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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/12/2012

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 01/12/2012

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    TOP STORY January 12,

    Christmas at St. Vartan Cathedral
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian and Dr. Raffy Hovanessian, godfather of the
    Blessing of Water Ceremony.

    _Christ's Birth Celebrated on January 6_

    New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral resounded with the Good News of
    Christ's birth on January 5 and 6, as individuals and families, young and
    old alike, took part in the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity and
    Theophany-Armenian Christmas.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy before a large
    crowd. In his homily, the Diocesan Primate noted: `What sets Christians
    apart is that we proclaim the Good News. The Good News is timeless,
    eternal; always good, and always new. The Good News can sustain us against
    all the bad news of the world. Indeed, the Good News has sustained the
    Armenian people for countless generations.'

    Dr. Raffy Hovanessian served as godfather for the _churorhnek_, or Blessing
    of Water ceremony, which followed the Divine Liturgy on Friday.

    At a Christmas Day reception in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium, the
    Akh'tamar Dance Ensemble of New Jersey offered a delightful dance
    performance. Concurrent with the Armenian Christmas observances, a special
    art exhibit was on display in the cathedral complex: `Armenian Christmas and
    the Legacy of Ten Armenian Artists.'

    On the prior evening, January 5, Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian had celebrated
    the Christmas Eve liturgy in the cathedral. And at local parishes
    throughout the Eastern Diocese, Christmas services on January 6 and on
    Sunday, January 8 were likewise well attended.

    [4]Click here to read more about the cathedral's Armenian Christmas

    To view videos of the services and Archbishop Barsamian's sermon, [5]click
    5. ocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f1b4e0e5f3-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    Armenian Church in Livingston, NY

    _Primate to Visit Holy Cross Church of Union City, NY_

    On Sunday, January 15, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will
    visit the Holy Cross Church of Union City, NJ, where he will celebrate the
    Divine Liturgy and ordain three parishioners to the rank of acolyte. The
    three are: Matthew Bagdat, Tadevos Grigoryan, and Garnik Hovannesian.

    Services will be followed by a fellowship hour in the church hall.

    Scripture of the Week

    Is 54:1-13
    1Tim 1:1-11
    Jn 2:1-11

    Prayer of the Week

    I thank you and magnify you and glorify you, O Lord my God. Be with me
    always according to your unfailing promise that "Whoever eats my Body and
    drinks my Blood dwells in me and I in him." You did say so, you who love
    mankind. Uphold the words of your divine and irrevocable commandments. For
    you are the God of mercy and of compassion and of love toward mankind, now
    and always. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    _13 January:_ Feast of the Naming of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    _14 January:_ Feast of the Birth of St. John the Forerunner

    _17 January:_ St. Antony the Hermit


    Catholicos Karekin II
    His Holiness Karekin II conducts the Blessing of Water service at Holy

    _Christmas at Holy Etchmiadzin_

    On Thursday, January 6, His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of
    the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord, and performed the Blessing of Water
    service at Holy Etchmiadzin.

    The godfather of this year's Blessing of Water Service was Gabriel
    Jambarjin. Armenia's President Serge Sargsyan and other government officials
    were present at the celebration.

    In his Christmas message, His Holiness spoke on the importance of love and
    faith. `Faith and love are those unshakeable foundations on which our
    country and people become stronger and are filled with joy and delight,' he
    said. `The fruits of faith and love are the good works which shall always
    accompany us, so long as our path does not divert from Christ's luminous

    [6]Click here to view a video about the Christmas celebration at the Mother
    See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

    Catholicos Karekin II
    Fire damaged the Sourp Nshan Armenian Church of Tbilisi, Georgia on January

    _Fire Damages Armenian Church in Tbilisi, Georgia_

    On January 11, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
    all Armenians, summoned a special meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council
    at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Two days earlier, on January 9, the
    Sourp Nshan Armenian Church of Tbilisi, Georgia, had caught fire by unknown
    means. The use of water (instead of foam) to quench the flames caused damage
    to the walls of the church and resulted in the collapse of one of its four
    standing columns.

    The Supreme Spiritual Council released a statement calling on Georgian
    President Mikheil Saakashvili, and His Holiness Ilia II,
    Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, to protect and preserve the Armenian
    churches in Georgia, as they had agreed during Catholicos Karekin's 2011
    pontifical visit to the republic.

    The church previously suffered fire damage in 2002, as well as damage from
    an earthquake. Currently an abandoned structure, Sourp Nshan has become a
    place for indigents; despite an ongoing dialogue between the Armenian and
    Georgian spiritual leaders, the Georgian authorities have not initiated an
    agreed restoration of this Armenian monument.


    Fund for Armenia Relief Board
    FAR's Board of Directors met at the Diocesan Center on January 10.

    _FAR Holds Meeting of Board_

    On January 10, 2012, the Fund for Armenian Relief Board of Directors
    examined the organization's successes, Armenia's present challenges, and
    promising ways to further improve FAR's services.

    The past two decades have witnessed remarkable success in FAR's outreach
    programs. From delivering emergency relief in the aftermath of the 1988
    Armenian earthquake, to its current leadership role in improving Armenia's
    human services, developing infrastructure, funding research, and advancing
    standards of medical care, FAR's active presence in Armenia has benefited
    the quality of life and opportunity for an entire generation of our

    As the needs of Armenia have evolved, so too have FAR's efforts. During the
    January 10 gathering, the directors affirmed their commitment to FAR's core
    mission, defined new strategic priorities, and committed to focusing on
    empowering the people of Armenia to become active participants in developing
    a productive, sustainable society.

    [7]Click here to find the latest FAR news.

    Ararat Board meeting at the Diocesan Center
    Members of the Ararat Center board met at the Diocesan Center on January 12.

    _Ararat Center Board Meeting_

    The Board of Directors of Ararat Center of the Eastern Diocese held a
    meeting at the Diocesan Center on January 12. Diocesan Primate Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian presided over the gathering.

    The board members addressed various topics, including marketing and
    maintenance of the facility, fundraising, and the upcoming summer sessions
    of St. Vartan Camp.

    They also recognized outgoing members Rose Najarian Kedeshian, Karnig
    Durgarian, and Steve Megrdichian-all of whom the Primate thanked for their
    leadership. Newly elected to the board are Tom Ashbahian (who will serve as
    the new board chair) and Aram Hintlian.

    Diocesan Sunday School Worship Program
    Sunday School students in Framingham, MA, actively participate in Sunday
    "family worship."

    _A Helpful Model for Diocesan Sunday Schools _

    Since 2009, Diocesan Sunday Schools have been using a `family worship'
    model, whereby students divide their Sunday mornings between time spent in
    the church sanctuary and time spent in a traditional classroom setting.

    After two years of this `pilot program'-and thanks to the dedication of
    pastors, superintendents, teachers and parents-Diocesan Sunday School
    students and their families are enjoying a more holistic Sunday worship
    experience. Sunday Schools have found the effort helpful and productive.
    Students are in church more regularly and for longer periods, and are
    receiving Holy Communion more frequently.

    To read more about this innovative program, coordinated by the Diocese's
    Department of Youth and Education (DYE), [8]click here. And contact your
    local parish to find out how your family can become involved in its local
    Sunday School program.

    Hye Reflections

    _Read the Latest on the Women's Guild _

    The new edition of "Hye Reflections," the official e-newsletter of the
    Women's Guild Central Council, is now available as a PDF download. To read
    the latest news from the Women's Guild Central Council, updates on the
    activities of local parish guilds, and member reflections on the Women's
    Guild's mission in the Armenian Church, [9]click here.
    Parsh Christmas Celebrations
    9. n+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f1b4e0e5f3-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email

    _View Our "Family Christmas Album"
    In response to our request last week, a number of Diocesan parishes were
    wonderfully generous in sharing photos of their local Armenian Christmas
    celebrations. The resulting "family album" is a testimony to the love and
    faith of our parishioners.

    [10]Click here to view the photo gallery.
    10. 8059172&k=PCnPRGH

    Armenian Church Calendar 2012

    _Download the 2012 Oratsouyts_

    The 2012 Oratsouyts (Liturgical Calendar) issued by the Mother See of Holy
    Etchmiadzin is now available as a PDF document. [11]Click here to download
    the Oratsouyts.

    The Armenian-language publication is a daily guide to scripture readings,
    hymns, and feast days of the Armenian Church. It has been continuously
    published by Holy Etchmiadzin for the past 146 years.

    The 2012 edition was prepared by Bishop Mikael Ajapahian, Primate of the
    Diocese of Shirak in Armenia, and Bishop Artak Tigranian.


