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When Will the Mass Killing of Kurds Stop?

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  • When Will the Mass Killing of Kurds Stop?

    When Will the Mass Killing of Kurds Stop?
    08/01/2012 02:07:00 By DR. KAWA IBRAHIEM

    Turkey's armed forces killed 35 civilians in a Kurdish village near
    the country's border with Iraq. What a surprise!

    The Turkish army is involved in a systematic killing of civilian Kurds
    in the regions of eastern Turkey on a daily basis. Turkey is
    responsible for various Genocides throughout history such as the
    Armenian Genocide, the Dersim Genocide and so on. Historians,
    politicians and the international community know that.

    There is no consensus as to how many Armenians lost their lives during
    the Genocide, but there is general agreement among western scholars
    that over 500,000 died between 1914 and 1918. Estimates vary between
    600,000 and 1,500,000.

    A 2008 conference organized by Kurdish PEN about the Dersim Genocide
    reached the conclusion that Turkey was guilty of genocide, estimating
    that 50,000-80,000 Kurd were killed in the aftermath of the Dersim

    Modern Turkey is not better than the old one. It continues its war
    against anyone who is not a Turk in that country.

    The Turkish government and it is politicians live in denial. Under war
    on terrorism they attempt to stifle Kurdish voices and deny the right
    of millions of Kurdish citizens.

    In the past three years the Turkish government has mercilessly rounded
    up close to 4000 intellectuals and Kurdish politician. At the same
    time a devastating earthquake in the Kurdish city of Van killed
    hundreds, left thousands seriously injured, and left thousands more
    homeless in the cold of winter.

    The Turkish government failed to protect and help the victims of the
    earthquake. But it continues to spend millions on military operations
    to oppress its own citizens just because they are Kurds.

    The international community and including the United States choose
    silence in the face of all this abuse of and violation of human rights
    in Turkey.

    Whenever a Turkish soldier is killed in a military operation, the US
    condemns the act and asks for the elimination of Kurdish terrorist
    groups without addressing the core of the issue. The United States
    empowers Turkish politicians to go a head with their apartheid policy
    in the Kurdish regions of Turkey. The United States has failed to give
    a voice to minority groups or care about human rights violations in
    that country.

    "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent
    attacks by the PKK in Turkey's Hakkari province. I join President
    [Barack] Obama in offering our deepest condolences to the families and
    loved ones of all those killed and injured in this tragedy," US
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a written statement on 19
    October 2011.

    USA is responsible for the suffering of Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Syria and
    Turkey! The US could have a positive influence on those countries to
    solve the 100-year-old Kurdish issue that started by the Treaty of

    America and other superpowers must know that Kurds will be silenced
    and they will continue their peaceful struggle for a better and
    prosperous life.

    Turkey should know too that after 91 years of denial, apartheid and
    assimilation policy was nothing but a failed policy. Turkey could not
    and will not dissolve the Kurd in the Turkish culture. It is time for
    the Turks to accept the most ancient people of the Middle East and
    live peacefully together, or the Kurds would have to declare

    According to the UN charter to which Turkey and US are signatories,
    the Kurd have the right to self determination.

    - Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 states that purpose of the UN
    Charter is: "To develop friendly relations among nations based on
    respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of
    peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen
    universal peace."

    - Article 1 in both the International Covenant on Civil and
    Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic,
    Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Both read: "All peoples have the
    right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely
    determine their political status and freely pursue their economic,
    social and cultural development."

    - The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    article 15 states that everyone has the right to a nationality and
    that no one should be arbitrarily deprived of a nationality or denied
    the right to change nationality.

    The Kurds are a peaceful nation and throughout the last century they
    have suffered. They experienced Genocides, mass killing, deportation,
    rape, and denial in all the countries they live in.

    It is morally and ethically wrong for superpowers to empower Turkey
    and other countries in the region to terrorize Kurds under the excuse
    of fighting terrorism. Kurds are not terrorists. They are struggling
    to preserve their culture. Their struggle is not different from the
    American War of Independence.

    By giving Turkey and other countries that oppress and massacre Kurds
    technology and military support, those countries and their politicians
    are responsible for assisting criminal acts and history will have no
    mercy on them.

    The international community has to come to the conclusion that there
    will be no peace in the Middle East without solving the Kurdish issues
    in those countries. Kurds are not less civilized than Arabs, Persians
    and Turks. They too should be able to live in their own land

    Since the invasion of Iraq by the US army in 2003, Kurds have approved
    to the world that they are a peace-loving people and deserve all

    I condemn in the strongest possible terms the mass killing of Kurds in
    Turkey. I join hundreds of thousands of peace-loving people in the
    world in offering my deepest condolences to the families and loved
    ones of all those killed and injured in this and other tragedies.

    * Dr. Kawa Ibrahiem is a Kurdish Human Rights Activist based in
    Kitchener, Canada.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress