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Russia's first report on global human rights slams West, Libya, Geor

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  • Russia's first report on global human rights slams West, Libya, Geor

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, Russia
    Jan 12 2012

    Russia's first report on global human rights slams West, Libya, Georgia - text

    LENGTH: 27194 words

    The following is the full text of "Report on the Situation with Human
    Rights in Certain States", published in English by the Russian
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on 12 January (available in
    various formats at, the
    Russian version of which was published on the ministry's website on 28
    December 2011; subheadings and footnotes as published:


    United States of America

    The situation in the USA is far from the ideals proclaimed in
    Washington. The main outstanding issue is an abhorrent Guantanamo
    prison, which is still detaining 171 prisoners, suspected of having
    ties with terrorists. President B. Obama Enhanced Coverage
    LinkingObama -Search using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60
    Dayssanctioned indefinite and extrajudicial detention and the
    resumption of military tribunals.

    The incumbent administration continues to apply a variety of methods
    of controlling society and interfering in the private lives of the
    American people that were adopted by the special services under George
    Bush on the pretext of the combating terrorism. At the same time, the
    White House and the US Department of Justice shelter from liability
    CIA operatives and high-ranking officials, guilty of mass and severe
    violations of human rights standards.

    There are ongoing violations of international humanitarian law in the
    armed conflict areas and in the course of counterterrorism operations,
    indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force.

    Longstanding systematic problems of the American society are
    aggravating, such as racial discrimination, xenophobia, overcrowded
    prisons, unreasoned use of death penalties, in particular with respect
    to innocent, minor and mentally disabled persons, as well as flawed
    electoral system and corruption.

    There has been a sharp worsening of situation concerning the
    fulfillment of basic social and economic rights of citizens, including
    collective bargaining rights. Permanent deficits of federal and local
    budgets revealed gaps in the judicial system, including inadequate
    access to justice.

    Extraterritorial application of American laws affects Russian-American
    relations most seriously. It leads to violations of the basic rights
    and freedoms of Russians, including arbitrary arrests and abductions
    from third countries, ill-treatment, criminal prosecution based on the
    basis of evidence given by false agents and doubtful evidence (cases
    against Viktor Bout and Konstantin Yaroshenko are the most striking

    During Obama's Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama's -Search
    using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Dayspresidency the USA
    has not expanded its international legal obligations in the
    humanitarian field and still participates only in three out of nine
    core human rights treaties. The Americans have not so far ratified the
    Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
    Women and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (only Somalia
    has not also acceded to it). Washington refuses to cooperate with
    convention mechanisms to consider individual and collective complaints
    related to violations of human rights by states, arguing that American
    judicial system copes with that task without outside assistance.

    In January 2012 it will be 10 years since a special prison in the US
    navy base at Guantanamo was established. 171 prisoners remain in that
    prison (242 at the time B. Obama Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama
    -Search using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Daystook the
    office). There is one Russian citizen among them - R. K. Mingazov,
    arrested in Pakistan in 2002.

    In July 2010 the USA for the first time repatriated a prisoner against
    his will: a 35-year old Algerian A. Nadgy was sent home despite the
    concerns that he will be again subject to tortures by the governmental
    authorities or by islamists.

    B. Obama Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama -Search using:Biographies
    Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Daysrevised his earlier critical
    attitude towards military commissions. He authorized their resumption
    under the condition of giving additional assurances to defendants,
    including restrictions on the use of hearsay evidence and those
    obtained by torture. Regarding 48 most dangerous Guantanamo prisoners,
    against which criminal proceedings could be hardly organized in the
    absence of sufficient proof of their guilt or due to the expiry of the
    statute of limitations, the administration decided to continue its
    practice of indefinite extrajudicial custody. Probably the same
    destiny will be shared by 30 Yemenites, whom the administration is
    ready to repatriate as soon as the security situation improves in
    their home country.

    In September 2006 G. Bush de-facto acknowledged the existence of CIA
    "black site" prisons announcing the transfer of 14 detainees to the
    Guantanamo base. As it became known later, in 2002-2003 special
    services established about 10 similar detention centers, including in
    Afghanistan, Iraq, Thailand, Morocco, Romania, Lithuania and Poland,
    which kept approximately 100 prisoners ''in a legal vacuum".

    On behalf of five former CIA prisoners, the American Civil Liberties
    Union (ACLU) filed a federal lawsuit against Jeppesen DataPlan, a
    subsidiary of Boeing company, which transferred the captives to "black
    site" prisons. However, Obama's Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama's
    -Search using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60
    Daysadministration blocked this case, referring to a state secret. At
    the same time, the US Supreme Court denied the appeal by plaintiffs in
    May 2011.

    In violation of the US international legal obligations under the
    Convention against Torture, the US Department of Justice decided not
    to prosecute intelligence officers, who practiced harsh interrogation
    techniques towards suspected terrorists. Meanwhile, treatment of
    prisoners in CIA black sites was identified as tortures, particularly
    in reports made by the ICRC and by Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of
    Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. Interrogations under torture
    resulted in deaths of several detainees (a special prosecutor J.
    Durham, who in 2009 was tasked to investigate whether the CIA's
    interrogation techniques were legitimate, recommended to initiate
    criminal cases only on two violent deaths).

    Former officials from the US Department of Justice have not been
    sentenced either (for instance, J. Yoo is a professor of law at Berkly
    University, J. Bibby became a Judge of the Nevada Court, S. Bradbury
    is a legal advisor of one of the main presidential candidates from
    republicans for the forthcoming elections, M. Romney). They authorized
    the use of such torture techniques, as forced deprivation of sleep for
    a long time, placing in a box with insects, forced nudity,
    waterboarding and simulated drowning.

    A. Rahim al-Nashiri, who was kept in American "black site" prisons in
    Afghanistan, Thailand and Poland, failed to access justice in the USA.
    In this regard the lawyers of the Saudi citizen filed a request to the
    Polish Prosecutor's Office to investigate the detaining conditions of
    their client in the secret prison in that country. For the same
    reason, this March a Yemen national, M. al-Asad filed to the African
    Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights a lawsuit against another
    state with CIA "black site" prison on its territory, Djibouti.

    Published in 2011, the report with an explicit title "Torture without
    punishment: treatment of prisoners during G. W. Bush administration",
    Human Rights Watch, became an illustrative example. This report,
    compared to the same reports, contains more evidence of crimes during
    G. Bush presidency and indicates persons, who, in view of the NGO,
    should be personally brought to criminal responsibility (G. W. Bush
    himself, former Vice-President D. Cheney, former Secretary of Defence
    D. Rumsfeld, the CIA Director G. Tenet, the President's National
    Security Advisor C. Rice, the Secretary of State C. Powell, the
    Attorney General G. Ashcroft and other high-ranked officials, who
    reportedly "developed a legal basis for the use of torture").

    According to human rights defenders, Barak Obama's Enhanced Coverage
    LinkingObama's -Search using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent
    60 Daysassumption of office did not put an end to the practice of
    spying against "internal enemies" used by American intelligence
    agencies. In particular, since 2008 the investigation is underway into
    the links between a pacifist and trade union movement, and foreign
    entities which the Administration has listed among terrorist
    organizations - Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Popular Front
    for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah. The list of suspects
    includes members of NGOs, teachers, bloggers, religious leaders -
    anyone who openly criticizes the US policy in Latin America and in the
    Middle East. Only last autumn 23 activists were summoned to court.

    In May 2011, the US Congress extended the USA Patriot Act adopted
    after the events of September 11, 2001. Law enforcement bodies retain
    a right to follow those suspected in extremist activities, even if
    they are not connected with any specific terrorist organizations.
    Apart from that, the FBI, National Security Agency and other
    intelligence agencies have reserved almost unlimited powers to tap
    telephone conversations without court's sanctions, as well as to
    intercept electronic and regular mail of individuals and organizations
    suspected of terrorism. Furthermore, they can further request from any
    institutions and business companies any information they are
    interested in, including confidential one (financial accounts, medical
    records, banking statements etc.). The official data published by the
    FBI in 2010 indicate that the agency increased four times the number
    of permanent wiretapping operations. During the same period 24,300
    orders to provide confidential information related to Americans and
    foreigners (for a total of 14,200 people) were forwarded to various

    Early this year with the sanction of Eric H. Holder, Attorney General
    of the United States, the FBI has prepared a classified handbook for
    their agent which gives them the right not to clarify legal safeguards
    to individuals suspected of association with Al-Qaeda and Taliban when
    they are detained on the US territory.

    Following the failed terrorist attack in the Detroit airport in
    December 2009, the list of individuals banned from flying with the
    American airlines, as well as foreign airlines passing through the US
    airspace was almost doubled (before December 2009 the list contained
    about 3,400 names, now it has nearly 6,000 names). As a result, some
    Americans are unable to return to their homes from abroad and remain
    in forced exile. In June 2010, the American Civil Rights Union filed a
    lawsuit against the Government on behalf of 10 American citizens
    included in this list. Human rights defendants believe that the FBI
    uses this practice in order to interrogate abroad persons of interest
    to intelligence agencies without a lawyer.

    Freedom of expression and press is guaranteed in the United States by
    the First Amendment to the US Constitution and has traditionally been
    one of the most protected liberal values; but it has also been
    seriously restricted in the years following the terrorist attacks of
    September 11, 2001.

    According to the Reporters Without Borders organization, in 2009-2010
    the United States held 20th position in the world (out of 178) in
    terms of the level of freedom of press. Another NGO, Freedom House,
    put the US at 25th position in 2010.

    Despite Barack Obama's Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama's -Search
    using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Dayspromise to
    increase the level of transparency of governmental bodies, the US
    Administration has declared a real war against Julian Assange, the
    founder of the WikiLeaks web project that has published thousands of
    files containing classified information about the wars in Iraq and
    Afghanistan, as well as secret correspondence of the US foreign

    Criminal charges were brought against Pfc. Bradley Manning suspected
    of disclosing classified information to the web site. Barack Obama
    Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama -Search using:Biographies Plus
    NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Daysqualified measures taken in respect of
    the soldier as "adequate". Under pressure from international human
    rights defenders, initial conditions of his confinement were improved.
    At the same time he faced 22 additional charges, including "aiding the
    enemy", which can lead to a death penalty.

    Twice this year - on April 11 and July 12 - Special Rapporteur on
    Torture of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Juan Mendez, has
    criticized the United States for its refusal to grant him an
    unhindered and unchecked access to B. Manning.

    In May 2011, Federal Prosecutor sent a summons to the New York Times
    reporter James Risen. The journalist is asked to testify against the
    former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling. According to public prosecution
    office, the ex-CIA officer had provided the reporter with secret
    information which he used to write one of the chapters of his book
    State of War (about CIA's plans to provide Iran with false nuclear
    technologies with the aid of a Russian agent).

    It has been a few years now that the US Congress fails to pass
    legislation entitling journalists to keep their sources secret (except
    for certain situations when a court acknowledges disclosure of
    information necessary).

    Journalists in America have been increasingly losing their jobs due to
    their "politically incorrect" language. Thus, in June 2010 under
    pressure from influential Jewish circles legendary Helen Thomas ended
    her career after he had criticized Israel's actions in respect of the
    Freedom Flotilla. In July 2010, CNN's Middle East affairs senior
    editor Octavia Nasr was fired after she had expressed on Twitter her
    regret over the death of Sayyed Fadlallah, the spiritual leader of the
    Lebanese Shias.

    On November 11, 2011, Dunja Mijatoviæ, the OSCE Representative on
    Freedom of the Media, attacked with severe criticism the US
    authorities for the arrests of journalists who had been covering
    Occupy Wall Street public protests. She qualified the actions of the
    law enforcement bodies as "jeopardizing freedom of the media and
    public interests". On the EU's initiative, this issue was tabled at
    the session of the OSCE Permanent Council on November 17, at which the
    US side had to report on the unlawful actions of New-York police with
    respect to the journalists. The representative of the United States to
    the Council admitted that the "wrongful" detention of journalists
    "would be subject to investigation".

    According to the data provided by the Iraq Body Count project, by
    August 2011 the conflict in Iraq cost up to 111,600 civilian lives.
    These figures are backed by the secret reports from the theatre of
    operations published on WikiLeaks web-site (109,000 lives between
    January 2004 and December 2009). A research conducted by a reputable
    medical journal The Lancet with due account for extraneous factors -
    illnesses, famine, general crisis of the health system and crime
    fighting, etc. - shows that over a single period from March 2003, when
    the US intervention began, to October 2006 more than 650,000 Iraqis
    (servicemen and civilians) died in the country in addition to regular

    In April 2010, WikiLeaks published the so-called Iraq Dossier that
    disclosed previously unknown facts of civilian casualties in Iraq in
    2004-2009. Among other things it includes a 39-minute helicopter video
    of an air attack on Baghdad on July 12, 2007 that killed two Reuters
    reports and destroyed a building with women and children inside. The
    documents show that American servicemen knew about the offences but
    often turned a blind eye to them. The United Nations High Commissioner
    for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay has urged the US authorities to
    carry out an inquiry into these cases and bring those responsible to

    The death toll among the Afghan civilians since the beginning of the
    Enduring Freedom operation in this country in 2001 reached nearly
    11.5-14.2 thousand (up to 34.5 thousand given the indirect death
    factors). Moreover, around 5.7-9 thousand civilians were killed by the
    international coalition forces led by the USA (mostly as a result of
    air strikes and drone attacks).

    Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General
    in Afghanistan, stated on July 14, 2011, that over the last six months
    the civilian casualties increased by 15 per cent compared to the 2010
    level and reached nearly 1.5 thousand (of which 14 per cent died
    because of the international coalition and pro-Government forces). As
    many as 368 civilians were killed in May.

    Violence, intimidation and terrorization practices have been
    continuously used against the civilians by many employees of private
    security companies, actively recruited (more than 110 thousand) by the
    US agents to work in Iraq, such as Blackwater, DynCorp and others. The
    most notorious incident called the "Nisour Square Bloodbath" took
    place in Baghdad on September 16, 2007, when the Blackwater
    contractors (renamed Xe Services in February 2009) shot dead 17
    unarmed Iraqi civilians. In December 2008 five perpetrators faced
    criminal charges that were dismissed a year later by the Washington
    federal court on the grounds of immunity of the guards contracted by
    the government. Xe Services remains one of the three major mercenary
    firms employed by the US Department of State to work in other
    countries, including Afghanistan.

    The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in its
    concluding observations regarding the fourth, fifth, and sixth
    periodic reports of the United States expressed concern about
    increased racial profiling by the US law-enforcement authorities. The
    Committee expressed concern, inter alia, that racial, ethnic and
    national minorities, mainly African Americans and Latin Americans, are
    concentrated in deprived areas with poor housing conditions, limited
    employment opportunities, inadequate access to medical and social care
    and high criminality.

    In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
    Islamophobia has become highly visible in the USA. Thus, e.g., the
    citizens firmly opposed plans to build three mosques in various parts
    of New York (Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island). In Murfreesboro,
    Tennessee, unknown assailants set fire to construction equipment at
    the future site of an Islamic cultural center and placed the sign "not

    Evidence given during the hearings in the US Senate Committee on the
    Judiciary in March 2011 show that adherents of Islam constitute less
    than 1 per cent of the US population, however they are victims of 14
    per cent of all religious discrimination incidents. In general, since
    the 2001 terrorist attacks the US Department of Justice investigated
    800 cases of violence, vandalism and arson against Muslims, Arabs and
    South Asians.

