activists
    initially lauded him for expanding free speech. But after an
    unsuccessful attempt by the secular opposition to ban Mr. Erdogan's
    party in 2008, critics say he embarked on a systematic campaign to
    silence his opponents.

    They say the suppression of press freedom also reflects the fact that
    Turkey no longer feels obligated to adhere to Western norms at a time
    when it is playing the role of regional leader and its talks on
    joining the European Union are in disarray.

    Mr. Sener and Mr. Sik were defiant in March as police officers took
    them into custody at their homes before television cameras. ''Whoever
    touches it gets burned!'' Mr. Sik shouted, referring to the Gulen
    movement, whose members, analysts say, have infiltrated the highest
    levels of the country's police and judiciary.

    In March, the unpublished manuscript of Mr. Sik's book, ''The Army of
    the Imam,'' was confiscated by the police. But the police proved
    unable to stop its publication on the Internet, where at least 20,000
    users downloaded it after his supporters posted it in protest. A
    public prosecutor in Istanbul is now investigating who leaked the

    While the Internet has become the main weapon against censorship, more
    than 10,000 Web sites have been blocked by the state Internet
    monitoring agency, according to, a Web site that tracks
    restricted pages. Until September, YouTube was banned on the ground
    that some videos on the site were insulting to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,
    the founder of modern Turkey.

    Beyond arresting journalists, press freedom advocates say that the
    government has moved to mute opposition by using punitive fines as
    well as seeking to influence the ownership of leading media companies.

    In 2009, Dogan, a large media conglomerate, was fined $2.5 billion by
    the tax ministry for unpaid taxes. Dogan officials say privately that
    the real reason was that its publications had given prominent
    attention to a series of corruption scandals involving senior
    government officials.

    The European Union expressed concerns about the chilling effect of the
    fine, which was negotiated down to $1.3 billion as part of a tax
    amnesty. Now, some journalists who work for Dogan say there is an
    unwritten rule not to criticize the governing party. Mr. Erdogan, who
    has previously called on his supporters to boycott Dogan, strongly
    denied any political motives behind the fine.

    Critics say the government is also using its influence to install
    pro-government supporters at leading newspapers.

    In 2008, the financially struggling but influential newspaper Sabah
    and the television station ATV were seized by a government agency
    after improper loans by its then owner were discovered.

    In the public auction that followed, the media properties were bought
    by Calik Holding, whose chairman is Mr. Erdogan's son-in-law Berat
    Albayrak. The sale aroused controversy in Turkey since the $1.2
    billion deal was partly financed by $750 million of loans from two
    state banks. Critics said the bid by Calik - the sole bidder after a
    rival dropped out - amounted to a government takeover of a media group
    for political ends.
