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Turkey launches Sarkozy diaper line to `spite' France

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  • Turkey launches Sarkozy diaper line to `spite' France

    PanArmenian, Armenia
    Jan 7 2012

    Turkey launches Sarkozy diaper line to `spite' France

    January 7, 2012 - 14:49 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Following production of male condoms carrying the
    name of French MP Valerie Boyer, the author of the bill criminalizing
    Armenian Genocide denial, a line of Sarkozy baby diapers, trash bags,
    toilet and tissue papers was started.

    With the brand name Sarkozy accepted by Turkish Patent Institute,
    products named after the French President were sold in ten days at, independent French journalist Jean Eckian told

    On December 22, 2011, French National Assembly passed a bill
    criminalizing public denial of the Armenian Genocide. If passed and
    signed into law by the Senate, the bill would impose a 45,000 euro
    fine and a year in prison for anyone in France who denies this crime
    against humanity committed by the Ottoman Empire. Following the vote,
    Ankara recalled its ambassador from France.
