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  • =?windows-1252?Q?Iran's_Big_Mistake?

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 13:16:52 - 13/01/2012

    A closer look into the situation in the Persian Gulf would reveal that
    it is quite hard indeed but talking on the approximation of the
    disaster would be significantly exaggerated. The U.S. and Iran, that
    is two major parties of the confrontation, are well aware of the
    limits of the crisis that cannot be passed, and it is the most
    important thing to understand, talking about the likelihood of

    It is completely clear that the U.S. is not interested in war, and
    even those political scientists in the U.S. who urge to toughen the
    policies regarding Iran, also understand that the war is impossible
    and unnecessary. If the U.S. had intentions to launch military
    actions, it would not have worked out and realized the economic
    blockade of Iran, it would not try to make the economic leaders of the
    world to apply sanctions against Iran.

    The U.S. understood that the current nature and content of the
    sanctions is quite effective and it can force Iran to make
    concessions. The U.S. and its partners are concerned about the
    possibility of blocking the Strait of Hormuz by Iran and drilling in
    the Persian Gulf, and certainly, they will not allow this through the
    demonstration of strength in the region. However, Israel and its
    friends in the world will try to convince Americans to use force
    against Iran, more precisely to destroy the facilities of the nuclear

    Now the entire political and propaganda potential of Israel and the
    pro-Israeli structures everywhere possible are involved in the
    solution of this issue. It is possible to understand Israel, as it
    would like absolute security guarantees but Israel's security in this
    case means a global catastrophe.

    In this connection, it is interesting to follow Russia's behavior, and
    it would be good to understand the answer to the question. `Do
    Russians want a war?' However, in order to answer this question, it is
    necessary to find out first who the Russians are, including
    identification of the origin of the acting Russian president D.
    Medvedev. In addition, this is not a matter of folklore.

    At the same time, the impression is created that in a certain phase.
    Iran, anyway, committed a big internal political mistake, and it is
    worth explaining this point which could help deal with the situation
    in the South Caucasus. About 10 years ago, Britain and Iran restored
    diplomatic relations, and attempts were made to make these relations a
    priority. Britain saw its role as a `general' mediator between Iran
    and the Western community, able to bring the situation to a positive

    At the beginning of the 2000s, Great Britain had no hope to increase
    its influence in Turkey, Arab states, South Asia and its relations
    with Iran would facilitate British business to control considerable
    flows of finance and raw materials. Tehran also understood the meaning
    of partnership with Great Britain for curbing pressure by the U.S. and
    provocations by Israel and its friends in the U.S. It is worth saying
    that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain Robin Cook and
    Jack Straw consistently pursued a policy of `advocacy' of Iran within
    the framework of `global discussion'. London influenced very aptly the
    U.S. position in the direction of Iran during the Clinton and Bush
    administrations, in particular the British played a great role during
    the critical moment of autumn 2001 - spring 2003 when the U.S. looked
    at various options for rocket and bomb attacks on Iran's nuclear
    program targets.

    Apparently, however, great mistakes have been committed in the Iranian
    administration, or certain inadequate behavior motives and all the
    efforts of two countries went wrong. A full collapse happened in the
    Iranian-British relations, from which the U.S. benefited which has war
    intentions with Iran.

    A serious force dropped in the arena of the American policy which
    countered the efforts of Israel and, perhaps, the British policy is
    the only force able to counteract the political attacks of Israel. In
    this sense, Iran lost and no one can deny this.

    At the same time, other events and processes happened which are still
    not clear. Great Britain is catastrophically losing political and
    economic positions in Europe and in the world. The open anti-European
    position of London reached its peak. The British were forced to enter
    the military alliance with France and much more else. Moreover, it all
    reaches the separation of Scotland. In such a situation, it is
    unlikely that the UK has the desire to limit the aggressive ambitions
    of certain circles in the U.S. and Israel.

    It would be good if London was just indifferent, but it is hardly
    possible. The operative-investigative possibilities of the UK in Iran
    do not yield to the U.S. and Israeli opportunities. It was wrong of
    Iranians to ruin relations, especially cut ties with Great Britain,
    which was a bad style of bad policy.

    The question occurs whether it is worth expecting that the role of the
    `general mediator' will be assumed by France which strives for a new
    role in the world and regional policies. Anyway, Russia should not
    expect this role. Americans, as well as Iranians, do not trust Russia.
    It was necessary to supply S-300 to Iran in time, instead of offending
    it by the refusal and sale of these weapons to Azerbaijan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress