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Turkish hackers target French websites before genocide vote

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  • Turkish hackers target French websites before genocide vote

    Agence France Presse
    January 7, 2012 Saturday 1:56 AM GMT

    Turkish hackers target French websites before genocide vote

    ISTANBUL, Jan 7 2012

    Turkish hackers are threatening to unleash a wave of cyber attacks
    against French websites after lawmakers in Paris voted to approve a
    law that would ban the denial of the Armenian genocide.

    Already, hackers have assailed dozens of French websites, including
    that of Valerie Boyer, the French politician who introduced the law
    that could punish genocide deniers with jail time.

    Some attacks have been blamed on a hacking group known as AyYildiz,
    which says it fights for Turkish values.

    "AyYildiz has nothing against the French," he said. "But if this
    carries on, there will be far more serious attacks from many groups,"
    said Ishak Telli, a spokesman for the group.

    The French lower house approved the law pn December 22 and the Senate
    is expected to vote on it by the end of January.

    If it is enacted, anyone denying that the 1915-1917 massacre of
    Armenians by Ottoman Turk forces amounted to genocide could face jail

    Telli said hackers could initiate attacks causing millions of euros in damage.

    "You can close commercial and banking sites," Telli said. "You can
    take down government websites ... The AyYildiz team has that

    Ankara reacted angrily when the National Assembly passed the bill,
    quickly freezing political and military ties with France. Turkey
    withdrew its ambassador to Paris, but embassy officials say he will
    return Monday to monitor the Senate's handling of the bill.

    Starting in 1915, during World War I, many thousands of Armenians died
    in Ottoman Turkey. Armenia says 1.5 million were killed in a genocide
    where many perished after being forced to march into the desert
    without adequate supplies.

    Turkey says around 500,000 died in fighting after Armenians sided with
    Russian invaders.

    France recognised the killings as a genocide in 2001, but the new bill
    would punish anyone who denies this with a year in jail and a fine of
    45,000 euros ($60,000).

    Modern Turkey is still very sensitive about the issue, and has accused
    France of attacking freedom of expression and free historical enquiry.

    Akincilar, another Turkish hacking group, was blamed on attacking
    Boyer's site and that of French-Armenian politician Patrick Devedjian.

    Such lawmakers would do better to "study Ottoman history," the group
    said in a video sent to AFP.

    "Our goal is to expose the arrogance shown by France when it
    legislates in its own parliament about the affairs of other
    countries," the group said.

    Web hacking is illegal in Turkey and hackers run the risk of prison.

    But for those that do it, hijacking a website attacking Turkish
    beliefs and morals is not a crime, and no nationalist hacker has been
    targeted by authorities, said Ozgur Uckan, new media expert at the
    Istanbul Bilgi University.

    "This type of hacking isn't really punished," Uckan said. "But if they
    attack Turkish government sites, the police will do everything in
    their power ... It's a kind of double standard."
