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Bethlehem: Orthodox Christians Celebrate Christmas

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  • Bethlehem: Orthodox Christians Celebrate Christmas

    Palestine News & Information Agency (WAFA)
    January 6, 2012 Friday

    Orthodox Christians Celebrate Christmas

    BETHLEHEM, January 6, 2012 (WAFA) - Orthodox Christians celebrate
    Friday Christmas Eve with the annual procession for the Greek Orthodox
    Patriarch from Jerusalem to Bethlehem's Church of Nativity. The
    Patriarch, Theophilos III, will lead the procession from the Greek
    Orthodox Patriarchate in the Old City of Jerusalem at noon to
    Bethlehem, where he will be received upon arrival at Manger Square by
    Palestinian officials as well as by boy and girl scouts and marching
    bands and hundreds of people. Theophilos III will later lead the
    Midnight Mass at the Church of Nativity, which will be attended by
    President Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian and international
    officials. The Greek Orthodox community in Jerusalem will celebrate
    Christmas day on Saturday and the New Year on January 13. Other
    communities, most notably the Armenians, will celebrate Christmas on
    January 17. M.S.

    From: A. Papazian