    Under the pretext of combating terrorism the FBI has developed and is
    actively implementing the program for monitoring the Arab and Muslim
    communities. The intelligence agencies propose illegal migrants to
    legitimize their status if they agree to spy on "suspicious
    individuals" within their religious communities, and threaten to
    deport them from the country if they refuse to cooperate.

    In total, according to the Amnesty International, over 32 million US
    nationals at least once in their life have suffered from racial
    discrimination by the law-enforcement authorities. Moreover, the white
    Americans have also been raising the alarm about the increased
    incidences of "black racism". There has been a growth in the numbers
    of both xenophobic groups which, according to human rights
    organization, reached 926 in 2008, and extremist movements of African
    Americans campaigning against the Anglo-Saxons and Jews.

    Willie Lee Bell, a 47-year-old famous black poet, one of the leaders
    of the African American culture, which gained wide public recognition
    for its protest rap songs dedicated to the fight against racial
    discrimination in the USA, was shot dead in Florida on May 30, 2011.

    According to the Human Rights Watch, about 38 million aliens and
    stateless persons currently live in the USA, of which around 11
    million are illegal immigrants.

    The joint report of the National Immigration Law Centre and the ACLU
    of Northern California issued in 2009 show that the immigrants are
    held in conditions similar to, if not worse than those of the inmates.
    Since 2003, 100 people died in US immigration centers.

    >From September 2009 to September 2010 a record number of illegal
    aliens - 392 thousand (a new goal of 404 thousand was established for
    2011) - were deported. The year 2010 set another record - over 250
    immigrants died while trying to cross the US-Mexican border.

    In July 2010 the ACLU together with the Human Rights Watch published a
    report stating that persons with mental illnesses, including the US
    nationals, are often erroneously deported.

    The USA remains a country with the largest prison population
    (according to the US Department of Justice, in 2009 it constituted 2.3
    million) and highest per capita prison population in the world (743
    per 100 thousand people). Every 132 US resident is currently in
    prison. Furthermore, over 140 thousand are serving a life sentence.

    The experts believe that the main reason for the overcrowding in the
    prisons is the steady and general strengthening of the criminal law
    over the last 40 years. Since the 1960s the focus has progressively
    shifted from reeducation to extreme isolation of offenders.

    About 20 thousand people are permanently held in solitary confinement
    which often leads to mental diseases. Detainees of the Pelican Bay
    Maximum Security Prison went on another hunger strike in July 2011 in
    protest at the inhuman conditions of detention.

    The international NGOs are raising great alarm about the situation of
    juvenile offenders in the USA. Today around 90 thousand juvenile
    offenders are serving various sentences, of which nearly 7 thousand
    got a life sentence (1.7 thousand - without parole).

    The human rights defenders are deeply concerned about the situation of
    female prison population (206 thousand in 2008). Twenty-three states
    and the Federal Bureau of Prisons allow handcuffing women during

    In June 2011 an article of Sara Flounders, member of the US Workers
    World Party and leader of the International Action Center, was
    published on the Global Research website containing evidence that
    major US military corporations, in pursuit of excess profit,
    increasingly use prison labor and violate the rights of inmates by
    given them meager pay.

    The American Civil Liberties Union drafted a report, which states that
    over recent 20 years the number of private prisons in the United
    States has increased many times. According to official statistics as
    of 2010, dozens of private prisons hosted 148 thousand of the
    estimated 2.3 million American "prison population". These are 6 per
    cent of all state prisoners, 16 per cent convicted under federal laws,
    and half of the illegal migrants detained in the USA. Human rights
    activists believe that it is groundless to refer to half-empty budgets
    of states and huge federal budget deficit as a reason for
    privatization of a key function of the State - isolation of criminals
    from society. The report explains the privatization of correctional
    facilities by the fact that many states in the U.S. have laws
    establishing long prison terms for minor offenses. The resulting
    benefits go to large corporations that organize part of secondary
    production in prisons to use their very cheap labour force. The study
    by the ACLU has specific facts showing that the situation in private
    detention facilities (morbidity, mortality and violence against the
    prisoners, conditions of their detention) is no better, and often
    worse, than in state penitentiary system.

    Although in March 2011 Illinois became the 16th state in the U.S. to
    abolish the death penalty, it is still used actually in 12 states.
    After 10 years of steady decline in the number of executions (from 98
    in 1999 to 37 in 2008), under Barack Obama Enhanced Coverage
    LinkingObama -Search using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60
    Daysthe number of executions surged to 52 in 2009 and 46 in 2010. Over
    the first 7 months of 2011, 31 death sentences were enforced (the
    first place is consistently taken by Texas: 24 in 2009 and 17 in
    2010). The U.S. government continues to execute minors (22 cases since
    1976) and mentally challenged (at least three in recent five years).
    The total number of inmates on death row in the U.S. is more than 3.2
    thousand people (including foreigners, two Russians among them).

    The chink in armour of the American justice system in terms of capital
    punishment is the perversion of justice. Over the past 30 years, more
    than 130 convicted people had been found not guilty post factum. The
    execution in September2011, 22 years after the death sentence, of a
    black American Troy Davis, advocated by many human rights activists
    worldwide, has once again demonstrated the serious nature of the death
    penalty issue in the United States.

    On July 8, 2011, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay
    expressed deep regret over the execution of Mexican citizen Humberto
    Leal Garcia in the U.S. Back in 2004, the International Court of
    Justice issued a ruling ordering the U.S. to review the cases of 50
    Mexicans, including Mr. Garcia, sentenced to death, on the grounds
    that they were not provided with consular assistance. Navi Pillay said
    that by executing Garcia, the United States violated international

    Human rights activists are concerned by the fact that independent
    candidates are barred from elections and electoral offices, as well as
    the practice of appointing senators to governors' offices in case of
    offices becoming vacant early. In this regard, it is worth noting the
    case of former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich, who in fact
    attempted to sell the seat of a senator from Illinois, which became
    vacant after Barack Obama Enhanced Coverage LinkingObama -Search
    using:Biographies Plus NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Dayswas elected U.S.

    The U.S. is still criticized for failure to comply with international
    labour standards. The U.S. has one of the weakest systems in Western
    countries securing workers' rights for organizing trade unions and
    collective bargaining, and in recent 10 years the country has not
    ratified any ILO convention. There is no effective system of
    arbitration in the event employers deny to compromise. In March 2011,
    the state of Wisconsin passed a law that further restricts the rights
    of workers for collective bargaining. Similar bills are being prepared
    in the states of Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio,
    Oklahoma and Tennessee.

    Mass shootings of innocent civilians by mentally ill persons remain an
    acute problem in the U.S. One of the latest shocking examples is the
    incident of January 8, 2011, in Arizona, where during the meeting of
    Gabrielle Giffords, member of the U.S. House of Representatives
    (Democratic Party), with her voters, the fire opened by mentally ill
    22-year Jared Lee Loughner killed six people (including a judge, a
    clergyman, a 9-year-old girl) and wounded 14, including the
    Congresswoman herself.

    Under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the right to keep
    and bear arms cannot be infringed by authorities. At the moment, its
    bearing for self-defence is permitted by law in 49 states (except
    Illinois). Twenty six states do not require any special license for

    Attempts to toughen up the laws in this area have consistently been
    opposed by advocates of the Second Amendment, including the
    influential National Rifle Association comprising four million people.

    According to the report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
    Services published in 2011, in 2009 (later data not yet available)
    human services agencies received about 3.3 million applications for
    suspected cases of violence against more than 6 million children. The
    checks resulted in strong evidence of ill-treatment against 763
    thousand victims (one in a hundred of Americans minors). Among them,
    1770 people (2.4 per 100,000) were killed, 75 per cent of them at the
    hand or by an oversight of their parents. The greatest number of
    victims (over 80 per cent) are children under 4 years. The vast
    majority of incidents are related to the fact that children were left
    unattended (78 per cent). The second most common cause is physical
    abuse (17.7 per cent), the third one is sexual violence (almost 10 per
    cent), and the fourth one is psychological pressure (7.6 per cent).

    As a result of identified violations of the law, about 211 thousand
    children were separated from their parents or guardians, placed in
    orphanages and foster homes. More than 700 thousand other children
    needed other kinds of public assistance, including medical care,
    defending legal rights in court and preventive registration of their
    mothers and fathers in social security agencies.

    The influential American Bar Association (ABA) in its 2011 special
    report concluded that, due to cost reductions in the judiciary
    institutions of the United States (at the average by 10-15 per cent
    over the past three years) the burden on judges has risen sharply and
    quality of justice has decreased.

    The crisis in the U.S. economy has led to numerous cases of
    litigation. The courts were literally inundated with claims. At the
    same time, 31 states have cut or frozen wages of court officials, 26
    states have discontinued recruiting judges to fill existing vacancies,
    24 states have increased fees from the participants of litigation, and
    14 states have reduced business time of courts.

    In Florida alone, the delays of justice in housing disputes led to
    about $ 10 billion of damage for the participants of litigation. The
    total losses due to prolonged commercial dispute proceedings in the
    largest U.S. city court of Los Angeles (5,400 employees and 600
    meeting rooms) were above $15 billion, while losses for lawyers
    amounted to about $13 billion

    The employees of the judiciary system are beginning to show open
    discontent. In 2010, for example, 330 employees of New York Court of
    Appeals demanded the state government to increase wages (there was no
    salary increase during 11 years). They also complained about the
    excessive workload, since on average every judge handles 3,500 cases.

    Extraterritorial application by the American side of the US
    legislation to Russian citizens is among the main humanitarian and
    human rights concerns in our bilateral relations with the US. First of
    all, they include arrests of Russian citizens in third countries made
    at the requests of the US law enforcement agencies with the direct
    involvement of agents of American special services and agencies.

    Viktor Bout was arrested in Thailand in March 2008 by the local police
    and agents of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
    to be later extradited to the USA and charged with conspiring to
    murder US citizens and servicemen, acquiring and selling MANPADS,
    financing a foreign terrorist organization, money laundering, fraud
    related to cash transfers, and violating US sanctions introduced
    against him in 2004. The Russian Foreign Ministry demanded that
    Bangkok provide the official documents authorizing the extradition of
    the Russian citizen to Washington. Since August 10, 2011, several
    court sessions have been held in Bangkok to discuss the legitimacy of
    the extradition of the Russian citizen to the United States, including
    the procedure of his transfer from the local prison to US special
    agents. On November 2, 2011, the US jury court unanimously found
    Viktor Bout guilty of all charges, and the sentence will be pronounced
    on February 8, 2012.

    Konstantin Yaroshenko was arrested in Liberia in May 2010 with the
    assistance of officers of the United States Drug Enforcement
    Administration (DEA). On May 31, 2010, he was forcibly brought in the
    American territory without any court decision. The Russian diplomatic
    mission was not informed of the arrest of our citizen. Konstantin
    Yaroshenko was subject to both psychological and physical pressure. In
    the USA he was charged with conspiring to smuggle cocaine into the
    United States and sentenced to a 20-year imprisonment on September 7,
    2011. All the evidence was based on intercepted phone calls rather
    than concrete actions.

    Another Russian citizen Stanislav Satarinov (charged with
    narcotics-related crimes and transferred from Germany to the United
    States on April 14, 2011) was arrested in Germany in November 2010 at
    the request of the U.S. Department of Justice as Mr. Zdorovenin
    arrested in Switzerland in March 2011.

    Provocative political games played in the United States around the
    case of Sergey Magnitsky, Hermitage Fund lawyer, who died in Moscow
    pre-trial detention center in 2009, are also directed against Russian
    citizens. A list of Russian officials allegedly involved in the
    lawyer's death (so called ''Magnitsky list'') was drawn up with
    assistance of a number of US law-makers and new bills were brought
    before US Congress to impose visa and financial sanctions against
    those individuals, which violates the presumption of innocence
    principle. In July 2011, the State Department announced its decision
    to restrict access to the US for a number of undisclosed officials of
    Russian law enforcement agencies referring to their involvement in
    Magnitsky case.

    Two Russian citizens face death penalty in the United States. In 2007
    Yuri Mikhel was sentenced to death for complicity in a series of
    murders by the Court in California. He has been held in a separate
    cell with no windows for many years and is not allowed to have walks
    and communicate with other prisoners. Natalia Leshchenko-Wilson is
    charged with killing the ex-spouse of her American husband and her

    Violence against adopted Russian children in US families is another
    grave concern.

    Legal proceedings against Michael Grismore charged with raping an
    adopted Russian girl Ksenia Antonova continue in the United States.
    The defense uses all possible tricks, including forged papers, to
    excuse the defendant. And the social service of the Cherokee County,
    Georgia, delays granting that girl the US citizenship ignoring the
    fact that she has been repeatedly placed in mental hospitals without
    cause and in violation of the procedures existing in the United

    On November 18, 2011, the Court of York, Pennsylvania, passed an
    unreasonably light sentence to the Cravers charged with the death of
    adopted Russian boy Vanya Skorobogatov in August 2009 (the body of a
    seven-year old child had about eighty injuries). Although the
    prosecution called for the capital punishment believing that Vanya
    Skorobogatov died through his foster parents' fault, the Cravers were
    released in a court room after a 1.5-year imprisonment.

    Adoptive mother of a Russian boy Daniil Bukharov Jessica Bigley,
    Alaska, who was filmed to openly abuse him, was found guilty of minor
    offense in August 2011. The administered punishment includes a 180-day
    imprisonment and a fine of USD 2,500 with a three-year test period.

    Dmitry Zharkov came to the United States for medical treatment in 2008
    and is staying with the Ekman family in South Carolina. Contrary to
    their promises they have never launched the adoption procedure
    although the boy's US visa has already expired. As for Julia Oshchenko
    even with the appropriate arrangements in place, the procedure of her
    adoption by US national R.Silanksas has not been formally completed
    either. The child was brought to the United States for medical
    treatment in 2004 and is still there in violation of both Russian and
    American laws.

    EU Countries

    The situation of non-citizens in the Baltic countries, Roma people,
    migrants and refugees, and manifestations of racism and xenophobia are
    particularly troublesome human rights issues in the EU.

    These problems were voiced most clearly at the briefing on racial and
    religious intolerance in Europe held on September 15, 2011, by
    high-profile human rights NGOs Human Rights Watch, International
    Federation for Human Rights and Amnesty International in the margins
    of the 18th session of the HRC.

    Human rights defenders expressed a deep concern over the situation of
    national and religious minorities in the European Union that has
    emerged in recent years. The situation of Muslim minorities as well as
    Africans and Roma people was mainly subject to criticism. A particular
    emphasis was placed on such issues as the ban on wearing pieces of
    clothing traditional for Muslim woman (hijab, niqab, paranja etc),
    raising obstacles to religious worships, appalling conditions of
    detention of illegal migrants, deportation of Roma people etc. The
    situation was described as a purposeful discrimination on the grounds
    of race and religion. The main conclusion suggests that xenophobia and
    intolerance are increasing in the EU while the far-right rhetoric is
    growing more popular. It was noted that the trend is aggravating after
    the well-known terrorist attacks in Norway. It was emphasized that the
    European governments did not try to address it but, on the contrary,
    were using these developments for internal political purposes. It
    mainly concerned Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Meanwhile,
    France was specifically targeted by the critics for its failure and
    unwillingness to comply with appropriate European legislation.
    Switzerland was criticized for banning construction of mosques in the
    canton of St. Gallen.

