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Synopsis of `Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials'

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  • Synopsis of `Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials'

    Synopsis of `Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials'
    January 4, 2012 in Books & Art ·

    `Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials'
    By Vahakn N. Dadrian and Taner Akcam
    New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books
    2011, 363 pp
    ISBN 978-0-85745-251-1 (hardback)
    ISBN 978-0-85745-286-3 (e-book)

    This book is a study of the World War I Armenian Genocide as
    documented through the Ottoman Special Military Tribunal's criminal
    prosecution of the perpetrators involved. The aim of these post-World
    War I Ottoman courts-martial was the exposure and punishment of the
    organizers of the crime. As the courts-martial unfolded over nearly
    three years (1919-22), the near-omnipotent role played in the
    organization of the genocide by the top leaders of a militarized
    political party, the Young Turk junta'along with their governmental
    subordinates'became all too evident. That party was the Ittihad ve
    Terakki, or the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP).

    A scene from the courtroom on April 3, 1919
    This study is almost entirely anchored on original and authenticated
    documents. The evidence these documents yield is by no means ordinary
    in nature, but is rather a kind of evidence that is legally
    characterized as `evidence-in-chief.'

    Most importantly, the documentation for the trials was rendered both
    incontestable and verifiable by a distinct legal procedure the
    tribunal adopted: When on the witness stand, the principal defendants
    were invited to examine and confirm the authenticity of the many
    secret and top secret documents bearing their own signatures. Most of
    these documents had been secured and authenticated during the pretrial
    investigations by officials from the ministries of the interior and
    justice. The authentication formula used was, `It conforms to the

    The book represents firsts in many ways.

    1.This is the first time the complete known documentation of the trial
    proceedings are being provided in English. This study is based on
    authentic Turkish documentation, which the Ottoman government was
    forced to release during the trials. It includes the personal,
    eyewitness testimony of high-ranking Ottoman officials, given under
    oath, on the magnitude of the crimes against the Armenians. The
    indictments, evidence, and verdicts clearly prove the centralized
    planning and the genocidal intent of the Young Turk government against
    its Armenian citizens.
    2.This is the first time information from the Ottoman newspapers of
    the era'whose collection, digitization, editing, transliteration, and
    translation were commissioned by the Zoryan Institute as part of the
    long-term project known as `Creating a Common Body of Knowledge''has
    been utilized to reconstruct the trials. While the official government
    record lists only 12 trials, the newspapers provide details on 63.
    Between 2001 and 2004, researchers went to libraries in different
    cities in Turkey to locate and digitize all the articles in 17 Ottoman
    newspapers from 1919-21 on the trials. It was important not to alert
    officials about the intent of the project, or access might well have
    been blocked. In the end, Zoryan had a nearly complete collection of
    hundreds of articles on the trials from Ottoman newspapers. These
    articles have been transliterated into modern Turkish, and the titles
    of the articles translated into English. Digital images of these
    newspapers are now in Zoryan's archives.
    1.This is the first time a national court successfully prosecuted such
    a case of mass atrocity against its own citizens. The legal principle
    of `crimes against humanity' that arose in this case had a
    far-reaching influence and is echoed in the Nuremberg Charter, the
    Tokyo Charter, and the UN Genocide Convention.
    2.This is the first joint publication by the two most internationally
    renowned scholars on the Armenian Genocide'Professors Vahakn Dadrian,
    an Armenian, and Taner Akcam, a Turk.
    Wartime Cabinet ministers, Young Turk party leaders, and a number of
    other accessories were court-martialed for orchestrating Turkey's
    entry into World War I and for the annihilation of the Armenians. Most
    were found guilty and received sentences ranging from prison with hard
    labor to death. Talat, Enver, Cemal, and Dr. Nazım were condemned to
    death in absentia.

    On Jan. 13, 1921, the courts-martial were abolished altogether, with
    jurisdiction reverting to regular military courts. Nearly all of the
    key figures of the CUP managed to escape Turkey before being brought
    to trial. Scores of lesser CUP leaders were condemned to death in
    absentia or sentenced to prison terms. However, many of these
    eventually escaped or were set free, as the Allied Powers were very
    slow in implementing the trials, constantly undermined each other, and
    removed their forces from occupying Turkey, while at the same time
    freeing tens of thousands of prisoners of war, who readily joined the
    Kemalist insurgency. The July 24, 1923 Treaty of Lausanne was framed
    in such a way as to avoid the subject of war crimes and massacres.
    With Declaration VIII of Amnesty and the Protocol attached to this
    treaty, and as Kemalism gained the upper hand and eventually ended the
    Ottoman Empire, the pursuit of justice for the Armenians was

    The Armenian Genocide represents the first case of genocide (as
    described by Raphael Lemkin, the legal scholar who coined the term
    `genocide'), in which a government tried to eliminate an identifiable
    ethnic or religious group of its own citizens, and is recognized as
    the prototype for what specialists refer to as `modern genocide.' It
    serves as a classic example of how impunity for one crime can lead to
    another crime, as Adolf Hitler infamously justified his plans by
    asking his generals in 1939, `Who remembers now the extermination of
    the Armenians?'

    Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials adds a new
    perspective to the historical and moral studies of the genocide, and
    serves as a legal case study. It holds great relevance today, with the
    current interest internationally regarding the Armenian Genocide and
    its denial.

    See the Table of Contents attached for an outline of the book.

    About the Authors

    Vahakn N. Dadrian's field of specialization is genocide, in general,
    and the Armenian Genocide, in particular. For several years he was
    engaged as director of a large Genocide Study Project sponsored by the
    H. F. Guggenheim Foundation. The project's first major achievement was
    the publication, now in its fifth printing expanded, of an extensive
    volume titled The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict
    from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus (Oxford & Providence,
    R.I., 1995). This work has appeared in French (Paris, second printing)
    and in Greek (Athens). Dadrian's other major work, German
    Responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: A Review of the Historical
    Evidence of German Complicity, was published in 1996 (Cambridge,
    Mass.) and is now in its third edition. His third volume, Warrant for
    Genocide: The Key Elements of the Turko-Armenian Conflict, appeared in
    1999 (London and New Brunswick, N.J.). His latest book is titled The
    Key Elements of the Turkish Denial of the Armenian Genocide
    (Cambridge, Mass., and Toronto, 1999). This book was translated into
    Spanish in Buenos Aires (2002). In addition to these monographs,
    Dadrian has published numerous articles in scholarly journals around
    the world. His extensive list of publications includes several
    articles on the Jewish Holocaust and the victimization of the American
    Indians. In 2005, he received four separate awards for his lifetime
    contribution to genocide studies. Dadrian is currently the director of
    genocide research at the Zoryan Institute.

    Taner Akcam was born in the province of Ardahan in northeast Turkey
    and became interested in Turkish politics at an early age. As the
    editor-in-chief of a political journal, he was arrested in 1976 and
    sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment. One year later, he escaped and
    fled to Germany as a political refugee. His books include Dialogue
    Across an International Divide: Essays Towards a Turkish-Armenian
    Dialogue (2001) and From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and
    the Armenian Genocide (2004). A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide
    and the Question of Turkish Responsibility was published in November
    2006 and has since been translated into Dutch, French, Italian,
    Polish, and Spanish. He is the first Turkish scholar to have drawn
    attention to the historicity of the Armenian Genocide and has, as a
    result, been persecuted by the Turkish state. In April 2006, the
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts presented him with a distinguished award
    for outstanding work in human rights and fighting genocide denial. He
    is currently an associate professor of history and the
    Kaloosdian/Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at the Center for
    Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University.

    Table of Contents

    Ottoman-Turkish Words and Names xi

    Introduction 1
    Vahakn N. Dadrian and Taner Akcam

    PART I. The Conditions Surrounding the Trials

    Chapter 1. History of the Turko-Armenian Con�ict 13

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 2. Military Defeat and the Victors' Drive for Punitive Justice 19

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 3. The Preparations for Courts-Martial 78

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 4. The Initiation of Courts-Martial 93

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 5. Emergent Kemalism and the Courts-Martial 101

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 6. The Series of Major Trials and the Related Verdicts:
    Falsi�cation of the Arguments of `Relocation,' `Civil War,' and
    `Intercommunal Clashes' 108

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 7. Legal Proceedings as a Conceptual Framework 126

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 8. A Summary of the Conditions Surrounding the Trials 154

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    Chapter 9. The Judicial Liquidation of Some of the Arch Perpetrators
    by Both CUP and Kemalist Authorities, and the Demise of Other
    Accomplices 177

    Vahakn N. Dadrian

    PART II. The Trials and Beyond

    Chapter 10. Death Sentences Handed Down by the Military Tribunal in Istanbul 195

    Taner Akcam

    Chapter 11. Coverage of the Trials by the Istanbul Turkish Press 200

    Taner Akcam

    Chapter 12. Formation and Operation of the Ottoman Military Tribunals 251

    Taner Akcam

    Chapter 13. The Full Texts in English of the Indictments and Verdicts 271

    Appendix 333

    Glossary of Terms 335

    Archival, Judicial, and Parliamentary Documents 337

    I. The Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic 337

    II. Imperial Germany and German O�cial Records 342

    III. Imperial Austria-Hungary 344

    IV. Great Britain 345

    V. T e United States 346

    VI. United Nations 346

    VII. France and French Archives 346

    VIII. Armenian Archival Documents 346

    Select Bibliographic Secondary Sources 348

    Books 348

    Turkish 348

    English 350

    German 351

    French 351

    Armenian 351

    Articles 352

    Turkish 352

    English 352

    German 353

    Armenian 353

    Newspapers 354

    Turkish 354

    French 354

    American 354

    British 355

    Canadian 355

    Australian 355

    Armenian 355

    Index 356

    From: Baghdasarian