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BAKU: The American policy is controlled by Armenians

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  • BAKU: The American policy is controlled by Armenians

    Zerkalo, Azerbaijan
    Jan 7 2012

    The American policy is controlled by Armenians

    The political expert maintains, and threatens Washington that "Baku
    will not toe the US line"

    by U. Axundova
    [translated from Russian]

    The head of the Centre for the Political Innovations and Technologies,
    Mubariz Ahmadoglu, gave a news conference and devoted it to the
    results of December events in the region and in the world. In 2011,
    Azerbaijan achieved great political and economic successes, and
    Azerbaijan's election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security
    Council became a new event for the Asian region countries and the most
    significant political event for Azerbaijan in 2011, he believes.

    "Last year the country also gained impressive victories in economy.
    The gold and currency reserves of the country reached 40bn dollars,
    the state budget exceeded 20bn dollars, and Azerbaijan's military
    budget exceeds the state budget of Armenia by 1.2 times. The national
    economy constitutes 83 per cent of the regional economy," said
    Ahmadoglu. Among the successes of the state last year, the political
    scientist underlined the development of information and communications
    technologies. "In 2011, an important decision was taken to launch two
    satellites of Azerbaijan. The quality of the Internet improved in the
    country, its cost went down," Ahmadoglu said.

    Speaking about the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, Ahmadoglu said that the
    political resources for the resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict exhausted. "Despite the fact that great efforts were
    attached, the meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and
    Russia in Kazan did not produce significant results. And because of
    the fact that the organizers of the meeting made changes to the agreed
    text of the document, it was not signed," political expert said.

    In his view, the collapse of the OSCE Minsk Group's mediation has
    already begun. And theses that "the status quo must be immediately
    changed," "the change of the status quo is dangerous for the region"
    have become just a slogan. The political scientist added that the
    attempts to arrange a meeting and dialogue between the Azerbaijani and
    Armenian communities of Nagornyy Karabakh remained fruitless.
    According to him, it was because the Armenians are not agreeing to
    this dialogue, and generally they do not accept the division of
    communities of Nagornyy Karabakh into Armenian and Azerbaijani ones.

    "The public opinion in Armenia on the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict is
    more and more inclined towards the direction of the surrender, there
    matures a subconscious feeling in society that they failed to
    'privatize' Nagornyy Karabakh," says Ahmadoglu.

    The political analyst believes that the US policy in the region is
    completely controlled by Armenians. He confirmed this with a
    paradoxical conclusion in connection with obvious unwillingness of the
    US Congress to approve Matthew Bryza as the US ambassador to

    "Bryza is one of the two or three most qualified American specialists
    on the CIS [the Commonwealth of Independent States] and the South
    Caucasus issues. Nevertheless, the Armenian lobby in the US Congress
    does not give him the opportunity to work at the post of the US
    ambassador in Azerbaijan. Without permission of the American
    Armenians, the US State Department cannot name a US ambassador to
    Armenia either. There is information about imminent appointments of
    leaders from among American Armenians to high offices in the White
    House and the US Congress," said the analyst. Official Baku sees the
    role of Armenians in American politics and therefore, does not toe the
    US line in its Caspian policy.

    "America wanted us to put the resolution of the Karabakh conflict on
    back burner and deal seriously with the division of the Caspian Sea,
    and they created there problems for themselves. Washington also wanted
    to clash Azerbaijan with Russia. But the US did nothing to help
    Georgia when the country conflicted with Russia. Naturally, Baku
    understood it, saw the role of Armenians in the developments and did
    not go to a confrontation with its northern neighbour with whom we
    have no fundamental disagreements," added Ahmadoglu. On these notes,
    the political expert wrapped up his traditional press conference,
    which as usual, is rich in extravagant conclusions.

    [translated from Russian]