    Following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (on December 1,
    2009), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union became
    mandatory for implementation by the EU structures and Member States.
    It is applied, however, only in cases when Member States implement the
    EU legislation; it is not applied when they adopt and enforce their
    own national laws that are not directly connected with the EU law.

    After the Charter had become effective, the European Parliament (EP)
    started engaging in monitoring the human rights situation in the EU.
    On December 15, 2010, its plenary session in Strasbourg adopted the
    resolution ''Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union
    (2009) - Effective implementation after the entry into force of the
    Treaty of Lisbon''. The latter stated that the situation with human
    rights in the EU countries is far from being good. The most serious
    concerns were raised by the issues in such fields as freedom of
    movement; privacy and personal information protection; rights of
    refugees and migrants; human trafficking; protection of victims of
    crime; rights of detainees; protection of children, including from
    maltreatment, sexual exploitation, pornography and negative influence
    of the Internet; freedom of mass media; combating racism, xenophobia
    and anti-Semitism; discrimination, including against ethnicities; the
    absence of a strategy of social integration of the Roma
    (Gypsies).''Sanctions for using a language other than the official
    language of a Member State'' were considered an infringement on the
    fundamental rights.

    The criticism of the European Parliament toward the EU is
    characteristic of a halfway approach and has no concrete target: they
    only indicated problems without attributing them to specific
    countries; there are no concrete examples of human rights violations.
    The resolution provides only one such episode, which concerns the
    non-compliance by the European Commission and Council of the European
    Union with the 2007 EP recommendations with regard to the alleged use
    of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal
    detention of prisoners.

    On the whole, however, the EU competence with regard to human rights
    regulations is quite limited since protection and promotion of human
    rights remain the prerogative of its Member States. As far as
    consistency of national legislations with the provisions of the EU
    Charter of Fundamental Rights and other fundamental legal documents of
    the UE is concerned, it is monitored by the European Commission.
    Lately, it has twice warned the EU Member States that steps might be
    taken with regard to the violations of the Charter, including
    initiating legal action in the European Court. The first case was
    related to the deportation of Roma from France (late summer-early fall
    2010); the second one concerned the adoption by Hungary of the law on
    mass media limiting the freedom of expression (December 2010). In both
    cases, the countries preferred not to take the issue to court and
    agreed to modify their legislations in compliance with the
    recommendations of the European Commission. Despite the successful
    resolution of the above situations, the EU problems have not been
    fully eliminated and continue being discussed on various levels.

    The reports by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), which since
    2007 is the main body monitoring human rights situations, admit that
    the existing mechanism for application of the EU anti-discrimination
    legislation is not effective enough; which is especially noticeable in
    the situation of increased racism and xenophobia. It is noted that the
    EU existing legal instruments and their practical application do not
    yield due results in terms of combating discrimination. The registered
    crime related to racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism is on the
    increase everywhere although their statistical registration practices
    leave much to be desired (for example, the data on
    anti-Semitism-related crimes are satisfactory collected only in 6 EU
    countries). There is also poor awareness among the citizens on their
    rights and the existence of organizations supporting victims of such

    Regular public opinion surveys by the FRA among the UE States'
    citizens show that about 75 per cent of those interviewed are not
    aware of their rights and have no idea of where they could refer in
    case of violation of their rights while migrants and minority
    representatives virtually have no knowledge of the EU
    anti-discrimination laws.

    According to the FRA, the Roma, while being the EU largest ethnic
    minority, are suffering, more than any other population group, from
    discrimination, poverty, unemployment, unsatisfactory living
    conditions and low education and healthcare levels. The life
    expectancy among Roma in the EU countries is on average 11-15 years
    shorter compared with that of their native population.

    There has been practice of deportation of Roma into Bulgaria and
    Romania. According to the European Roma Rights Centre, in 2009 about
    10,000 Roma were deported from France and 100 from Germany; in 2010,
    23 Roma were deported from Denmark, 50 from Sweden, 100 from Italy and
    8,000 from France.

    Some EU countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Slovak Republic) are still
    practicing segregation of Roma children in schools, concentrating them
    in special classes for the mentally retarded.

    A year later after the ''Roma scandal'' [1] in France, Viviane Reding,
    the Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for
    Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, said that the European
    Commission had taken steps to bring the legislations of the 27 EU
    countries in consistence with the 2004 Directive on the right of EU
    citizens and their families to move and reside freely on the
    territories of Member Countries; she also noted that 16 countries had
    already successfully implemented the guidelines of the European
    Commission. As of August 11, 2011, however, 11 countries (Austria,
    Cyprus, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Republic of Malta, Poland,
    Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Great Britain) have not yet made the
    necessary changes to their legislations, which can lead to their cases
    being possibly referred to the European Court. That concerns 75
    provisions of the national legislations of the EU countries related to
    family members' rights to entry and permanently reside, residence
    permits for citizens from third countries and provision of safeguards
    against deportation.

    In 2010, the FRA conducted a survey among almost 900 asylum seekers.
    It showed that many of them are unable to receive clarifications on
    the procedure of granting asylum in their native language. In France
    and Greece, those documents are printed only in 5 languages while the
    applicants represent over 100 nationalities.

    Noticeable human rights violations were observed with regard to
    granting asylum and immigration policy during the refugee seekers
    influx from Northern Africa into the EU countries in spring 2011. As
    of May, Italy, France and Malta have received about 25 thousand people
    from Tunisia and 11-12 thousand from Libya. In the refugee camps on
    the island of Lampedusa and on Malta, there was no access to adequate
    medical and legal assistance while the sanitary and hygienic
    conditions left much to be desired.

    Under the EU Dublin Regulation, which determines the procedure for
    considering asylum applications, applicants should wait for the
    decision on their cases in the country of their entry into the EU
    territory. Such practice led to infringements of the rights of this
    group of people.

    In this context, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued the
    judgment on the case M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece, proving the human
    rights violation during the examination of the refugee status

    The ECHR likened the attitude to asylum seekers with abuses and
    inhuman treatment, as the persons while awaiting a decision on their
    applications had no livelihoods, shelter, medical and legal
    assistance. Currently, such practice has been suspended. However,
    since in Greece and Italy there is still a significant number of
    persons awaiting for their applications being examined and the
    conditions of their detention in the camps were not improved, their
    rights are still being violated in these countries.

    According to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA),
    the situation of refugee children unaccompanied by the parents causes
    concern, especially the problem of their inadequate access to
    healthcare, as well as their placement in the asylums for refugees
    together with adults.

    In the EU countries the manifestations of racism represent a serious
    concern in such areas as employment, healthcare, education and
    housing. According to the FRA, ''the racial hate crimes are committed
    every day''. However, from its point of view, lack of the mechanism of
    comparable statistics collection hampers the analysis of this
    phenomenon and European fight against it. At the same time although
    the efforts to establish such a mechanism have been taken, they were

    Information about ethnic discrimination in employment more often came
    from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Romania.
    According to the FRA, in the area of labour in 2009 the following
    groups suffered most from discrimination: North Africans in Italy
    (30%), Roma in Greece (29%), Roma in the Czech Republic (27%),
    Africans in Malta (27%), Africans in Ireland (26%), Roma in Hungary
    (25%), Brazilians in Portugal (24%), Turks in Denmark (22%), Roma in
    Poland (22%).

    According to the FRA, in 2010 in the UK the unemployment among ethnic
    minorities was two times higher than among the Englishmen. A
    noticeable inequality was noted among migrants/minorities and majority
    population. This is typical for migrants in Italy and ethnic Russians
    in Estonia.

    As it follows from the FRA 2009Annual Report, the public opinion
    surveys revealed that the police officers stopped in the streets the
    minority representatives more often than those of majority population.
    On the average the police officers stop 33% of all North Africans, 30%
    of Roma, 27% of sub-Saharan Africans, 22% of the Central and Eastern
    Europe representatives and the former Yugoslavs, 21% of Turks.

    Even before the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Norway the increase
    of hate crimes in Internet aroused concern of the FRA. However, the
    Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime
    (entered into force in 2006), requiring Member States of the Council
    of Europe to criminalize the dissemination of information calling for
    racism or xenophobia through Computer Systems was ratified by only
    eleven EU countries- Germany, France, Denmark, Cyprus, Latvia,
    Lithuania, Romania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Finland.

    In 2010, Germany and Kosovo concluded an Agreement on the gradual
    repatriation of Kosovar refugees, of whom about 10 000 were Roma. In
    2010, 116 children returned to Kosovo, but 75 per cent of them
    experienced serious difficulties in schools, because having lived in
    Germany for 15 years they spoke local languages poorly or did not
    speak them at all.

    This runs contrary to one of the fundamental principles set forth in
    Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states
    that ''in all actions concerning children,...the best interests of the
    child shall be a primary consideration.''

    According to the European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety
    Promotion, more than 19 per cent of children in the EU countries are
    subjected to physical violence in the family. The increase was noted
    in the number of judicial examinations of cases related to child
    sexual abuse, including those committed by the Catholic Church
    representatives and senior officials (for example, in Austria, the
    Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium). At the same time, only ten EU
    countries (Austria, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, Malta, the
    Netherlands, Romania, Finland, and France) ratified the Council of
    Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual
    Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.

    ''Non-citizens'' in Latvia are still deprived of the opportunity to
    participate in the elections to the European Parliament. And it is in
    spite of the fact that the quota of the Members of the European
    Parliament from Latvia (as well as other EU Member States) is
    calculated on the basis of the total population in the country, i.e.
    it also takes into account the ''non-citizens'' living there.

    In 2008, two petitions about the violation of the rights of
    ''non-citizens'' during the elections to the European Parliament: from
    Latvia (over 16,000 signatures collected) and Estonia (over 3,000
    signatures collected) were sent to the European Parliament. According
    to the results of the hearings, the European Parliament gave
    recommendations to Latvia in favor of the claimants. However, no
    changes to the voting procedure have been made.

    The fact of the deprivation of the Latvian ''non-citizens'' of the
    voting right in the European Parliament was noted in the OSCE/ODIHR
    Report concerning the elections to the European Parliament of 2009. In
    spite of the facts that, in the ODIHR's view, the commitments to the
    OSCE related to the domestic elections require granting electoral
    rights only to citizens of the Member States, the situation with
    elections to the supranational body is essentially different. It is
    evidenced by the fact that the EU Member States offer the citizens of
    other EU countries the opportunity to vote in its territory, and the
    example of the UK granting the right to the citizens of the
    Commonwealth, i.e. the States which are not EU Members at all.
    According to the ODIHR, as it stands, the issue goes beyond the
    responsibility of an individual State and needs to be addressed at the
    EU level. Brussels should develop minimum standards of voting rights
    that would contribute to the implementation of ''the fundamental
    principle of the European Union - the principle of equality.''


    According to a number of international and local human rights
    organizations, the human rights situation in Bulgaria remains
    unsatisfactory. It is stated in the Report of the UN Human Rights
    Council on Bulgaria of November 4, 2010, containing 113
    recommendations addressed to the authorities of the country aimed at
    improving the situation in this area. In particular, attention is paid
    to the disproportionate use of force by law enforcement authorities,
    infringement of the minority rights, use of violence against children
    and persons with psychological disorders who are under the tutelage of
    the State and living in specialized state institutions, rampage of
    racist and xenophobic sentiments in society, violation of freedom of
    expression, exerting pressure on the mass media.

    The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee expressed the similar evaluations.
    One notes an increased number of the accusatory decisions passed in
    2010 by the European Court of Human Rights against Bulgaria (71 in
    total) the overwhelming majority of which (61) relate to the
    non-observance by the State of the main provisions of the European
    Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Despite the
    repeated reminders of the need to bring national legislation into line
    with international standards in respect of the greater responsibility
    for the use of force by law enforcement authorities and use of
    firearms, it has not been done yet. Many incidents involving officials
    of law enforcement authorities are still being registered.

    Great Britain

    The British coalition government seeks to maintain the image of a
    vigorous fighter for human rights around the world. Yet, lately London
    has had to make excuses for the wrongdoings of the British authorities
    in this area.

    1. Due to response to the disorders in August 2011, their suppression
    by the law enforcement services and automatic issuance of verdicts to
    the participants in the disorders by the judiciary system, the human
    rights activists brought charges against the authorities for
    interference in the separation of powers and politization of the
    criminal proceedings. The disorders were caused among other things by
    numerous murders of ethnic minorities' representatives committed by
    policemen, racial profiling, lack of trust to authorities and their
    institutions in society and discontent with imperfection of judicial
    and law enforcement systems as a whole.

    After the August events the British courts began to automatically
    issue guilty verdicts to those who participated in the disorders. By
    September, the number of prisoners exceeded the detention capacities.
    According to human rights activists, the conditions in penal
    facilities have been the worst lately; the conditions are largely
    antisanitary. The Wandsworth prison report ''added fuel to the fire'';
    this report listed the facts of abuse of prisoners' rights (no access
    to basic hygiene, etc.). Every month, up to 32 prisoners attempt to
    commit suicide in protest against detention conditions; up to 11 death
    cases are recorded each month and 4 of them are usually suicides.

    2. In September 2011, the special civil commission headed by William
    Gage, finished a three-year inquiry into the death of Iraqi citizen
    Baha Mousa and infliction of grave bodily injuries to another 9 Iraqis
    detained by British soldiers in Basra in 2003. The commission
    concluded that the soldiers of the 1st Bn Queen's Lancashire Regiment
    used illegal and impermissible means of interrogation of prisoners of
    war, in fact - torture. Beatings caused death of one of 10 detainees.
    The Ministry of Defence was officially recognized guilty for failing
    to inform the soldiers of the interrogation standards.

    The chairman of the commission identified 4 soldiers who bear personal
    responsibility for the death of B. Mousa, including Cpl Donald Payne
    (the only British citizen who was convicted for this crime, sentenced
    to one year in prison in 2006 and then acquitted) and Colonel Jorge
    Mendonca, who as the head of the unit should have been aware of the
    wrongdoings by his subordinates. The commission also identified 19
    more servicemen who had been involved in ill-treatment of prisoners,
    including the chaplain of the Regiment.

    It is expected that the conclusions made by the commission will
    significantly influence the British Ministry of Defence, which has
    already become a subject of more than a hundred compensation claims
    submitted by the Iraqi citizens. The criminal proceedings on Mousa
    case are likely to be resumed.

    3. In August 2011, the British media published materials on close
    contacts between British secret services and special units with the
    Gaddafi regime. Specifically, in 2004 the British initiated the arrest
    of A. Belhadj in Thailand, who was one of the leaders of the Libyan
    Islamic Fighting Group (today he is the head of the Tripoli Military
    Council). Then, in collaboration with the CIA he was transported to
    his home country where British intelligence officers took part in his
    ''interrogations'' after he had been tortured by the Gaddafi special

    Furthermore, it was reported that the British secret services followed
    the opponents of the Gaddafi regime residing in the territory of Great
    Britain and regularly reported all their steps to Tripoli. London also
    helped in training Libyan servicemen while SAS officers were sent to
    Libya to instruct the Libyan special forces.

    4. The law enforcement agencies also abuse human rights. In July 2011,
    the Thames Valley Police kept track of those who came to see a
    documentary about nuclear weapons. It was considered a pressure on
    citizens and infringement of the freedom of assembly. Police officers
    toke note of car registration numbers of those who attended the
    screening, and they also filmed and took photos. Similar measures had
    been taken in Great Britain earlier against environmental protesters.
    Peter Burt, director of the Nuclear Information Service, said that
    such measures taken against political activist was a ''hallmark of
    totalitarian regimes''.

