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Jamie Plans To Document His Exploits As An Explorer

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  • Jamie Plans To Document His Exploits As An Explorer


    West Briton
    January 12, 2012

    A JOURNEY around Central Asia on a horse, a trip through Armenia's
    deepest forests and a voyage to the Falklands as a deckhand on a cargo
    ship are among the adventures a journalism student has planned after
    he graduates this month.

    Jamie Maddison, 23, from Camborne, is planning the escapades as the
    start of his freelance career as a journalist, photographer, filmmaker
    and explorer. Jamie, who is just completing his fast-track National
    Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) course at Cornwall
    College's Camborne site, said: "After university I began writing for
    the climbing magazine Climber and this gave me this unquenchable
    desire to explore lost and forgotten corners of the world. "Since
    acquiring the training at the college I feel I've finally now got
    the skills to document and investigate my adventures in a way that's
    sellable to newspapers and magazines."

    His first missions, in early February, will be to the Caucasian country
    of Armenia to write an article about its deforestation problems.

    The Cardiff University graduate has already been on a number of
    expeditions, including climbing in Kyrgyzstan's remote Tian Shan
    Mountains and two weeks climbing alone in South Africa's Cederberg
    Mountains, where he captured self-portraits using remotecontrol
    photography. Jamie said: "Armenia's going to be really exciting,
    although very cold, and I'm still trying to find out a viable route
    with a cargo ship to the Falklands for another crazy idea I have
    in mind."

    He is also planning a 15,000km circuit of Eurasia to commemorate
    the 100th anniversary of a journey by British explorer Sir Charles
    Howard-Bury, who paved the way for the first Everest attempt with a
    reconnaissance mission in 1921.

    In 2013, with expedition partner Matthew Traver, Jamie plans to retrace
    the explorer's footsteps to China's side of the Tian Shan Mountains,
    using exactly the same methods as Sir Charles, including more than
    1,500km on horseback.

    "Our biggest issue apart from funding is trying to find someone
    to support our filmmaking ambitions," said Jamie, who hails from
    Lancashire. "We're hoping to create a documentary of this unique
    insight into one of Britain's most unsung explorers."

    The pair are also seeking advice from experienced riders and farriers
    about caring for horses on so long a journey.

    "It may all blow up in our faces," he said, "but you have to take
    the risk."

    For more information about the expedition visit
    and for further details about Jamie Maddison visit www.punchjour For inquiries about journalism at Cornwall College ring
    01209 616161.
