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2012 Government Program Of Activities And Priorities Approved

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  • 2012 Government Program Of Activities And Priorities Approved

    Thursday, 12 January 2012

    The government held its first sitting of 2012, chaired by Prime
    Minister Tigran Sargsyan. Congratulating the cabinet members on New
    Year and Christmas, the Prime Minister wished them fruitful work.

    The government approved the government's program of activities, its
    rationale, as well as the priorities and the underlying principles
    for 2012. The program includes 135 items altogether covering the
    whole body of ministries and government agencies.

    The priorities for this year are: improved business and competitive
    environment, land use efficiency in subsoil matters, housing for those
    disaster zone households left homeless by the earthquake, creation
    of agricultural cooperatives, strengthening of army discipline,
    popularization of Armenian books, printed heritage and written arts
    in Armenia and abroad, 91 items altogether.

    The government approved the concept, as well as the strategy of
    development of Armenian studies for 2012-2025 and timetable for its
    implementation. The main goal is to bring together the Armenian State
    and intellectuals with a view to turning the Armenian studies into a
    powerful factor for ensuring our nation's ethnic and cultural security.

    The strategy is expected to build up and strengthen the Armenian
    statehood and promote a nationwide awareness of our ethnic identity.

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said the documents provide solutions
    acceptable to all research institutions and experts.

    The government next approved the list of those most difficult
    and difficult, especially harmful and hazardous industries, jobs,
    professions and positions entitling workers to a privileged pension.

    The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs was told to approve an
    application procedure following the entry into force of this decision.

    The government decided to reorganize through merger the Yerevan
    Research Institute of Optical-Physical Measurements and the Research
    Institute of Radio Physics into a National Institute of Measurements
    CJSC. The merger will open up new possibilities for Armenia's
    national infrastructure quality in line with international and
    European standards.

    The Cabinet decided to grant a military service delay until the fall of
    2013 to national football team player Edward Tatoyan. Ararat Chakhoyan,
    who is seeking a Master's degree at the Caen University-Institute
    of Technology (Lower Normandy), was allowed a delay until the spring
    draft of 2013. Student at Moscow Dental University Armen Sargsyan was
    exempted from military service until this fall's conscription campaign.