    5. The so-called ''Newsgate'' has become one of the biggest scandals
    related to infringement of the right to privacy, inviolability of
    correspondence and telephone conversations. The newspaper ''News of
    the World'', which journalists hacked phones of celebrities and
    politicians, as well as victims of resonant crimes and their
    relatives, was closed. Police and judicial investigations are also
    underway; a dozen of journalists and private detectives were arrested.
    The senior officials of the Scotland Yard had to resign. Law
    enforcement officers might be sentenced to imprisonment.

    6. For the last quarter of the year, several cases were recorded when
    suspects died due to unprofessional actions of the police officers
    during the arrest. Philip Hulmes, 53, and Dale Burns, 27, had a heart
    failure after Taser. Jacob Michael, 25, died from the allergic
    reaction to pepper spray after he had been beaten by 11 police
    officers in front of his relatives and neighbors.

    7. Another resonant lawsuit over the fact of torture, violence, other
    forms of violent or degrading treatment and punishment was the case of
    Kenyan businessman Omar Awadh Omar who sued the British authorities to
    recognize an involvement of the secret services in kidnapping
    terrorist suspects. On September 17, 2010 (two months after the July
    terrorist attack in Kampala) he was kidnapped by the Ugandan secret
    services and accused of arranging the explosion that took 76 human
    lives. At the interrogations he was beaten and tortured. According to
    Omar Awadh Omar, officers of American and British secret services
    participated in the inquiry. In particular, he said that in January
    2011 persons who introduced themselves as MI5 officers, showed him for
    identification photos of British citizens who had ties in Somalia or
    had visited this country. Representatives of the British Foreign
    Office and Home Office traditionally refuse to comment on the
    situation related to the activities of the secret services. They try
    to excuse themselves stating that on March 29 they published an
    instruction for the members of the British diplomatic missions
    obliging them to report cases of torture even if an interrogated
    person is not among those whom they have to render consular

    8. The UK Home Office does not abandon the practice of forceful
    deportation of illegal immigrants, including deportation to those
    countries where they might be subject to torture and ill-treatment. In
    May 2010 it was announced that the government did not intend to refuse
    from ''diplomatic guarantees'' and would expand their application. At
    the same time, it was stated that such guarantees were enough to lower
    the risk of torture. In accordance with this practice, the immigration
    services deported a group of more than 20 Tamils to Sri Lanka in July
    2011. Yet, the deportation did not run smoothly; several illegal
    immigrants preferred to attempt suicide, and one of them said that he
    had received several threatening calls from Sri Lanka. Now they are in
    hospital, but the immigration authorities intend to send them home
    when they leave it.


    The state of the Hungarian penal system, deficiencies in the execution
    of punishments, poor conditions in prisons and pretrial detention
    centers (duration of stay in detention facilities, at the pre-trial
    stage, overcrowded cells, poor feeding etc.) give rise to complaints
    of international and local human rights organizations.

    The situation with the Roma population is a permanent problem of the
    Hungarian authorities (according to the official data, there are
    190-200,000 Roma and according to independent experts this number
    amounts to 1 million people and it is likely to rise almost to 1.5
    million by 2050). The human rights organizations are concerned about
    the consistent trend in the Hungarian society towards reprehension and
    openly negative attitude to the Roma and growth in anti-Roma

    After a number of severe attacks on Roma communities in 2008-2009,
    Hungarian HGOs reported new similar cases. In September 2010, the
    Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for
    the Protection of National Minorities expressed concerns in relation
    to attacks on Roma and noted that despite the arrest of the alleged
    perpetrators, the ''atmosphere of fear'' persists in the country.

    The United Nations Human Rights Committee expressed its concern with
    discrimination against Roma people in education, housing, health care
    and political participation, as well as with the fact that collection
    of statistics broken down by ethnic origin is not carried out in the

    Both international and Hungarian human rights organizations found out
    a number of structural weaknesses of Hungary's criminal justice
    system. One of them is that hate crimes are not qualified as such and,
    therefore, are not properly investigated. In November 2010, in
    materials, prepared for the United Nations Human Rights Council's
    Universal Periodic Review of human rights situation in Hungary,
    Hungarian non-governmental organizations also expressed their concern
    with the fact that crimes tend to be qualified as ''common'' rather
    than as hate crimes with racist motives as an aggravating factor. As a
    result, there are no publicly available reliable statistics reflecting
    the real number of racially motivated crimes in Hungary.

    In Hungary, there are problems related to freedom of speech. Despite
    all the protests, in September and December 2010 the Hungarian
    parliament adopted two new legislative acts on mass media. Both acts
    were criticized by local non-governmental organizations, press and the
    international community because of their possible consequences,
    including restrictions on the contents of articles, lack of clear
    rules for journalists and editors and too wide powers of the new
    regulatory body. All this might result in an unjust limitation of
    freedom of speech. The newly established National Media and
    Communications Authority (NMCA) has the right to impose large fines
    (up to 730,000 euro in case of over-the-air mass media) should it
    decides that the content of the programs contradicts ''public
    interests'', ''universal moral values'', and ''national order''. Fines
    can also be imposed for ''unbalanced'' news reporting.

    In Hungary there have been attempts to revise history, including the
    results of World War II. Janos Lazar, head of the ruling Fidesz
    party's parliamentary group, announced the plans aimed at amending the
    existing criminal code of the country and thus creating a legal basis
    for holding liable those people who were engaged in suppression of the
    ''Revolution and Liberation Struggle'' in 1956, as well as the
    functionaries of the former regime of Janos Kadar. Their actions are
    supposed to be qualified as crimes against humanity with no statute of
    limitation, and assessment of constituent elements of criminal acts in
    such cases will be based upon the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal
    and other international legal acts adopted in line with them. That
    would serve as a legal basis for a legislative rule making it possible
    to reduce retirement pensions of a range of people (former party
    functionaries and public servants, security officers, militia
    employees, Young Communist League functionaries, etc.); the obtained
    funds will be distributed among ''victims of political repressions''.
    Janos Lazar emphasized that the new Hungarian constitution creates a
    foundation for adopting such measures, as it disavows the legislation
    of 1944 - 1990, when Hungary was ''under foreign occupation''. This
    attempt to ''punish'' representatives of the ''socialist past'' and to
    distort the Nuremberg Trials decisions can be viewed as an obvious
    intention to rehabilitate, in retrospect, the regime of Horty, who
    pushed Hungary to fight against the USSR on Hitler's side, as well as
    to justify the crimes of Hungarian fascists who intensely worked,
    among other things, on ''Final Solution of the Jewish Question''.


    Recently, trends in human rights situation in Poland have been studied
    by several international organizations. The fact that Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe in its Resolution 1787, adopted on
    January 26, 2011, classified Poland as one of the countries with
    serious problems with regard to the execution of the decisions of the
    European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), was most widely discussed. The
    main Polish problems include judicial red tape, unreasonable temporary
    detentions for unjustifiably long periods, over-crowding of prisons
    and poor health care of inmates. The existence of such problems was
    proved by the recent verdicts of the ECHR against the Republic of
    Poland: in January-February 2011, the Strasbourg Court obliged Warsaw
    to pay an indemnity of two thousand euro to Mr. Zbigniew and one
    thousand euro to Mr. Oskar for violations of confinement standards,
    and 10 thousand euro to Mr. Kupchak (case 2627/09) for a failure to
    provide the inmate with necessary medication.

    In December 2010, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
    (FRA) presented a report on the observance of the rights of refugee
    children in the European Union countries, mentioning Poland among the
    most troubled countries in this regard. Thus, centers for temporary
    stay of refugee children are often over-crowded with inadequate food
    and health care. Besides, according to the Agency's assessments,
    Polish tutors and teachers are not sufficiently trained to work with
    refugee children. The FRA report also emphasizes that children
    trafficking problem cannot be excluded.

    Recently human rights defenders in Poland have often stated that
    Polish investigative authorities do not pay enough attention to
    manifestations of anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and related
    intolerance. Thus, according to statistics, investigators closed 55
    per cent of such cases in 2007, and 77 per cent - in 2010, because
    ''elements of crimes could not be established''; besides, an
    accusation was made in 36 per cent and 16 per cent of the cases
    correspondingly. Having taken these facts into account, the Polish
    Prosecutor-General forwarded to prosecution offices a circular letter
    recommending to carry out a more thorough analysis of this kind of
    offenses with due account for recent amendments to the Criminal code.
    In particular, new provisions of the Criminal code criminalized
    promotion of fascist symbols in the Internet and simplified the
    procedure of prosecuting participants of rallies and demonstrations
    for crying out anti-Semitic or racist slogans. Human rights defenders
    are looking forward to a revision of such notorious cases as the
    offense against Ms. Zavanovskaya, a Judaism teacher of Maria
    Curie-Sk3odowska University in Lublin, committed by a professor of the
    same university Mr. Edynak, and the case of Mr. Petrasevic, director
    of the theatre NN in Lublin working on the history of the Jewish
    community of that city, whose apartment was broken into. In both
    cases, law-enforcement authorities did not find any ''traces of
    anti-Semitism'' and considered those cases to be just acts of
    hooliganism because the aggrieved persons were not Jewish. Polish
    experts believe that accusations can now be made against football
    fans, who unfolded banners with anti-Semitic slogans during the match
    in Zheshuv in May, 2010.

    As well, the Prosecutor-General's office had to interfere in order to
    revise the sentence for a notorious case related to the vigilantism
    towards a family of Roma people on behalf of Limanov (Malopolskie
    province) residents in July 2010. The local prosecutor's office
    eventually made accusations only against the Roma people themselves,
    having recognized them as instigators of the clash. After the protest
    of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR), the
    Prosecutor-General's Office carried out an analysis of all the
    manifestations of xenophobia in Poland and sent for additional
    investigation 13 out of 48 similar cases initiated during the first
    six months of 2010. As a result, the prosecutor's office of the city
    of Limanov considered the events of July 2010 to be acts of incitement
    to racial and ethnic intolerance and resumed investigation.

    The story of the two children from a family-type orphanage, six and
    nine years old, infected with HIV, who were refused admission to
    day-care centers, schools and private educational institutions of
    Torun, was widely publicized by Polish mass media. After human rights
    defenders, the HFHR above all, interfered, on January 5, 2011, the
    Polish Ombudsman for children Mr. Michalak published a statement
    denouncing any discrimination of the disabled and ill children.
    According to him, the educational institutions and the authorities of
    Torun committed violations of Article 32 of the Constitution of


    Relevant European bodies and human rights organizations continue to
    criticize the Romanian authorities with regard to the human rights
    situation and note a number of serious violations.

    Above all, attention is drawn to the unsatisfactory situation with
    regard to the rights of Roma people, particularly in terms of ensuring
    their access to the labour market and creating conditions for
    receiving proper education.

    Another systemic problem, related to human rights observance in
    Romania, is the violation of citizens' rights for unbiased court
    administration. What is more, the situation is aggravating. The
    citizens of Romania demonstrate the lowest in the European Union level
    of confidence in the legal system - 26 per cent, and this figure is
    decreasing every year.

    Human rights organizations are also concerned with the situation in
    the penitentiary system due to poor conditions of confinement,
    over-crowding of wards and lack of health care. According to them,
    only one third of penitentiary establishments in Romania conform to
    the minimal standards in this area.


    Among the drawbacks of the human rights protection in Finland
    (particularly those pointed out in the reports of the UN Committee
    against Torture and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, ECHR
    decisions) that have attracted special attention throughout 2011, the
    following can be noted:

    In the area of investigation and court proceedings, the periods of
    investigation and court proceedings are unduly extended (up to eight
    years from the opening of the investigation to the announcement of the
    court decision), inopportune and insufficient provision of legal
    assistance, non-observance of the rights of persons under
    investigation during search and seizure procedures. ECHR have adopted
    numerous decisions in this regard, including in 2011.

    The following problems relate to discrimination of refugees and immigrants:

    1) employment discrimination, which affects to a considerable extent
    the Russian-speaking population of Finland. In 2010, the Report of the
    Commissioner for Minority Rights on this topic was presented,
    revealing that the unemployment rate among Russian-speaking immigrants
    is 31 per cent, with 17.6 per cent among immigrants and 8.8 per cent
    in the society;

    2) social discrimination of immigrants, first of all of Roma and the
    Russian-speaking ones (mostly in everyday life). In September 2011, a
    fine was imposed on an owner of a flea market who refused to lease a
    market stall to a Roma woman referring to his previous negative
    experience with Roma;

    3) manifestations of national intolerance on the part of indigenous
    population. Ethnic clashes are rather frequent in Finland. In
    particular, clashes occur among different ethnic groups of immigrants:
    e.g., in June 2010, a mass scuffle broke out in a Helsinki amusement
    park between the Somalis and the Kurds. Cases of vandalism against the
    property of immigrants and their associations are more and more
    common. In 2010, three attacks were made against the property of the
    first ever Buddhist temple in Finland, which is under construction;

    4) intolerance shown by representatives of public authorities towards
    cultural peculiarities of private life of various nationalities. In
    May 2011, the attention of mass media was focused on the thesis paper
    by Johanna Hiitola of Tampere University, in which she proved a
    prejudiced attitude towards immigrants by Finnish courts in cases
    involving foster care. In more than 300 cases examined by the
    candidate, problems related to child-rearing in immigrant families
    were always attributed to the personal qualities of parents and their
    incapability to raise children in a civilized way due to cultural
    characteristics of their countries of origin. But as far as Finnish
    parents were concerned, the main reason for their failure always
    seemed to be ''exhaustion'', and in cases with immigrant parents, this
    reason was never taken into consideration;

    5) redirection of refugees to other EU countries where receiving an
    asylum is much less likely;

    6) lack of humane treatment of refugees and immigrants in cases of
    family reunification. In 2010, wide public attention was drawn to the
    cases of the so-called ''grandmothers'': decisions on deportation were
    adopted in respect of elderly and gravely ill Egyptian Eveline Fadayel
    and Russian Irina Antonova who visited their relatives in Finland with
    tourist visas. Irina Antonova's relatives agreed to the deportation,
    while Eveline Fadayel's relatives sheltered her; afterwards the
    Finnish authorities issued her a visa as an exception. Both women died
    in 2011. The relatives of the deported Russian filed a lawsuit for the
    compensation for moral damage. In September 2011, the Turku
    Administrative Court began to examine a similar case of a 87-year-old
    Kosovo Albanian, Ramadan Kostanica. In 2010, the Finnish Parliament
    deemed it inappropriate to amend the legislation in order to resolve
    that problem.

    7) lack of experts to work with refugees and immigrants. For instance,
    the report of the United Nations Committee against Torture noted the
    complete absence of representatives of national minorities in the

    A high rate of domestic violence on the whole and in relation to
    spouses in particular; widespread violence and victimization among
    students; high suicide rates; extremely high rates of mental disorders
    among children and youth and lack of knowledge about the underlying
    causes; high latency of sexual crimes and insufficiently tough
    punishments for them are also observed. For instance, in August 2011,
    the sentence passed on four men guilty of committing a rape of a
    14-year-old girl triggered wide public indignation. They were given
    from 40 days to 6 months of conditional sentence including a penalty
    of 500 to 3 000 euro. There has been another noteworthy case in the
    year: a man who had conditional sentence for raping a child continued
    to work as a football coach of underage girls, since provision of
    information on prior convictions by persons working as volunteers was
    not required by law.

