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Will US-Iranian war mean restart of NK war?

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  • Will US-Iranian war mean restart of NK war?

    Will US-Iranian war mean restart of NK war?

    Media fax news agency presented a large article about the regional
    developments which speaks about Iranian-American relations and its
    connection with Nagorno Karabakh issue. presents the article

    While the USA and Israel discuss the possibility and terms of attack
    to Iran, politicians in Yerevan and Baku make predictions. They
    discuss who the war in Persian Gulf may have influence on
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. For Azerbaijani President
    Iranian-American war will have both positive and negative sides.

    If Iran loses the war it will be good for Azerbaijan as Armenia will
    lose its obvious ally. The author of the article discussed an
    incredible version according which Iranian Northern part may be
    separated from Iran and be united with Azerbaijan. But this is an
    impossible version as people in Northern Iran are quite different from
    the population of Azerbaijan and besides this Iran will never let such
    thing to happen.

    But here is an obvious minus for Azerbaijan as well. Military actions
    in Iran will make the country non-stable and millions of Iranian
    refugees may appear in Azerbaijan. This may make destabilization in
    Azerbaijan and `Arab spring' may reach here.

    Azerbaijani authorities are afraid of possibility to be attacked by
    Iran as Iran may attack its neighbors which are possible to be the US
    allies. Naturally, most part of Iranian rackets will be directed to
    Israel, Turkey also may have its part. Iran has recently condemned
    Turkey for permission to settle NATO radar systems in its territory.

    And at last Azerbaijan may get racket attack as it has activated its
    cooperation with Israel despite of the warnings by Iranian side.

    The experts consider that Iran-USA war issue may be cleared up on
    January 23. Three important events will take place on this day. EU
    Ministers of Foreign Affairs will decide something about the embargo
    on Iranian oil. French Senate will discuss bill on criminalization of
    Armenian Genocide denial. And Armenian , Russian and Azerbaijani
    Presidents will meet on this day in Sochi.

    As it is known French President Nicolas Sarkozy with Jewish roots has
    an obvious pro-Israeli attitude in Iranian-Israeli conflict. Sarkozy
    is the only leader of the EU countries who announced recently that `it
    will be necessary to bombard Iran if the latter does not stop its
    nuclear program.'

    Some analysts in Yerevan and Ankara found a connection between French
    anti-Iranian policy and the criminalization of Armenian Genocide
    denial. As they consider Sarkozy is using the issue of Armenian
    Genocide as a measure against Turkey as the latter refuses to joint
    the sanctions against Iran and be with the coalition which is
    preparing war against Iran. If Turkish territory is not used, the USA
    will have real troubles in attacking Iran. So according to the
    presented opinion Erdogan is offered an agreement: Turkey joins the
    coalition against Iran and French Senate does not approve bill on
    criminalization of Armenian Genocide denial.

    And at last point is the meeting of Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani
    Presidents in Sochi. It will lose its meaning if a great war is
    started in Persian Gulf. The peacekeeping efforts will be nothing in
    this situation. Everyone will wait for the end of conflict between
    Iran and the USA. Political expert Andrey Areshev considers that war
    between the USA and Iran may cause the restart of Nagorno Karabakh

    It is significant that independent American journalist Joshua Kuchera
    also spoke about the possibility of restarting the military actions
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan on 2012. He spoke about this in his
    article named `The Big Pit' published in his blog in Eurasia Net.
    Another expert, Alexander Skakov, also agrees with this version. `New
    war in Nagorno Karabakh is quite possible', the expert considers.

    14.01.12, 14:29

    From: A. Papazian