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Turkey-France: Turkish ambassador set to return to Paris

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  • Turkey-France: Turkish ambassador set to return to Paris

    ANSAmed - Italy
    January 4, 2012 Wednesday 1:10 PM CET

    Turkey-France: Turkish ambassador set to return to Paris


    (ANSAmed) The Turkish ambassador to France is set to return to Paris
    within days to coordinate Turkey's efforts to prevent the passing of a
    controversial bill in the French Senate penalizing the denial of
    Armenian genocide allegations, as daily Hurriyet reports. Diplomatic
    sources did not say when Tahsin Burcuoglu will begin his work in Paris
    but said his return will not be delayed. French Parliament passed the
    bill December 22, but the Senate and the president must approve the
    bill before it can be implemented. If the bill passes, those who
    publicly deny Armenian genocide allegations face a fine of 45,000
    euros and a year in prison. After the bill passed in French
    Parliament, Turkey withdrew its ambassador for consultations. The
    French Parliament and Senate will resume its work by January 10 and
    will recess February 22 for presidential elections. If the Senate
    decides not to put the bill on its agenda, the legislation will be
    annulled according to French laws.

    From: A. Papazian