    Violations in the area of psychiatric/neurologic care have also been
    indentified: lack of independent expertise and medicolegal
    investigation of compulsory hospitalization, performing involuntary
    electroconvulsive therapy, unjustified prescription of potent
    psychotropic drugs when treating the attention deficit and
    hyperactivity child disorder (from the report of the UN Committee
    against Torture).

    Violations of the freedom of speech principle pointed out in the ECHR
    decisions are caused by the restrictive interpretation barring the
    mass media from interfering into private life which is applied in

    The gender pay gap in the area of remuneration for work of equal value
    in private sector - the 'female euro' was worth 81 euro cent in 2010.

    Yet another challenge is the lack of a consistent national policy
    towards the Russian-speaking population of the country, although this
    is the third largest ethnic group after the titular nation and the
    Swedes. The recommendations of the Council of Europe Committee of
    Ministers to ensure the rights of the Russian-speaking population as a
    national minority are poorly implemented. Finland disregarded the
    recommendation of the UN Working Group on Minorities to establish a
    special advisory body on the issues of the Russian-speaking population
    despite the appeals by local organizations of Russian-speaking

    The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has repeatedly noted the
    lack of legislative and political guarantees in Finland of the right
    of the child to express his/her opinion to the official authorities on
    the issues of his/her interest; excessive numbers of children removed
    from families (16 thousand children are now separated from their
    families) and insufficient knowledge of the underlying causes;
    prolonged examinations of guardianship disputes.

    Regarding human rights shortcomings in Finland which are important for
    the Russian side, the following cases remain of utmost relevance:

    1. Salonen Case. In 2008, Russian and Finnish national Rimma Salonen
    took out to Russia her 5-year-old son Anton without consent of his
    Finnish father. The latter immediately called the police, and a
    criminal case was opened. When the mother found it out, she decided
    not to go back to Finland. In 2009 the father took the child from his
    mother by force in the territory of the Russian Federation and brought
    him to Finland in the trunk of the diplomatic car of the Finnish
    Vice-Consul. Rimma Salonen, who came to Finland after her son, was
    convicted of international abduction and was deprived of her custody
    rights. According to Rimma Salonen, free legal assistance provided to
    her was so insufficient that the lawyer refused to listen to her and
    seemed to be interested in supporting the prosecution rather than
    defending her interests. The Embassy recommended another lawyer to
    her. At the present moment Rimma Salonen is allowed to see her son
    once or twice a month in the presence of social workers. Initially
    they were not allowed to speak Russian during these meetings and the
    court confirmed this decision as lawful. After the Russian side drew
    the attention of the Finnish side to the fact that this prohibition
    did not comply with international human rights standards, de facto it
    was lifted. Meanwhile, social workers still do not allow her to talk
    about Orthodox religion during the meetings (even though the mother is
    an active churchwoman and the son is a baptized Orthodox). In June
    2011, Rimma Salonen's representative prepared a complaint for
    submitting to the ECHR.

    2. Putkonen Case: in 2010 Helsinki social workers took Julia Putkonen,
    Finnish citizen, away from her mother Valentina Putkonen, citizen of
    the Russian Federation, and decided that she should stay with her
    father Jouni Putkonen, citizen of Finland, in Saint Petersburg where
    he lives and works. At the present moment, Julia lives in Russia, her
    mother is allowed to see her.

    3. Rantala Case: in December 2009, Robert Rantala, who has dual
    Russian-Finnish citizenship, was taken away by social workers from his
    parents - Russian citizen Inga Rantalaand and Finnish citizen
    Veli-Pekka Rantala. The boy ran away from the orphanage (according to
    the Finnish side, it was his mother who took him from it) and was
    returned to his parents following Presidential Ombudsman for
    Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov's intervention. In June 2010 the
    mother of the boy, having his father's written consent, took him to
    Saint Petersburg. Inga does not plan to return to Finland where she
    has to appear before court on charges of inflicting bodily harm on her
    son, which was the main reason why the boy was taken away from his
    parents. According to Inga, she is trying to escape trial not for fear
    of punishment, but in order to prevent her son from being returned to

    4. According to the ruling from the Russian court, Clara
    Sitnova-Toivonen, citizen of the Russian Federation living in Finland,
    was the guardian of her grandson V. Bogdanov, who was taken away by
    Finnish social workers in 2009 and placed in an orphanage. During the
    holidays, which the boy was allowed to spend with his grandmother, she
    took him to Saint Petersburg to their relatives and, at the boy's
    request (he is older than 12), transferred custody rights to them, as
    the boy wanted to live in a family rather than in an orphanage. When
    she came back to Finland, legal proceedings were initiated against her
    for child abduction.

    5. A 15-year old daughter of I. Tiensuu was taken away from her mother
    in autumn 2010 following a suicide attempt. According to her mother,
    the girl tried to commit suicide after being raped and it had nothing
    to do with the situation in the family. Both mother and daughter filed
    written objections against the girl's placement to an orphanage. The
    reply to the Consular Office's request was that, according to the
    Finnish legislation, any suicide attempt gave grounds for taking a
    child away and that Finnish social workers considered the requirement
    of the Consular Convention between Finland and the USSR to inform
    consular offices of a detention of any national of the Sending state
    inapplicable to children being taken away.


    More and more often France becomes a target for criticism from
    international and domestic human rights organizations (Amnesty
    International, the International Federation for Human Rights,
    Reporters without Borders and others). Human rights activists are
    increasingly concerned with the current governmental policy aimed at
    toughening immigration policy, stepping up fight against illegal
    migration, as well as new approaches to and requirements for
    immigrants' integration into French society, conditions in French
    prisons and interference in the work of mass media.

    French authorities' expulsion campaigns of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma
    (who flooded the country after the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria
    were allowed visa-free access to the Schengen states for 90 days)
    provoked the strongest response from human rights activists. Starting
    from July 2010, Paris has been dismantling illegal Roma camps and
    expelling their inhabitants back to their home countries (at the
    expense of the state budget), which has drawn criticism not only from
    human rights activists but also from Brussels.

    The second large-scale expulsion campaign that also resulted in many
    protests of human rights activists concerned the natives of North
    African countries (mainly Tunisia), who tried to get to France
    illegally through the Italian island of Lampedusa and continental
    Italy under the pretext of the Arab Spring. Paris took severe measures
    - border control at the Italian-French border was temporarily
    restored, intruders were caught and headed back home.

    Human rights NGOs fiercely criticize any attempts by the government to
    tighten requirements for integration of legal immigrants into French
    society. Particularly, in the past year the legislation was amended to
    make it more difficult for immigrant families to reunite, obtain the
    right for refuge and French citizenship. The law passed under Jacques
    Chirac yet which banned wearing religious symbols in state educational
    institutions is being strictly observed. It is prohibited to wear
    hijab in public places, to conduct religious ceremonies and to pray in
    the street.

    French officials sweep away all accusations of human rights activists.
    The authorities promise to intensify the fight with illegal
    immigrants. It is noted that not only Arabs and Roma, but all illegal
    immigrants regardless of their origin are being expelled.

    The immigration law, which came into force at the end of 2007 and
    restricted the right for family reconciliation, allowing DNA tests in
    order to prove family links, is widely criticized even by the State
    Ethics Commission.

    The ECHR and the UN Committee against Torture regularly register
    violations of the 'non-refoulement' principle and of the state's
    obligation to ensure effective right to legal assistance.

    The French judicial system is often criticized by the EU and human
    rights NGOs. Investigations are unreasonably prolonged; as the process
    of moving the cases on to courts. During court proceedings, access to
    case files for defendants is extremely limited. Ill-treatment of legal
    and illegal immigrants and French citizens of foreign origin by
    policemen is becoming more and more common during preliminary
    detention and repatriation process. All human rights organizations
    note an actual impunity of French policemen as well as biased
    approaches of judges and the inadequacy of their decisions in similar

    According to Amnesty International and the Council of Europe
    Commission, French prisons are the worst in the European Union due to
    their unsatisfactory state in terms of overcrowding and unsanitary

    France was criticized for the law adopted in March 2004 to prohibit
    wearing religious symbols in public schools that characterizes it as
    infringing on the rights to freedom of religion and restricting the
    right to education. Muslim girls face the choice - either to remove a
    head covering or leave a public school.

    Human rights activists were especially concerned with the situation
    related to the deportation of Roma.

    On August 19, 2010, deportation of Roma to Romania and Bulgaria began.
    In total, the government planned to deport about 700 Roma on a
    voluntary basis. Each deported adult received 300 euro and a child 100
    euro from the government. On August 20 and 26 airplanes with Roma left
    for Romania.

    On September 9, 2010, the European parliament urged France to
    immediately suspend the deportation of Roma migrants to Bulgaria and
    Romania. Actions by Paris were condemned by the United Nations.

    France ignored the European Parliament's call to suspend the
    deportation of Roma. In view of Viviane Reding, European Commissioner
    for Justice, Paris violated the EU laws on the freedom of movement.

    There are about 400,000 Roma in France, the majority of which live in
    that country for centuries. All of them are French citizens, their
    nomadic life is considered to be a cultural heritage and the law
    obliges local authorities to allocate plots of land to Roma camps.
    There are also about 15,000 descendants from Eastern Europe, mainly
    from Romania and Bulgaria.

    In 2009 about 11,000 of Eastern European Roma were expelled home, but
    many of them soon returned to France. Since the beginning of 2010
    France expelled to Romania and Bulgaria about 8,000 Roma with 1,000 of
    them in August only.

    The scandal with Roma has lead to toughening of immigration
    legislation in France. An initial version of the draft immigration law
    was supplemented with provisions that any foreign individual who
    threatened the life of policeman, gendarme or any other
    law-enforcement official could be deprived of French citizenship.

    Moreover, draft law provides for a simplified procedure for the
    expulsion of illegal Roma residents and includes a directive on return
    that allows an administration, in addition to expulsion, to prohibit
    the return to the European Union for 3 to 5 years.

    Federal Republic of Germany

    The report of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
    Rights, published in the end of May 2011, raised a range of concerns
    about the situation with human rights in Germany, particularly in
    connection with the persistence of social and labour discrimination of
    refugees and migrants, limited access to the labour market for the
    persons with disabilities, poor living conditions in the nursing homes
    for the elderly, the lack of preschool institutions for children, the
    prohibition of strikes for some categories of state officials, the
    gender-based discrimination in employment and professional career.

    A special emphasis is placed on the need to address child poverty
    (according to the Committee, 2.5 million of children in Germany live
    below the poverty threshold).

    The majority of human rights concerns are related to the migration
    policy of Germany. Actions taken in this area by the German government
    were criticized by Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe
    Commissioner for Human Rights, who said that migrants should not be
    required to learn the language of the country of stay and adapt to the
    national peculiarities of life in Germany as soon as possible. In his
    letter to the Federal Minister of Interior of Germany of November 15,
    2010 (Thomas de Maizière at that time, the incumbent Minister of
    Defence), Thomas Hammarberg noted the discriminatory policy of Berlin
    towards the representatives of Sinti and Roma and called to abandon
    the practice of their deportation to Kosovo.

    The report of the Advisory Committee on the Council of Europe
    Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities on the
    human rights situation in Germany (December 2010) indicated the need
    to create more favourable conditions for encouraging national
    minorities to use their native tongues in daily life.

    The report submitted to the Human Rights Council during its 14th
    session (June 2010) by Githu Muigai, the UN Special Rapporteur on
    contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
    related intolerance, highlighted the intensification of the ingrained
    racist attitudes in Germany and the insufficiency of efforts made by
    the national authorities to eradicate these problems. It also
    criticized legal regulations on stay applied in Germany to refugees
    which does not grant them a right to a free choice of a place of

    Well-known human rights NGOs, including Amnesty International, Human
    Rights Watch and others, have repeatedly described the facts of
    xenophobia and racism, deficiencies of the penitentiary system and
    deterioration of the situation of migrants and refugees. The human
    rights defenders are concerned with the refusal of Germany to sign and
    ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on
    Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. According to Amnesty
    International, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany receives
    annually up to 12 thousand complaints concerning violations of
    political, economic, social, national and religious rights.

    The NGO accuses security forces of detaining persons suspected of
    involvement in terrorist activities and extraditing them illegally to
    the States of their nationality (and highlights the lack of
    "diplomatic guarantees" that suspects will not be subject to torture).
    In this context, the human rights community notes that in January 2011
    the German Federal Ministry of Justice declined the proposal of
    Wolfgang Neskovic, a Bundestag deputy from the Left Party, to request
    extradition of 13 CIA agents from the United States of America. They
    are suspected of abducting Khaled al-Masri, a German national of
    Lebanese origin, in Macedonia in 2003 and illegal detention in a
    prison in Afghanistan. In 2007 the Administrative Court of Munich
    satisfied the request of the Prosecutor's Office for issuing arrest
    warrants against those agents, but the German Federal Ministry of
    Justice "soft-pedaled" the case.

    To provide additional facts of violations it can be mentioned that in
    January 2011 mass media published information that mail correspondence
    of the German soldiers serving in Afghanistan was secretly examined,
    allegedly, by officers of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and
    Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD).

    In 2010 the ECHR ruled against Germany in 26 cases concerning
    violations of fundamental rights and freedoms, related primarily to
    the refusals of the judicial authorities to release dangerous
    offenders, who had served their prison sentences for grave offenses,
    but were still considered dangerous for the society. The Court asked
    the German lawmakers to revise relevant regulations.

    Human rights defenders particularly regret that Germany has not yet
    ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption, as well as
    the Council of Europe criminal and civil law conventions on


    Sweden has been criticized for human rights violations by the
    international institutions (the UN, the European Court of Human
    Rights, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament) and by the
    leading non-governmental human rights organizations (Human Rights
    Watch and Amnesty International).

    In particular, in 2011 the UN Human Rights Council drew attention of
    the Swedish authorities to the need to take actions to combat racism
    and xenophobia, hate crimes and discrimination of migrants and
    representatives of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, as well
    as to eradicate violence against women.

    Quite many cases and complaints against Sweden are brought before the
    ECHR, most of them referring to the European Convention for the
    Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (an average of
    more than 400 cases and a dozen of condemnatory judgments per year).

    The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has
    repeatedly criticized the Swedish policy towards national minorities
    and migrants, noting that the Swedish migration authority often
    refuses to grant residence permits to people who really need an

    The human rights organizations Human Rights Watch and Amnesty
    International reiterate in their reports that the Swedish migration
    authority sometimes refuses to accept applications for asylum from
    nationals of Eritrea. As a consequence, refugees are exposed to a risk
    of being deported to the country of their origin, although the Office
    of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees advised the
    governments of all countries to suspend the forced return of people to
    that country.

    When deciding on asylum issues, particularly those with political
    background, the Swedish authorities sometimes use double standards. An
    example of such practice is the politically motivated refusal of the
    Swedish side to extradite those accused of committing grave crimes
    (Magomed Uspaev and Aslan Adaev) to Russia. The provision of all
    evidences of their involvement in criminal activities, including
    gangsterism and terrorism, to the Swedish authorities has had no

    There is still an urgent need to address problems related to racial
    discrimination, particularly in employment, as the Swedish companies,
    in most cases, prefer to recruit native citizens. According to the
    Center against Racism NGO, the difference in the numbers of immigrants
    and native citizens working in their professional areas today is about
    20 per cent.

