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French historian acknowledged negative public policy of denial in Tu

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  • French historian acknowledged negative public policy of denial in Tu

    Famous French historian acknowledged negative public policy of denial in Turkey

    January 15, 2012 | 01:08

    PARIS. - Pierre Nora, famous for his negativistic ideas, acknowledged
    at a French Mémoire et Histoire (Memory and History) TV program by
    Alain Finkielkraut on France Culture, that Turkey runs a state policy
    of denial, Nouvelles d`Arménie reports.

    He does not change his negative attitude on the bill criminalizing
    denial of the Armenian Genocide and is for establishing an
    international tribune by independent historians, who would have
    expressed their opinion on the Armenian issue. According to him, it is
    the only way to put an end to the problem between the two states.

    `Turkey must recognize it,' he concluded.

    Finkielkraut, who is also against the bill, stated that those debates
    opened their eyes on obvious lie, which presents moderate Islamism by
    the Turkish Justice and Development Party.

    As Armenian has informed earlier, French National
    Assembly passed the bill criminalizing denial of the Armenian
    Genocide. The bill penalizes denial of the genocide intending a year
    of imprisonment and/or 45,000 fine. French Senate will vote on it on
    Jan. 23.

    News from Armenia -

    From: Baghdasarian