    St. Mary Armenian Church, LIvingston
    Archbishop Barsamian stands among the students of St. Mary Church in
    Livingston, NJ.

    _Primate Presides at Livingston Christmas Service_

    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian presided over the Armenian
    Christmas celebration at the St. Mary Church of Livingston, N.J., on Sunday,
    January 8. The Primate delivered a sermon on the meaning of Christ's birth,
    and the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan-a
    young visiting priest who is currently doing an internship at the St.
    Gregory the Enlightener parish of White Plains, NY.

    In the course of the service, St. Mary Sunday School students sang several
    _sharagans_ from the Divine Liturgy-to the delight of parents and the
    Primate, who in his sermon congratulated the children, their teachers and
    parents on their dedication to bringing the beauty of the _badarak_ to life.

    Following _badarak_ and the Blessing of Water ceremony-where young Bedros
    Maldjian served as godfather-the Sunday School presented a Christmas pageant
    in the sanctuary, which through song, verse, and costume portrayed the
    events of Jesus' nativity. A Christmas luncheon followed in the parish's
    Toufayan Hall.

    Although the Livingston church has been without a fulltime pastor since the
    summer, it has been holding regular Sunday services thanks to the
    graciousness of several visiting priests. Earlier in the week, on the
    actual date of the Feast of Theophany (January 6), Fr. Vardazaryan
    celebrated _badarak_ at the church; and on the previous night, the Very Rev.
    Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar, celebrated the Armenian Christmas Eve

    Very Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian
    Very Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian.

    _Boca Raton to Celebrate Pastor's 20 Years of Service_

    On Saturday, January 21, the St. David Church of Boca Raton, FL, will honor
    its longtime pastor, the Very Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian, on the 20th
    anniversary of his ordination to the holy priesthood.

    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian will preside over the
    celebratory banquet held in the church's Mardigian Hall. Fr. Berberian was
    the very first priest to receive ordination by the hand of the Primate, in

    Also attending the event will be Diocesan Ecumenical Director Archbishop
    Vicken Aikazian, along with clergy from the Diocese and the surrounding
    community in Boca Raton.

    On Sunday, January 22, Archbishop Barsamian will celebrate the Divine
    Liturgy at the St. David Church, during which he will ordain subdeacon Arlen
    Avedyan to the order of diaconate.

    Those interested in attending should make reservations by January 14; call
    the church office at (561) 994-2335 for information.

    St. Sarkis Church, Niagara Falls
    Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian conducts the Blessing of Water service at
    St. Sarkis Church, Niagara Falls.

    _Niagara Falls Welcomes Vicar _

    The Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar, celebrated the Divine
    Liturgy at the St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Niagara Falls, NY, on January

    Longtime parishioner James Barbados served as godfather during the Blessing
    of Water ceremony. More than 40 faithful from Niagara Falls and Buffalo, as
    well as some guests from California and Canada, took part in the

    The Divine Liturgy is celebrated once every month in this parish, which is
    located less than a mile from the Falls and the Rainbow Bridge to Canada.

    At a brunch following the January 8 liturgy, organized by parish council
    chair Ani Avdoian, parishioners broke out into an impromptu sing-a-long.

    Atlanta Mission Parish
    Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian celebrates the Divine Liturgy in the mission parish
    of Atlanta, GA.

    _Mission Parishes Celebrate Christmas__ _

    Christ's birth was celebrated with great joy in the mission parish of
    Atlanta, GA, as well as at the St. Garabed Church of Baton Rouge, LA. The
    Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, Diocesan director of Mission Parishes, travelled
    to both communities for the Armenian Christmas celebrations.

    In Atlanta, over 65 members of the community gathered on January 5 for the
    Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of Water ceremony. Vachagan Arakelyan, a
    young member of the community who had emigrated from Armenia, was honored as
    the godfather of the cross.

    Following the _badarak_, members of the parish council prepared and served a
    dinner to the parishioners.

    In Baton Rouge, evening services on Saturday, January 7 began with readings
    from the prophets foretelling of the birth of Christ. This was followed by
    the _`jrakalouyts' _service, where candles were lit to the proclamation of
    the good news of the Christ's birth, _Krisdos dzuv yev haydnetsav_!

    On Sunday, January 8, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated to commemorate the
    Feast of Theophany, with the Blessing of Water following. Serving as the
    godfather of the cross was Edward Dakessian.