    The Council of Europe and some international human rights
    organizations note that Sweden does not make enough effort to comply
    with the Council of Europe convention on the rights of national
    minorities signed in 2000. According to experts, Sweden is not active
    enough in registering its people, speaking the languages of national
    minorities (there are five languages with such status in Sweden). It
    is emphasized that the Swedish authorities are responsible for
    providing all children of the representatives of national minorities
    with an opportunity to receive education in two languages: their
    native language and the Swedish language.

    Furthermore, in January 2009 the law on examination of electronic
    messages (2008:717) entered into force. According to the law, the
    special services of Sweden may track any relevant information on the
    Internet and tap mobile and stationary phones of any person suspected
    of criminal or terrorist activities without a warrant issued by
    judicial authorities. It is noteworthy that the abovementioned
    "anti-terrorist" law does not preclude the continued operation of
    Kavkaz-Center website run by the Chechen combatants at the server of
    the Swedish Internet service provider.

    Baltic States

    Discrimination policy by the Baltic States authorities towards
    Russian-speaking minority remains practically the same.

    The unresolved problem of mass statelessness in Latvia (about 330,000
    non-citizens) and Estonia (about 100,000 non-citizens) and resulting
    violations of the rights of Russian-speaking minority in the said
    countries are of particular concern. Despite the continued
    recommendations by international and human rights organizations the
    procedure for naturalization has not been simplified for older persons
    and children of non-citizens are not automatically granted birthright
    citizenship. Thus, the problem of statelessness is being

    The problem of granting active and passive voting rights to
    non-citizens in Latvia and active voting right in Estonia at municipal
    elections remains unresolved despite the fact that this category of
    residents of Baltic States represents good-faith taxpayers. That also
    refers to concern expressed by the United Nations Committee on the
    Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) with restrictions on
    non-citizens' rights to participate in political parties.

    CERD is concerned with an excessive focus on Estonian language and use
    of language sanctions, and all the more so because punitive measures
    do not motivate national minorities to study state language and to the
    naturalization. The same situation prevails in Latvia.

    With Latvia and Estonia having mass statelessness and extremely low
    naturalization as their main problems, narrowing of Russian
    information and cultural and educational space and persecution of
    veterans of the Great Patriotic War and law-enforcement authorities of
    the former USSR is also taking place in Lithuania, besides the
    above-mentioned countries.

    Of special concern is the policy continued in all three Baltic states
    to rewrite the history of World War II (glorification of Fascist
    henchmen, public meetings of Waffen SS legionnaires, desecration of
    monuments, demonstrations and camps of nationalist youth, persecution
    of veterans sacrificing their health and often their lives to liberate
    Europe, including Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia from Nazi
    enslavement), equalization of Nazi and Soviet regimes, attempts to
    glorify Nazis and their local collaborators. This policy is one of the
    main factors to promote neo-Nazi, racist and extremist sentiments that
    provoke manifestations of nationalism, xenophobia and anti-semitism,
    racial and religious intolerance.


    A distinctive feature of the human rights situation in the Latvian
    society is mass statelessness. According to the Office of Citizenship
    and Migration Affairs of Latvia, as of July 1, 2011, it amounts to
    319,267 people (about 14.3 per cent of the country's population) and
    is gradually decreasing mainly due to mortality and migration.

    A total of 79 restrictions of rights of ''non-citizens'' are
    maintained, including such fundamental ones as the right to vote and
    be elected. This also includes the bans on professions (47 in total).
    ''Non-citizens'' in Latvia cannot hold state and municipal offices,
    serve as judges, prosecutors, be elected as associate judges and serve
    in the army. They are also denied of the right to establish political
    parties, conclude real estate transactions without the consent of the
    municipal authorities, etc.

    The authorities do not recognise ''non-citizens'' as national
    minorities. Latvia ratified the Framework Convention for the
    Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) on May 26,2005, with two
    reservations that cancelled the provisions of the Convention, under
    which national minorities in places of their compact residence are
    given the opportunity to communicate in their native language with the
    authorities, as well as to use the native language in topographical
    names. Furthermore, the additional declaration adopted by the Latvian
    Parliament upon ratification clarifies that the said Convention does
    not apply to ''non-citizens'', whereas more than 50 per cent of the
    population living in the largest cities of Latvia (Riga, Daugavpils,
    and Liepaja) is Russian-speaking in terms of its ethnic composition.

    In recent years, the rate of naturalization is steadily falling (from
    19,169 people in 2005 to 2,336 people in 2010), and the policy of
    integration of the Latvian society came to a deadlock. In the document
    approved by the Latvian Government in October 2011 ''The Major Issues
    of the Policy of National Identity and Social Integration
    (2012-2018)'' key guidelines are formulated aimed at full assimilation
    of the Russian-speaking population. This programme states that the
    priority areas of activity of the Latvian authorities in this sphere
    are as follows: consolidating the positions of the Latvian language
    and culture, ensuring adherence to European democratic values,
    ''forming a cohesive national memory'' based on loyalty to the concept
    of ''the Soviet occupation''.

    The consequences of such a policy had been so negative that they
    became a subject of permanent concern of European human rights
    institutions and other international organisations. Problematic human
    rights situation in Latvia has recently been noted, inter alia, by the
    OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek (in
    November 2010 at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting in Vienna, in
    February 2011 during a visit to Latvia, in April 2011 in the remarks
    made at the International Peace Institute in New York and the Woodrow
    Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.); the
    Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg (in
    December 2010 at the 4th Council of Europe Conference on Nationality
    in Strasbourg); the Committee of Experts on the Application of
    Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour
    Organization (in December 2010 at the meeting of the ILO Committee).

    On March 30, 2011, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
    (CMCE) adopted a resolution on the implementation by Latvia of the
    Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM).
    This made possible the publication of the assessments by an
    independent monitoring body of the FCNM - the Advisory Committee (AC).
    The resolution generally confirmed the assessments by the AC. It notes
    that the problem of persistent significant number of ''non-citizens'',
    including among children born after August 21, 1991, requires a
    priority solution. It points to the unacceptability of language
    discrimination in the sphere of labour and communication, the
    reduction of opportunities for education in the languages of the
    national minorities in Latvian public schools. It contains a call for
    Latvia to eliminate the shortcomings concerning the participation of
    the national minorities in the life of the society, including
    municipal elections.

    On May 5, 2011, the 11th session of the working group of the United
    Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) on the Universal Periodic Review
    (UPR) in Geneva considered the situation with human rights in Latvia,
    including on the basis of the report prepared by the Government of the
    Republic of Latvia on the human rights situation in the country. The
    report contains, as usual, a rather blurred picture, which does not
    give a full understanding of the true state of affairs in this sphere,
    whereas not all Latvian NGOs by any means were involved in preparing
    the report. First of all, those are excluded that represent the
    Russian-speaking population. Among them is the Latvian Human Rights
    Committee (LHRC).

    In this regard, the LHRC submitted an alternative paper to the Office
    of the High Commissioner for Human Rights prepared on the basis of its
    own research in the area of mass statelessness, language
    discrimination, the unequal situation of minorities on the labour
    market, the significant demographic differences between Latvians and

    The LHRC, in particular, draws attention to the fundamental
    differences in the estimates and points contained in these materials,
    although both were based on the same pattern. For example, the
    Government of the Republic of Latvia mentions the international
    documents to which the Latvian authorities acceded, and the LHRC
    refers to those that Latvia does not hasten to join because they
    provide for the right to submit individual complaints to international

    Following the discussion of the situation in Geneva, in which the
    representatives of 43 Member States of the UN, including Russia,
    participated, a whole range (122) of practical recommendations was
    offered to the Latvian side.

    On September 6, 2011, the Government of Latvia at a closed meeting
    considered the recommendations of the HRC following the discussion of
    the human rights situation in Latvia in Geneva at the 11th session of
    the working group of the HRC on the UPR on May 5, 2011. As appears
    from the press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia on
    this matter, a number of key claims, in particular, the immediate
    elimination of the status of ''non-citizens'', are completely
    unacceptable to Riga.

    The situation of ''non-citizens'' deprived of voting rights was
    described as ''a challenge for Latvia'' by the Head of the Limited
    Election Observation Mission of the Office for Democratic Institutions
    and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
    Europe (OSCE/ODIHR) Konrad Olszewski, who was in the country in
    September 2011. In his opinion, the Latvian Government does not pay
    enough attention to the issues of social integration, while the OSCE
    has no effective leverage but to constantly remind of its human rights
    recommendations and periodically draw attention to the situation in
    this area. ''The fact that ''non-citizens'' do not participate in the
    elections and remain without representatives,'' emphasised Mr.
    Olszewski, ''still is a difficult task.'' He also noted the absence in
    Latvia of the right to stand for election as independent candidates,
    which contradicts its OSCE commitments.

    The inaction of the Latvian authorities and their virtual disregard
    for multiple recommendations of the international institutions
    prompted a number of Latvia's human rights organisations (the Union of
    Citizens and ''Non-Citizens'', the Humanitarian Perspective, and the
    LHRC) to request information from 12 international organisations in
    August 2011 on how these bodies respond to Latvia's non-fulfilment of
    these recommendations. It notes, in particular, that from 1995 the
    number of ''non-citizens'' declined by approximately 380 thousand
    people (from 700 thousand to 319,267 people). 40 per cent of them
    acquired Latvian citizenship through naturalization, 32 per cent died
    in this status, 17 per cent emigrated, and 11 per cent took
    citizenship of the third countries. At the same time, the process of
    naturalization has gradually slowed down in recent years: only about 1
    per cent of ''non-citizens'' undergo this procedure annually.

    On September 9, 2011, the Head of the United Congress of Russian
    Communities Alexander Gaponenko, a ''non-citizen'', demanded from the
    Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia to recognise the
    article of the Law on Elections to Local Authorities, which secures
    the right to elect the self-government institutions only for the
    citizens of Latvia, as inconsistent with the Constitution of the
    country. Mr. Gaponenko's argumentation is based on the fact that
    Article 91 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia guarantees
    the implementation of human rights without any exceptions or

    On August 28, 2011, at the regional conference of the Russian
    compatriots of the Baltic States in Riga a prominent human rights
    activist, the representative of the LHRC Vladimir Buzaev promulgated
    the report ''Ethnic Policy and Demography of the Russian Population in
    Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia'', in which he virtually accused these
    countries' authorities of the genocide of the Russian population.

    To substantiate his version, Mr. Buzaev referred to three features
    that are characteristic of such actions.

    The first one is the deliberate creation of the living conditions for
    an ethnic group aimed at its total or partial physical annihilation.
    The second includes measures intended to prevent child births within
    such group. The third is the forcible transfer of children from one
    ethnic group to another.

    In respect of Latvia, it is manifested, according to the author, in
    the fact that the mortality rate among the national minorities is on
    average higher by 18 per cent, and the birth rate is by 25 per cent
    lower than those of the Latvians. In comparison with 1990, the number
    of students in Latvian schools decreased by 14 per cent, and of
    Russian schools - by 64 per cent. In 2009 the number of first-grade
    pupils in Russian schools was 20 per cent lower than the number of
    seven-year-old non-Latvians, while the figure for Latvian schools was
    12 per cent higher than that for seven-year-old Latvians, because due
    to the closure of Russian schools, the Russian-speaking parents have
    to send their children to schools with education in the Latvian

    The discrimination policy of the Latvian authorities with regard to
    national minorities leads to the intensification of interethnic
    confrontation in the Latvian society and unties the hands of the
    radical nationalists, who from the 10th Saeima (from October 2010)
    wage an ever-strengthening attack from the parliamentary rostrum on
    the positions of the Russian language in the country. In practice,
    this has already been manifested in the adoption of their bill on a
    severe increase in the fines for the failure to use the state language
    and the expansion of the list of professions that require a high
    proficiency in Latvian.


    According to the latest data provided by Statistics Lithuania,
    national minorities account for 13.2 per cent of the Lithuanian
    population. [2] Representatives of national communities living in
    Lithuania, as well as a number of authoritative international
    organizations view the official Lithuanian policy as sometimes
    inconsistent with the principles of international law regarding the
    protection of the rights and interests of national minorities. The
    Polish minority of the country is especially insistent in expressing
    its discontent, enjoying the support of Poland, a strategic Lithuanian
    partner in the European Union, and its officials. In the last two
    years, a number of Russian-speaking political and social organizations
    act together with the Polish community to defend their rights. Thus,
    two largest national diasporas share basic similar goals directed
    against the policy of local authorities seeking to assimilate the
    country' minorities in disregard to the fundamental international
    instruments, which include the Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of
    the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE. [3] Official data
    provided in recent years by Statistics Lithuania clearly confirm the
    trend towards downsizing of national communities. [4]

    Lithuania has not acceded to the European Charter for Regional or
    Minority Languages (Strasbourg, 5 November 1992) despite the fact that
    within its territory the nationals of the state ''traditionally use''
    minority languages and the said languages are ''the mode of expression
    of a number of people justifying the adoption of the various
    protective and promotional measures provided for in this Charter''.

    National minorities report a significant setback in pursuing their
    rights over recent years: in 2009, the Department of National
    Minorities and Emigration of the Government of the Republic of
    Lithuania [6] was dismantled, the Law "On National Minorities" (of
    November 23, 1989) expired [7] leaving many of its provisions
    unimplemented. It has become significantly more difficult for national
    minorities to receive information in their native language. [8] The
    Seimas began to discuss amendments to the Law on Science and Studies
    of the Republic of Lithuania to substantially reduce the number of
    teaching hours in native languages, as well as to introduce a single
    state language exam for students of both Lithuanian schools and
    schools for national minorities. The demands of national minorities to
    use their names according to the rules of their native language remain
    unsatisfied. Disregarding the established practices and European
    legislation Lithuania has banned the use of minority language (along
    with the state one) in geographical names, even in localities where
    its representatives comprise more than 80 per cent of total
    population. In 2008, the Administrative Court banned the use of
    Russian and Polish languages for signs and topographical indications
    in the places of compact residence of national minorities (Vilnius and
    Åalèininkai districts), the ruling also contradicts the provisions of
    Article 11, Paragraph 3 of the Framework Convention. In 2010 alone,
    there had been reported several administrative punishments in form of
    fines against local self-government officials and entrepreneurs for
    public use of the Polish language (along with the official language,
    of course).

    The new version of the Lithuanian Law on Education (adopted on March
    30, 2011) does not comply with certain provisions of the OSCE
    documents and does not reflect the opinion of Russian and Polish
    communities that had managed to collect over 60 thousand signatures
    against it on the eve of a vote in the Seimas. Thus, according to the
    Charter of Paris for a New Europe of November 21, 1990, the CSCE
    participating States undertake to improve the situation of national
    minorities (not to worsen it), and according to the Paragraph 33 of
    the Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human
    Dimensions of the CSCE (29 June 1990) to provide such protection, they
    ''take necessary measures after due consultations, including contacts
    with organizations or associations of such minorities''. It should be
    also noted that in their comments regarding the amendments to the
    Lithuanian Law on Education, Lithuanian officials were referring to
    statistics not directly related to students of national minorities'
    schools (it is about how successful national minorities' schools
    graduates enter Lithuanian high schools and graduate from them).

    Besides, the Polish and Jewish communities demand speedy resolution of
    issues related to property restitution, noting the infringement of
    their rights compared to the representatives of the titular nation.

