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Swedish MP: Turkey Has to Accept an Autonomous Kurdistan

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  • Swedish MP: Turkey Has to Accept an Autonomous Kurdistan

    Swedish MP: Turkey Has to Accept an Autonomous Kurdistan
    01/06/2012 02:31:00

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- As the Turkish government continues a campaign of
    detention of Kurdish politicians, activists and journalists, many
    Kurds wonder what the position of European governments is on such mass
    arrests. The detainees are accused of affiliation with the outlawed
    Kurdish group Union of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK). Turkey wants to
    become a member of the European Union (EU) but has to meet certain
    criteria to qualify for membership. On this issue Rudaw interviewed
    Peter Hultqvist, member of the Swedish Parliament and chairman of the
    Parliamentary Defense Committee. Hultqvist is considered a supporter
    of Kurdish rights in Europe.

    Rudaw: As a Swedish and European politician, how do you view the
    arrest of political and civil activists in Turkey?

    Pete Hultqvist: I used to be the mayor of Borlanges in Sweden for 18
    years. People voted me in. The same is true with regard to the Kurdish
    mayors who are now arrested in Turkey. They have been elected by the
    people... The Turkish government needs to respect the votes of the
    people and not attempt to suppress their voices. The KCK dossier is a
    political one and not legal. Those tried under this name are being
    tried for political and not legal reasons. I followed up on the first
    KCK dossier in a Diyarbakir court. I saw how the detainees were
    prohibited from using Kurdish language. They did not allow them to
    speak in their language. Back then I said this is not a judicial case
    and I do repeat again.

    ` Turkey has proven that it does not tolerate freedoms,'

    Rudaw: The European countries are very sensitive to issue of the
    freedom of expression. But last week 35 Kurdish journalists were
    imprisoned in Turkey and yet no word was heard from Sweden or Europe
    about it?

    Peter Hultqvist: It is great injustice to arrest anybody, whether they
    are a politician, journalist or average villager, for expressing their
    opinions. That is unacceptable. If journalists and others are detained
    because they expressed their views, then this is a political
    detention. Turkey has proven that it does not tolerate freedoms.
    Therefore, I believe if the Turkish government continues the way it
    does now, then its chances of becoming an EU member will diminish.

    Rudaw: But all those actions by Turkey have not had any impact on
    breaking the silence by European countries. When will the Europeans
    tell Turkey to stop?

    Pete Hultqvist: I think Turkey has now crossed the line. Europe should
    not allow Turkey to cross more lines and continue its violations of
    human rights. But countries who often views other peoples and
    countries as enemies, do not attach much importance to their
    reactions. Turkey does not care if European countries and politicians
    tell it to stop. They act according to their own opinion and not
    others'. Now there is only one thing on their mind and that is to
    defeat their rivals and all Kurds. That is what they are now
    apparently focused on and not international reactions.

    Rudaw: But European countries and diplomatic relations can affect the
    attitude of other countries. Don't you think the European silence may
    play into the hands of Turkey?

    Peter Hultqvist: I think Sweden and other European countries should
    strongly criticize Turkey. They should not be tolerant toward the
    unjust and illegal actions of Turkey. But the truth is that Europe is
    silent about these actions of Turkey. For example, Europe can support
    legal Kurdish parties such as the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) that
    operate within a democratic framework. I consider BDP to be very
    important and it can resolve the Kurdish issue. I wonder why the
    Turkish state attempts to undermine BDP. It would mean undermining
    Turkey and will close down the door on progress and the resolving of
    issues. It will not only close the door on resolving the Kurdish
    issue, but also on itself (Turkey).

    ` The important thing is that Kurds should have the right to have an
    autonomous Kurdistan,'

    Rudaw: When do you mean exactly by solving the Kurdish issue?

    Peter Hultqvist: In my opinion, Turkey should recognize the Kurdish
    language in its laws. It should be allowed as an official language in
    schools. I think language is an important issue. Kurdish parties and
    organizations should not be closed down and their members should not
    be detained. There should be freedom of assembly. All political
    prisoners should be freed and their trials should be according to law.
    Kurds should not be imprisoned because of their opinions. The
    important thing is that Kurds should have the right to have an
    autonomous Kurdistan. That is the legitimate right of all peoples
    including Kurds. The Turkish state will have to accept this demand
    because it is very legitimate. Turkey will close the doors on itself
    by trying to eliminate the BDP. Turkey has to accept an autonomous