    The day's festivities concluded with a traditional Christmas meal in the
    church hall.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, Providence
    On December 28, Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, presented a
    concert titled `Silent Night, Holy Night."

    _A Providential Christmas Concert_

    On December 28, Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, presented a
    concert titled `Silent Night, Holy Night' in the church sanctuary. The
    unique concert, an effort of the parish's Cultural Committee, was a joint
    performance by choirs from the Armenian and Syriac Christian traditions.

    Parish pastor Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin welcomed the Rev. Fr. Mattias Shaltan,
    pastor of St. Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church of Central Falls, as well as
    the faithful of the area Armenian and Syriac communities.

    Maestro Konstantin Petrossian directed the Armenian Chorale of Rhode Island
    and the Junior Choir of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, while Gabriel Aydin
    led the St. Ephraim Children's and Adult Choir.

    The program of Christmas carols and religious music from two distinctive
    traditions included a memorable solo performance of `O Come, All Ye
    Faithful' sung by 9-year-old David Alexander. Other vocal and instrumental
    solos were offered by Sarkis Yepremian, Gohar Manjelikian, David Griego, and
    Mari Panosian.

    A lovely post-concert gathering took place in the parish's Egavian Cultural
    Hall, where attendees had an opportunity to share good wishes of the season.

    _Upcoming Parish Events _

    _Armenian Church of Southwest Florida _
    The first Divine Liturgy of 2012 will be celebrated at the Armenian Church
    of Southwest Florida by the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Diocesan Vicar,
    on Sunday, January 15. The service will be held at St. Mary's Episcopal
    Church in Bonita Springs, FL, beginning at 1 p.m.

    A luleh kebab luncheon will follow services (advance reservations are
    required for the luncheon). For information, reservations, or to be placed
    on the church mailing list, contact parish council chair Carole Meghreblian
    at (239) 348-3804.

    _St. Gregory the Illuminator Church | Chicago, IL_
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Chicago, IL, will host its 3rd annual
    Armenian Winter Fest and Dance on Saturday, January 21, from 4 to 11 p.m.

    The evening will feature a special performance by the Armenian Dance Company
    of Chicago. Enjoy shish kebob, chicken kebob, and homemade pastries.
    Admission is free. For information [12]click here.

    _St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY_
    The ACYOA of St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will
    host its annual holiday party on Saturday, January 21, beginning at 8 p.m.

    The evening will feature music by Robert Chilingirian, the Khnjooyk Band,
    and DJ Glo. Tickets are $20. [13]Click here to view a flyer for details, or
    e-mail [14][email protected] to make a reservation.
    13. +Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f1b4e0e5f3-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email
    14. mailto:[email protected]


    Armenian Bible published in 1666 in Amsterdam
    The first printed Armenian Bible, published in Amsterdam, 1666.

    _Commemorating 500 Years of Armenian Printing_

    The Diocesan Center in New York will be the venue for a special presentation
    honoring the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing, on the evening of
    Tuesday, January 24.

    Zakarya Mildanoglu, a columnist for the _Agos _Weekly of Istanbul, will be
    the keynote speaker, delivering his remarks in Armenian. Hagop Vartivarian
    will be the master of ceremonies.

    The event, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in Guild Hall of the Diocesan Center,
    will take place under the auspices of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
    America (Eastern), in collaboration with several organizations.

    Admission is free and open to the public. To view a flyer, [15]click here.
    15. iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=f1b4e0e5f3-December_8_201112_8_2011&utm_medium=email


    Khrimian Lyceum
    Khrimian Lyceum students visit Armenia's Mission to the United Nations, in
    New York.

    _Khrimian Lyceum in International Competition_

    Congratulations to the Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum for its strong finish in an
    international competition of Armenian youth organizations sponsored by the
    Republic of Armenia's Ministry of the Diaspora.

    Youth programs from more than a dozen countries were judged on the basis of
    their mission and goals, and on submitted statements outlining their
    history, recent achievements, future plans, and collaborative efforts within
    the broader Armenian community.

    The Khrimian Lyceum (a program of the Armenian Studies section of the
    Diocese's Department of Youth and Education) placed 4th place in its
    category-which represented the highest ranking among American competitors.
    Youth groups from Russia, Spain, Argentina, Georgia, the Ukraine, the
    Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Estonia,
    Karabagh, Australia, and the U.S. were among the contest entrants.

    The list of winners will soon be posted on the ministry's [16]official