    A report on Lithuania published in September 2011 by the European
    Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) highlights the legal
    vacuum in the regulation of the situation of national minorities left
    by the expiry in 2010 of the 1989 Law on National Minorities and views
    it as a serious flaw in the human rights protection. The provision of
    the Law on Presidential Elections that impedes Lithuanian citizens of
    non-Lithuanian origin from standing for presidential elections has
    been also subject to criticism.

    ECRI pays traditionally close attention to the situation of Roma. It
    is noted the Program for the Integration of Roma into Lithuanian
    Society for the years 2008-2010 had not produced any tangible results,
    despite some positive initiatives undertaken to remedy the situation
    in the field of education. The most problematic areas are the
    employment of Roma and provision of housing to them.

    The Commission draws attention to the continued manifestations of
    anti-Semitism already reported in the previous monitoring cycle.

    There is a lack of clear policies in relation to the situation of
    other national minorities. The role of the Council of National
    Minorities is minimized in the situation when its advice practically
    is not being sought. ECRI draws attention to the problems of national
    minorities concerning the implementation of the right to get education
    in their mother tongue: scarcity in minority language textbooks, lack
    of properly trained teachers, actually increasing share of education
    in Lithuanian language in minority schools, in other words, the actual
    displacement of other languages from the learning process.

    The international community's evaluation of Lithuania's human rights
    performance (on October 11, 2011, the UN Human Rights Council in
    Geneva reviewed the human rights record of Lithuania as part of the
    Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights of UN Member States)
    indicates serious persistent problems of human rights in Lithuania -
    the discriminatory policy of the authorities towards national and
    linguistic minorities, manifestations of racism and anti-Semitism,
    poor condition of the prison system, human trafficking, violation of
    human rights of children, women and people with disabilities, etc. UN
    Member States made a significant number of recommendations to
    Lithuania. Russia especially stressed the need to eradicate the
    manifestations of racism and neo-Nazi attempts to revise the outcome
    of World War II and cease the glorification of Nazi henchmen and
    prosecution of anti-fascist veterans, as well as the discrimination
    against Lithuania's Russian-speaking population in both cultural and
    linguistic spheres. In October 2011, during the examination of
    Lithuania's human rights performance by the UN Human Rights Council in
    Geneva under the Universal Periodic Review, Lithuanian Minister of
    Justice Remigijus ÅimaÅ¡ius actually equated the Soviet Union to the
    Nazi Germany in his statement, saying that ''both regimes violated
    human rights'' and ''occupied Lithuania''. Such offensive remarks made
    by an official representative of the state being the
    OSCE-Chairman-in-Office are especially intolerable.

    Distortion and falsification of facts and events related to World War
    II, the ''Soviet period'' of Lithuania and the period of gaining
    independence, are growing in scale in Lithuania and, in fact, become
    the pillars of state policy. Lithuania continues to launch large-scale
    campaigns linked to ''important'' dates associated mainly with the
    ''black pages of the Soviet past'' and country's ''fight'' for
    independence: the 20th anniversary of shooting of the ''border
    guards'' in Medininkai (in August 2011, on the request of the
    Prosecutor General's Office of Lithuania the District Court of Vilnius
    has ordered the arrest in absentia of three citizens of Russia: A.
    Ryzhov, C. Mlynnik and A.Laktionov, suspected by the Lithuanian side
    of murdering Lithuanian ''border guards'' at the ''checkpoint'' in
    Medininkai on July 31, 1991, and issued a European Arrest Warrant),
    the 22nd anniversary of the ''Baltic Way'' campaign, the 20th
    anniversary of the death of Arturas Sakalauskas, who is called ''the
    last victim of the occupation of Lithuania'' and ''a defender of the
    Supreme Council'', a remembrance day of the ''Soviet repressive
    organs'' victims in Tuskulenai, etc. Top governmental officials and
    the foreign minister regularly participate in such events reiterating
    the well-known ''postulates'' about "Soviet occupation", the need to
    compensate the ''damage'', ''Soviet genocide of Lithuanians''. The
    Lithuanian side places a strong emphasis on the ''historical
    significance'' of the Treaty on the Foundations of Inter-State
    Relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Russian Soviet
    Federal Socialist Republic (as it contains a reference to the
    annexation of Lithuania in its preamble).

    Consistent efforts to establish the vision of occupation in the legal
    framework of the country are mainly being undertaken by the
    legislative authorities, mass media and partisan NGOs. Thus, the
    conservative government has recently approved an idea to grant the
    status of victims of occupation of 1939-1990 to those who after the
    restoration of independence of the Republic of Lithuania were forced
    to undergo military service in the Red Army. In addition, a draft law
    was introduced to the Seimas designed to grant a status of the
    participant in resistance to the Soviet occupation regime not only to
    those who fought against the first occupation of 1940-1941 but also to
    those who fought against an occupation regime in 1944-1990.

    Lithuanian authorities both in the country and international fora also
    continued to aggressively raise the issue of crimes of Soviet
    law-enforcement structures during the events of January 13, 1991. To
    promote it, including in the anti-Russian context, in addition to
    multi-level actions concerning an incident in Vienna with M.V.Golovaty
    Vilnius also used the trial against Algirdas Paleckis, chair of the
    Socialist People's front, prosecuted for his public statements running
    counter to the official Lithuanian version of the events of January
    13, 1991, in Vilnius (some witnesses gave evidence for A. Paleckis in
    the court proceedings. Meanwhile, Lithuanian authorities are trying to
    hush up those facts).

    Vilnius continues to make considerable efforts to inflate the historic
    significance of heroic struggle of Lithuanian partisans, the so called
    Forest Brothers. The state-supported action such as the opening of the
    monument in honour of the fighters for the freedom of Lithuania who
    maintained contacts with western countries through the Baltic Sea in
    1944-1953 in Sventoji received a wide coverage.

    Despite the fact that the year in memory of the victims of the
    Holocaust was announced in Lithuania and the law on compensation of
    immovable property of Jewish religious communities was adopted, the
    official Vilnius continues to shade inconvenient historic facts
    related to the extermination of Jewish population of Lithuania during
    World War II with the participation of Lithuanians themselves. Various
    anti-Semitic actions by nationalists which are not virtually
    suppressed by public authorities should be noted.

    Demonstrations by young Neo-Nazis have been organized in Vilnius in
    recent years. In August 2011 the National Youth Union of Lithuania
    using the public funds organized a summer camp in Deveniskes, a place
    inhabited by national minorities, under nationalist slogans
    ''Lithuania for Lithuanians'' and ''cleaning out Slavic and Germanic

    Characteristically, historic claims of Lithuania go beyond the Soviet
    period. The theme of the uprising of 1831 against the Tsar power is
    actively engaged through a number of commemorative events.

    Historic themes are also widely covered in local periodicals.
    Bookstores have plenty of tractates, including by the Chairman of the
    Seimas Committee on National Security and Defense Arvydas Anusauskas,
    telling about the crimes of the Soviet totalitarian regime and heroic
    resistance of Lithuanians to Soviet occupants. Recently, a latest
    offer appeared on sale -a book in Lithuanian by Timoty Snyder
    explicitly called ''Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin'' and
    published with assistance by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
    Republic of Lithuania. However, to be fair, it should be noted that
    local people do not hunt for such literature.

    Local school teaching books also advocate a biased approach towards
    history. In view of local Russian experts, they give a one-dimensional
    overview of the centuries-old Russian history with a focus on Ivan the
    Terrible, Peter I, Lenin and ''bloody'' Stalin. The school history
    curriculum consciously portrays an unattractive image of Russia which
    should be afraid of.


    Estonia has about 100,000 non-citizens whose legal status is a special
    invention of Estonian authorities to ensure that this group of people
    be not subject to international conventions, including the 1954
    Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961
    Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and be excluded from
    official statistics showing the number of stateless persons. Too high
    language requirements and absence of the automatic granting of
    citizenship to children of non-citizens and policy towards
    assimilation of our compatriots pursued by Estonian authorities
    resulted in lower rates of naturalization. In 2010 only 1,184 people
    received Estonian citizenship (7,000 people in 2005).

    Today there are no grounds to believe that in the near future Estonian
    leaders will be ready to take real measures to overcome existing
    situation, although relevant international organizations, local
    communities and even members of Estonian parliament proposed such
    steps to this end as automatic granting of citizenship to children of
    holders of grey aliens' passports, simplified naturalization of
    stateless persons born in the territory of the Estonian Soviet
    Socialist Republic/Estonia, full or partial abolition of language
    requirements for granting citizenship to all those who reached pension
    age and not only to those born before January 1, 1930, as now.

    Another systematic problem of Estonia is practical non-operation of
    provisions of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National
    Minorities. That instrument was ratified by Estonia on November 21,
    1996, with a declaration that only citizens of the Republic of Estonia
    may be considered as ''national minority''. On that basis the
    authorities have long refused to accept requests by municipalities of
    places inhabited by Russian-speaking minority to grant an official
    status to the Russian language referring to the ratification law.
    Currently, non-citizens account for considerably more than the
    required 50 per cent in area in the Republic where they constitute a
    majority of the population but the situation persists.

    At the same time, municipalities of the North-East part of the country
    where our compatriots mostly live adapted to the present situation
    (records are managed in Russian, including discussion of and voting on
    various issues with final documents and protocols in the state
    language being backdated) and do not intend to draw the government's
    attention to that issue again being aware of its firm position.

    Another acute problem is the policy pursued by the Government of
    Estonia aimed at full abolition of Russian-language education, at the
    level of gymnasiums for the time being. Despite the fact that existing
    Estonian legislation (Law on the basic school and gymnasium) provide
    for a possibility to study not only in Estonian but also in other
    languages, the Ministry of Education and Science does not believe in
    the need to strictly implement the rules of law. The plan to develop
    an education system for 2011-2020 that was made public does not
    provide for studies in public schools in languages other than
    Estonian. Over many years relevant higher educational institutions do
    not train teachers for Russian schools. The former and current
    Minister of Education Tonis Lukas and Jaak Aaviksoo, respectively,
    said that the norm in the said Law that schools can exist with
    instruction in other languages than Estonian is an exception that will
    be never allowed and thus demonstrate both legal nihilism of some
    Estonian leaders and disrespect towards their legislation. Starting
    from the current academic year 60 per cent of disciplines in all
    gymnasia will be taught in Estonian that can but lower the quality of
    education first of all of Russia-speaking pupils.

    The parliamentary elections held in March 2011 that conserved the
    previous political landscape do not give grounds to expect positive
    changes in the human rights in the near future. In this connection one
    should note an opinion of human rights activists of the Legal
    Information Centre for Human Rights based in Tallinn that Estonian
    authorities skillfully play in that field and even a few cases
    identified in recent years and publicized by the centre are
    interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights, as a rule, against
    claimants due to lack of clear signs that their rights were infringed

    Estonia continues to see increasing Neo-Nazi manifestations. This
    August an annual sports and military competition Erna 2011 funded by
    the Ministry of Defence was organized again to virtually glorify
    actions by the Abwehr subversive units in the rear areas of the Red
    Army in August 1941. Public meetings of Waffen SS legionnaires that
    became traditional are held in Estonia, the ''Bronze Soldier''
    (monument to the Liberators of Tallinn from Nazi invaders) was removed
    from the historic centre of Tallinn.


    On the night of May 26, 2011, the Georgian police scattered the group
    of protesters in front of the Georgian Parliament. One of the
    protesters died, dozens, including women, were brutally beaten. Not
    only protesters, but journalists as well became victims of the
    repressions. All this is just one more evident proof of the critical
    situation with human rights in Georgia. Tbilisi's actions became
    another flagrant violation of the right to peaceful assembly and
    freedom of opinion and expression. Respective strict recommendations
    were addressed to the Georgian authorities this January during the
    first stage of the Universal Periodic Review procedure undergone by
    Georgia in the framework of the UN Human Right Council.

    In August 2011, the Amnesty International published a report
    criticizing Tbilisi for the forced deportation of temporarily
    displaced persons (TDP) from temporary shelters. The report notes that
    as a result of armed conflicts in the 1990s and 2008 TDP currently
    represents about 6 per cent of the Georgian population (247,000
    people). For more than 20 years the majority of them have not been
    able to exercise their right of return, have not received permanent
    accommodation and experienced considerable difficulties in employment
    and accessing medical services in the absence of social and economic

    In the midst of new deportations started this July human rights
    activists note that Tbilisi's policy leads to the deterioration of the
    TDP situation and goes against Georgia's international legal
    obligations. In particular, the rights of the TDP to preliminary
    notice of deportation, return to their original places of residence,
    compensations and new adequate accommodation are not ensured. Georgian
    Government also does not take measures for social adaptation and
    economic support of the victims, moving people to isolated and less
    developed regions of the country with limited employment

    It is noted that in the period from June 2010 to January 2011 more
    than one thousand people were moved from Tbilisi to remote parts of
    the country with no basic infrastructure and extremely hard living

    Although in 2005 the Georgian Parliament ratified the Council of
    Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities,
    Tbilisi made a number of substantial reservations regarding its
    implementation. Particularly, Georgia stressed that it was not
    possible to guarantee the Convention's full entry into force until the
    territorial integrity of Georgia is restored. Concerning support and
    development of minority languages, the Parliament pointed out that the
    state is obliged to provide national minorities with an opportunity to
    learn the official language, but did not acknowledge the state's
    obligation to support minority languages and promote their
    development. At the present time the Georgian Parliament continues to
    delay the ratification of the European Charter for Regional or
    Minority Languages that is strongly recommended by the Council of
    Europe in order to create a legal framework corresponding to European
    standards for the protection of human rights.

    The draft resolution by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of
    Europe (CMCE) on Georgia's implementation of the Framework Convention
    for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) in 2010 notes that
    the main challenge the authorities face is ensuring language rights of
    the national minorities. Despite the fact that the Georgian
    authorities take efforts to ensure the teaching of Georgian for the
    minorities, these efforts clearly do not satisfy the existing
    requirements. Participation of the national minorities in the
    cultural, social, economic and public and political life is noticeably
    limited. A concern has been expressed that the escalating
    interreligious tension in Georgia has a particular influence on the
    situation of national minorities.

    The concluding observations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of
    Racial Discrimination (CERD) on Georgia's reports on the human rights
    situation in the country in August 2011 point out the absence of
    legislation for the protection of minorities. It is noted that the
    Criminal Code does not have any anti-racist regulations. Racism is not
    considered an aggravating circumstance in a crime. Experts think that
    these factors explain the small number of court cases on racial
    discrimination. Instances of preconceived attitude and domination of
    negative stereotypes about ethnic and religious minorities in mass
    media, public statements by politicians and school textbooks are
    causes for concern. In addition, the experts noted that some
    minorities have been openly presented as ''enemies'' since the 2008
    conflict. They expressed concern over the messages about arbitrary
    detentions and ill-treatment of foreigners by law-enforcement

    The experts observed poor knowledge of Georgian among the minorities,
    which is an obstacle to their full integration into society, adequate
    education, employment and representation in government institutions.
    Ignorance of Georgian language is also cited as a reason for multiple
    arbitrary detentions by the police. Another negative factor is the
    lack of detailed statistics on many social groups, including
    minorities, TDP and refugees. It was noted that a large number of
    children are not registered at birth. A few paragraphs in the text
    deal with discrimination against Azerbaijani and Armenians, oppression
    of Roma, obstruction to repatriation of Meskhetian Turks, distressed
    state of the TDP and refugees who for many years have not been
    supported by integration programs.

