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Azerbaijan: Baku Fumes Over Scuttled Ambassadorial Appointment

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  • Azerbaijan: Baku Fumes Over Scuttled Ambassadorial Appointment, NY
    Jan 5 2012

    Azerbaijan: Baku Fumes Over Scuttled Ambassadorial Appointment

    January 5, 2012 - 2:40pm, by Shahin Abbasov

    The US Senate's failure to confirm the appointment of acting
    ambassador Matthew Bryza to Baku threatens to undercut Azerbaijani
    relations with the United States.

    Bryza's mandate as US envoy expired at the end of 2011 when the Senate
    did not take action to approve his recess appointment by US President
    Barack Obama. Bryza's nomination had been opposed by Armenian Diaspora
    lobbying groups, which apparently believed that the diplomat had
    overly cozy ties to Azerbaijan and Turkey.

    Bryza -- an experienced career diplomat who served as the US envoy in
    the Nagorno-Karabakh peace talks, as well as point-man for
    coordination of US energy policy in the Caspian Basin -- was
    dispatched to Baku by Obama in early 2011 to serve as ambassador to
    Baku on a temporary basis. The Senate's failure to act on his
    appointment once again creates a void in a diplomatically sensitive
    area. The nomination process must now start afresh. Deputy Chief of
    Mission Adam Sterling is expected to lead the embassy in Baku until a
    new envoy arrives.

    Behind closed doors, Bryza's confirmation controversy is being
    interpreted by officials in Baku as a slap in the face to Azerbaijan.
    Many in Baku are particularly miffed at what they see as the undue
    influence of US-based Armenian Diaspora organizations over the
    confirmation process. Two of the leading critics of Bryza's nomination
    in the Senate -- California Democrat Barbara Boxer, and Robert
    Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat -- have well-established associations
    with Armenia diaspora organizations.

    Publicly, most Azerbaijani officials have described Bryza's status as
    an internal matter for Washington. At the same time, some Azerbaijani
    diplomats have hinted that US legislators are venal and prone to
    influence peddling. Commenting on the lack of a Senate vote, Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov asserted that `Baku understands that some
    pro-Armenian senators who are under Armenian Diaspora pressure are
    behind this.' He also said at a December 23 briefing, that he `would
    not link [the unscheduled vote] with the US role' in the Karabakh

    On January 5, Foreign Ministry spokesman Elman Abdullayev expressed
    hope that the Bryza flap would not hamper bilateral relations.
    "Ambassador Matthew Bryza was a very strong, competent diplomat, who
    did much to develop the relations between the United States and
    Azerbaijan', the Interfax-Azerbaijan news agency quoted Abdullayev as
    saying. "We would like to see the development of these relations on
    the rise."

    Later on, Abdullayev lashed out at US legislators for refusing to
    confirm Bryza. `It is unpleasant to watch [this] incomprehensible
    tendency, when the senators or congressmen become an instrument in the
    hands of the Armenian lobby, thereby harming US interests,' the
    diplomat was quoted as saying.

    During a late December appearance at the Atlantic Council in
    Washington, DC, Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov took a swipe at
    the Senate. According to Azerbaijani news agency reports, Azimov
    asserted that the Senate's failure to confirm Bryza's nomination
    `could become a bad precedent for American diplomats who would not
    know whose policy they should pursue - the president's policy, the
    Senate's or the interests of a handful of lobbyists.'

    The US State Department has not responded to Azimov's or remarks.

    Azimov's point of view seems to resonate in Baku. One group of
    influential civil society activists has contended that `the Bryza
    issue' raises questions about US fairness in the Karabakh peace
    process. A December 15 letter signed by prominent civil society
    figures in Baku and sent to President Obama and Secretary of State
    Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined these concerns. In it, Eldar Namazov,
    chief of staff under the late President Heydar Aliyev, Center for
    National and International Studies Director Leyla Aliyeva (no relation
    to President Ilham Aliyev), political analyst Ilgar Mammadov, economic
    analyst Sabit Bagirov and Turan News Agency Director Mehman Aliyev
    said that the botched Bryza vote `does not serve to refute' the
    impression among many Azerbaijanis that the longtime Karabakh talks
    have failed because of the influence of Armenian Diaspora lobbyists in
    such mediator countries as the United States and France.

    [Editor's Note: Mehman Aliyev formerly served as board chairman for
    the Open Society Assistance Foundation-Azerbaijan, part of the Soros
    Foundations network. operates under the auspices of the
    Open Society Institute, a separate part of that network.]

    Namazov, who, like many Azerbaijani (and Georgian) public figures,
    holds a high opinion of the Bryza, commented to that
    the campaign is `not about the ambassador's personality,' but `about

    `He is one of the best US diplomats ever working in our region. But,
    in this case, the principle of the United States remaining an unbiased
    mediator in Karabakh conflict is more important,' Namazov said.

    The Bryza episode could have a lingering negative effect on Baku,
    fostering distrust in whoever becomes the next American envoy to
    Azerbaijan. "Confirmation in the Senate would mean that the Armenian
    lobby is happy with a nomination and it will create suspicions in
    Baku," Namazov said.

    Analyst Elhan Shahinoglu, head of Baku's Atlas research center, raised
    the possibility that a peeved Azerbaijani government `could delay
    receiving, or even refuse to receive the new ambassador.'

    Editor's note: Shahin Abbasov is a freelance reporter in Baku and a
    board member of the Open Society Assistance Foundation-Azerbaijan.

    From: Baghdasarian