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BAKU: Former Israeli DM on the Armenian Genocide in Knesset

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  • BAKU: Former Israeli DM on the Armenian Genocide in Knesset

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Jan 13 2012

    Israel's former defense minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer: The hearings
    held at Israeli Knesset on the `Armenian genocide' do not concern
    Azerbaijan - INTERVIEW

    [ 13 Jan 2012 15:25 ]
    `This issue concerns only Turkey'

    `Iran's nuclear weapon can produce undesirable consequences for
    Azerbaijan, too.'

    Baku. Habil Suleymanzadeh - APA. APA's interview with Benjamin
    Ben-Eliezer, member of the Israeli Knesset, former minister of
    defense, infrastructure and industry

    -Mr. Ben-Eliezer, 20 years have passed since the establishment of the
    diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Israel. Mutual visits have
    been paid to Israel and Azerbaijan in the recent months. The trade
    turnover between our states is increasing. What makes these two states
    close to each other?

    -First of all I should say that this is not my first visit to Baku.
    This is my seventh visit to Azerbaijan. I have met with Azerbaijani
    officials and I want all to know - Israelis trust Azerbaijan and
    sympathize with it. There are similarities between our peoples. Both
    states have unfriendly neighborhoods. Israel wishes to enhance
    economic relations with Azerbaijan. We have got advanced experience
    and technologies to offer Azerbaijan - agriculture, alternative
    energy, information technologies and etc. There are sufficient common
    moments and it is not accidental that our relations are moving

    -The committee of the Israeli Knesset has recently held a hearing on
    the `Armenian genocide'. Azerbaijan has a delicate approach to this
    issue. How important is this issue for the Israeli political circles?
    Is it realized in Israel that the recognition of the `Armenian
    genocide' can damage Israel's image in Azerbaijan?

    -Firstly, I must say that this issue does not concern Azerbaijan. The
    essence of the issue is the following - the parliamentarians, who have
    put forward this initiative, want to send a message to Turkey `Don't
    teach us a lesson'. This concerns only Turkey. No one in Azerbaijan
    has a reason to worry about it.

    - But it is possible to hear such thoughts that hearing on `genocide'
    could have a negative impact on the Azerbaijan-Israeli relations....

    - I don't share this opinion because no one in Israel thinks that this
    hearing could effect our bilateral relations. This is an issue caused
    by the current Turkey-Israel relations, because Israel is not
    satisfied with the policy of the current Turkish leadership. Frankly,
    I don't like this initiative, but some lawmakers are very dissatisfied
    with Turkey, but they never think to hurt Azerbaijan. I should say
    again that this issue is related directly to Turkey.

    - By the way, is there a chance for reconciliation between Turkey and Israel?

    - I am an Israeli politician, who calls for dialogue and normalization
    of the relations with Turkey. Now Israel is making all efforts to
    cross the gap between us and reach an understanding. Turkey is an
    important country for us due to its strategic position and economic
    potential. We support the restoration of the relations and
    reconciliation, but the problem is that Turkey has no such intention.
    We don't see any reason to maintain tensions.

    - Currently all international community focuses attention on Iran and
    many hint to the possibility of war. Azerbaijan is concerned about the
    war with Iran that will create difficulties for Azerbaijan. Do you
    share concerns of Azerbaijan?

    - The essence of the issue is that Iran threatens not only Israel and
    the West, but it threatens the Islamic world and its major part -
    Sunnis, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and others. Azerbaijan is
    an Iran's neighbor. Iran does its best to get nuclear weapon. I was
    Israel's defense minister and I guess that Iran could get it in the
    next two or three years. I think Azerbaijan can not be calm in this
    situation. If Iran gets nuclear weapon, it will change its attitude
    toward other countries, including its neighbors. Iran's nuclear weapon
    can produce undesirable consequences for Azerbaijan too. If we recall
    recent threats by some forces in Iran against Azerbaijan, everything
    becomes clear. Ahmadinejad always says that their goal is to destroy
    Israel. How we can keep calmness?! This is a statement of insane and
    inadequate person. Azerbaijan is a small country, but it can defend
    itself, but it shouldn't forget that it has a neighbor, which
    threatens the world.

    From: Baghdasarian