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Postponing Elections?

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  • Postponing Elections?

    Postponing Elections?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 15:43:38 - 13/01/2012

    During the first hearing of the case of the ex-chief of the traffic
    police Margar Ohanyan who is accused of embezzlement of public funds
    Ohanyan threatened to make revelations. The court did not accept the
    petition to change the preventive measure. And today on the day of the
    second hearing everyone is waiting for Ohanyan's revelations.

    The press reports guess that the revelations will hardly be related to
    the theft of petrol which could be forgiven, as Ohanyan's ex-boss Alik
    Sargsyan said. Most probably political revelations will be made,
    particularly related to the alleged secret deal of Kocharyan's
    supporters revealed by Serzh Sargsyan.

    The press also suggested that the case of the ex-chief of Criminal
    Investigation of the Police Hovhannes Tamamyan is also related to this
    deal. Interestingly, the investigation would not end, and yesterday
    Tamamyan's attorney Vaghinak Gevorgyan told the Haykakan Zhamanak that
    the investigation may last till the end of the year. It means that
    Tamamyan will not appear in public by the end of the year.

    The silent confrontation between Serzh Sargsyan and Robert Kocharyan
    slips into almost all the political and other affairs in Armenia. For
    example, the resignations of Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan and Mayor Karen
    Karapetyan are also associated with the Serxh Sargsyan's efforts to
    protect himself from Kocharyan's `people'. Vova Gasparyan's
    appointment to the position of the Chief of Police was found by many
    to be a tool against Kocharyan's team, and Vova Gasparyan has already
    said he threw the `fishing net'.

    Against this background, the process in the parliament is interesting.
    For the first time in many years, it is difficult for the analysts to
    predict how many seats each force will have in the next parliament.
    Doubts concern the forces loyal to Sargsyan and Kocharyan rather than
    the opposition.

    Today, Republican MP Gagik Melikyan said his party considers the
    upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in one context. Some
    experts have already noted that the forces loyal to Robert Kocharyan
    will try to receive as many seats in the parliament as possible to
    ensure the platform for Robert Kocharyan's nomination. And Serzh
    Sargsyan evidently fears this.

    Understanding this danger, Serzh Sargsyan's team will perhaps be
    interested in the postponement of the parliamentary elections until
    fall. If the parliamentary elections are postponed from May to
    November, it will be harder for Serzh Sargsyan's rivals to prepare for

    This is only one of the schemes which can be applied in parallel to
    the discussion and adoption of legislative amendments. Amendments
    could be adopted at least because it is hard to find reasons why Serzh
    Sargsyan would be interesting in keeping the single-member districts
    which could be taken by his wealthy rivals.

    From: Baghdasarian