    The Report of the UN HRC Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued
    after their visit to Georgia (final text is planned for release by the
    next session of the Human Rights Council in March 2012) arrives at the
    conclusion that judicial authority is in complete dependence of
    executive authority in the country. The Working Group was shocked by
    the situation in the penitentiary system, where possible release
    entirely depends on the prisoner's money and connections. The Report
    mentions that the law-enforcement officials in the country enjoy
    almost complete impunity.

    Georgian authorities intentionally pursue discrimination policy
    towards Azerbaijani, the largest national minority in the country. The
    total number of ethnic Azerbaijani in Georgia is about 300,000 people
    (about 7 per cent of the country's population).

    In the region of Kvemo Kartli Azerbaijani sector in middle schools is
    systematically reduced and Georgian applicants are given preference in
    public service employment. In addition, some incidents leading to the
    aggravation of interethnic relations took place here in December 2004
    and March 2006.

    Georgian enclaves are being purposefully formed in the areas of
    compact settlement of Azerbaijani.

    The Law on Cultural Heritage envisaging an additional tax for the
    inhabitants of Tbilisi's historical part adopted by the Georgian
    Parliament led to discrimination against ethnic Azerbaijani. The
    historical part is where mostly resides the city's Azerbaijani
    population, the majority of which have low income. Representative of
    the Azerbaijani community claim that this is an attempt to drive
    Azerbaijani out of the capital using economic levers.

    The map of Georgia containing Azerbaijani villages under Georgian
    names posted on the official web-site of the Georgian state register
    can be considered one of the latest anti-Azerbaijani provocations that
    triggered public response. Those included 5 villages in Marneuli
    district and 12 villages in Tsalk district - all of them in the region
    of Kvemo Kartli (Azerbaijani name is Borchali). Starting from 1990s,
    38 localities have been renamed, and this trend continues. Such
    actions of the Georgian authorities undoubtedly hurt national feelings
    of the local population and do not help raise their popularity. As a
    result, immigration of Azerbaijani to the neighboring Azerbaijan is
    becoming mass-scale.

    In 1944, there was mass deportation of Meskhetian Turks (about 90,000
    people) from Georgia to Middle Asia. Upon its accession to the Council
    of Europe in 1999, Georgia undertook to adopt within two years a law
    on repatriation of Meskhetian Turks granting them Georgian citizenship
    and to provide for their return within the next decade (i.e. till the
    end of the current year). The relevant law adopted in Georgia in 2008
    has declarative character and does not provide for any real incentives
    or guarantees for repatriates. The return process depends on a number
    of severe restrictions and bureaucratic requirements which are
    difficult to meet. Repatriation virtually does not take place. This
    issue is occasionally raised in the framework of the OSCE, in
    particular by its High Commissioner on National Minorities K.
    Vollebaek. In the conclusion of the Advisory Committee on the Council
    of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National
    Minorities for 2008 it is noted that there are many difficulties with
    repatriation ranging from requirements to file applications to
    financial problems of implementation of the Meskhetians' integration
    programs. In its Report on Georgia in 2010 the European Commission
    recommended the country to take urgent measures for integration of the
    Meskhetian population that should relate not only to Meskhetian Turks
    but also to local Georgian population, which is still hostile towards
    the Meskhetians, in particular in the regions historically inhabited
    by the Meskhetian Turks'.

    On July 26, 2010, Chairman of the International Meskhetian Turks
    Community ''Vatan'' S.M. Barbakadze was arrested in Georgia. The
    circumstances of the case show that his arrest has no legal grounds
    and is a provocation aimed to prevent mass return of Meskhetian Turks
    to Georgia. After the arrest of S.M. Barbakadze his son R.S.
    Barbakadze addressed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights N.
    Pillay and to the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights T.
    Hammarberg. In January 2011, S.M. Barbakadze was sentenced to 11- year
    imprisonment and a large fine. The health situation of that aged man
    has further considerably worsened during imprisonment. The
    international human rights institutions and non-governmental
    organizations continue to closely follow his case.

    According to official data, the Armenian community in Georgia consists
    of 246,000 people. Due to a high level of emigration of the Armenian
    population from Georgia to Russia, Greece and other countries of
    Europe, which is mainly preconditioned by difficult socio-economic
    situation and unemployment in the country (about 35 per cent of
    working-age population of Georgia), already in early 1990s most of the
    Armenian intelligentsia and successful businessmen left the country.

    In accordance with the resolution of the Georgian government the
    ''bilingual education'' system was introduced, according to which
    Armenian schoolchildren are taught the school disciplines in their
    native language only in primary school, and then such disciplines as
    chemistry, physics, mathematics etc. are taught in the Georgian
    language and the history of Armenia is taught in the Armenian

    The district of Samtskhe-Dzhavakheti inhabited by Armenians (Dzhavakh
    in Armenian) is in disastrous socio-economic situation. About 40 per
    cent of the population have to travel to Russia in winter to earn
    their livelihood (about 20,000 people have Russian citizenship). The
    administrative positions in the local self-government are
    predominantly occupied by Georgians. In January 2009 the situation was
    aggravated by the arrests of the director of the Armenian youth center
    ''Akhaltsikhe'' G. Minasyan and of the president of the charity
    organization ''Charles Aznavour'' S. Akopdzhanyan charged by Georgian
    authorities of separatist activities and espionage. The action was
    unanimously condemned by Armenian public organizations both in Georgia
    and Armenia (including the parliamentary ones). In June 2009 the
    deputy of the Armenian National Assembly, chairman of the expatriates'
    union ''Dzhavakh'' Sh. Torosyan was refused entry by Georgian border
    control officials. In this connection the MFA of Armenia expressed an
    official protest to Tbilisi.

    Russian citizens, primarily ethnic Georgians, coming to Georgia on
    private business, become targets of provocations and abuse by Georgian
    special services. Different spying scandals that are being invented
    become more and more far-fetched.

    They have worked out the following scheme: confiscation of passport,
    ''invitation for an interview'' during which the Russian citizen is
    proposed ''cooperation''; while arms, illegal drugs or counterfeit
    money are ''found'' with those who refuse. V.V. Vakhania, Doctor of
    Law and member of Russian Journalists Union, and P.G. Bliadze, retired
    lieutenant-colonel of the Russian army, were imprisoned on such
    fabricated ''cases''.

    Doctor of Law V.V. Vakhania residing in Moscow has worked for a long
    time for Russian Prosecutor's Office and is a member of the Union of
    Journalists of the Russian Federation. In 2008 he also received
    Georgian citizenship.

    In summer 2008 V.V. Vakhania arrived on private business with his wife
    and three children in his hometown of Zugdidi. In October 2008 trying
    to return to Moscow with his family V.V. Vakhania was not admitted to
    an airplane. Without any explanation, his documents were confiscated,
    and he was being forced to admit spying for Russia.

    On March 11, 2009, a journalist accused V.V. Vakhania of threatening
    her, and on March 15 his house in Zugdidi was searched. In the course
    of the search an assault rifle with ammunition and grenades were
    ''found''. At the end of March 2009 V.V. Vakhania was arrested on
    clearly fabricated charges: Illegal Interference into Professional
    Activity of Journalists (Article 154 of the CC of Georgia) and Illicit
    Purchase, Keeping, or Sale of Fire-Arms (Article 236 of the CC of
    Georgia). On September 11, 2009, the Zugdidi District Court sentenced
    him to four-year imprisonment.

    According to his relatives, though V.V. Vakhania is seriously ill he
    is refused proper treatment and is not allowed to undergo a medical
    examination. It is said that prison doctors intentionally give him
    pharmaceuticals that further aggravate his health situation.

    In May 2009, a retired Russian lieutenant-colonel P.G. Bliadze came to
    Georgia to resolve family problems. When crossing the border already
    Georgian special services proposed to make a video recording of his
    declaration that he was ''Moscow agent'' and participated in plotting
    the rebellion at the Mukhrovani military base. A month later he was
    arrested after a firearm (a gun) had been planted on him, as in the
    case of V.V. Vakhania. During the investigation P.G. Bliadze was being
    numerously promised, including by the appointed lawyer, an immediate
    release in exchange to a video recording of him admitting to
    ''cooperate with Russian special services and participate in
    anti-Georgian activities''.

    In November 2009, the Tbilisi City Court found P.G. Bliadze ''guilty
    of illicit purchase and carrying of firearms'' and sentenced him to
    five-year imprisonment.

    The court proceedings have been rather formal from the very beginning.
    Motions and protests were declined without any explanation. Only
    officers of the Ministry of Interior of Georgia who participated in
    P.G. Bliadze detention were invited as witnesses.

    Georgian special services attempted to use a similar scheme against
    Y.M. Kenkadze, a Russian citizen and a former serviceman (residing in
    the Krasnodar region, arrived to Georgia at the end of September 2009
    to meet his mother).

    When entering the country he already felt an increased attention - a
    border officer carefully noted his Georgian address and telephone
    numbers. On October 26 two persons who called themselves ''Special
    services officers'' came to Y.M. Kenkadze's house having shown no
    identity cards. Without any explanation, they confiscated his Russian
    foreign passport and asked him to ''come to an interview after making
    a call on the indicated telephone number''.

    Only because Y.M. Kenkadze turned for official assistance to the
    Section of Interests of the Russian Federation at the Embassy of
    Switzerland in Tbilisi he managed to leave the country safely. The
    consular officers urgently issued him a laissez-passer and accompanied
    him to the Armenian border. The Swiss party was duly informed of the

    On May 13, 2010, in Georgia, there were arrested Yu.D. Skrylnikov,
    Yu.A. Marchuk and M.I. Vyalov, citizens of the Russian Federation (the
    latter also has Georgian citizenship), on charges of counterfeit money
    production and distribution.

    On October 7, 2010, the Batumi City Court found Skrylnikov, Marchuk
    and Vyalov guilty of committing a crime under Article 212 of the
    Criminal Code of Georgia (production or distribution of counterfeit
    money or securities) and sentenced Marchuk and Vyalov to six-year
    imprisonment, and Skrylnikov as the one who organized it to 18-year.
    He was also fined 12,000 Georgian laris (about 70,000 US dollars).

    The information obtained while visiting the arrested Russians by a
    consular official of the Russian Federation Interests Section of the
    Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Georgia gives rise to a
    reasonable suspicion that the initiated criminal case has been trumped
    up. Thus, it has turned out that the counterfeit banknotes in
    Skrylnikov's and Marchuk's possession amounting to 3,800 USD and 2000
    USD respectively were found only two hours after their arrest, and
    that in both cases the attesting witnesses were Georgian Ministry of
    Interior officials.

    It should be also noted that Marchuk and Vyalov had earlier served on
    the Russian military base in Batumi, and one of Skrylnikov's sons is a
    serviceman of the North Caucasus Military District of the Russian
    Armed Forces. During interrogations at the pretrial detention center
    Skrylnikov was mainly asked questions concerning his son's service
    (official position, responsibilities, etc.).

    On November 5, 2010, Tbilisi announced the detention of 13 persons on
    the charge of spying for Russia. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of
    Georgia published a list of the detainees. Yu.D. Skrylnikov, a
    Ministry of Interior retiree, shortly before convicted in Batumi
    to18-year imprisonment ''for distribution of counterfeit banknotes''
    also appeared there. The trial of the above-mentioned persons ended in
    Batumi on July 6, 2011. Nine persons accused of spying were sentenced
    to 11 to 14 years. Skrylnikov got the most severe sentence (14 years).
    The Court did not take into consideration the fact that the Russian
    citizen was seriously ill and could not move on his own.

    The Georgian authorities fail to implement their commitments on the
    provision of legal assistance undertaken in accordance with the
    Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family
    and Criminal Matters signed in Minsk on 22 January 1993 to which
    Georgia is a party despite its withdrawal from the CIS. Inter alia, it
    ignores requests by Russia to extradite persons so that they could
    serve sentences in the Russian Federation.

    For example, V.G. Gudushauri was arrested by Georgian law-enforcement
    authorities in June 2006 between two border-crossing points: ''Verkhni
    Lars'' (Russia) - ''Kazbegi'' (Georgia). In 2007, he was sentenced to
    10-year imprisonment on the charge of theft and spying. In August
    2009, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation sent a request
    to the Georgian side to extradite Gudushauri so that he could serve
    his sentence in the territory of Russia. There was no reply to this

    In 2008, P.P. Siukaev, a Russian citizen, was sentenced by a Georgian
    court to 9.5-year imprisonment for the crime under paragraph 262(2) of
    the Criminal Code of Georgia - illegal acquisition and possession of
    narcotic substances. According to our information, the criminal case
    has been trumped up by Georgian Ministry of Interior officials who
    planted heroin on him. Court hearings were rather formal, evidence
    against Russian citizen have not been carefully studied. The appeal
    petition to a court of appellate jurisdiction was not considered. The
    Chamber of Cassation of the Supreme Court of Georgia did not change
    the sentence either.

    According to P.P. Siukaev, during the investigation, officials of
    Georgian special services explicitly told him that he could receive a
    probation sentence should he provide information about his service in
    the internal armed forces of Russia.

    In violation of the generally recognized international rules, the
    Georgian authorities prevented Russian consular officials from
    visiting Russian citizens in penitentiary facilities. The permission
    is usually issued after continued reminders and only thanks to
    assistance of the Embassy of Switzerland. In case of P.G. Bliadze,
    that took several months.

    On April 19, 2011, Z.R. Blizadze-Rodionova, a Russian citizen and a
    close relative of an staunch oppositionist of the current Georgian
    regime N.A. Burjanadze, was attacked during the customs control
    procedures in Tbilisi airport. The innocent woman has been detained
    for more than 4 hours and suffered injuries of varying severity.


    In Canada, the human rights situation remains complicated. The country
    has been criticized, mainly in the regular report Returning to Human
    Rights issued in July 2011 by the international NGO Amnesty

    In the report, the treatment of indigenous citizens was called a
    national shame. According to the report, it has been a long time that
    the Federal and Province Governments do not admit the right to land
    and there has been gross inequality of the indigenous citizens as for
    access to health, fresh water, education and accommodation. According
    to the research conducted by a team from the McGill University, the
    rights of Inuits to nutrition are systematically violated (6 out of 10
    Inuits are undernourished) which leads to mass prevalence of diabetes
    and cardio-vascular diseases in this group of the population.

    Here increasing cases of ill-treatment by the police should also be
    added. For example, in November 2010, Ottawa was shocked by video
    recordings that were made public and that captured beating and
    degrading treatment of a detained underage girl by police officers.
    Also, there is multiple evidence of misuse of power by the police in
    Vancouver during mass disturbances after the Stanley Cup finals in
    June 2011, as well as of using service dogs to disperse demonstrators.

    In Canada, indigenous women and underage girls suffer from violence
    and discrimination. In 2010-2011, the Federal Government significantly
    reduced financing of women rights organizations, studies and services
    of lawyers to protect women's equality.

    Observance of the rights of refugees and immigrants in Canada also
    raises concerns of the human rights activists. Treatment of refugees
    from a ship Sun Sea who arrived to Canada from Bangladesh in August
    2010 was called a ''procedural abuse'' by a Federal Court judge. The
    draft law C-49 that was proposed to resolve the situation was
    criticized by all the opposition parties as violating human rights
    principles such as prohibition on arbitrary detention and arrest.

    Deportation without charge or trial of more than 30 people accused of
    military crimes and crimes against humanity caused a wide response in
    the local human rights community.

    Also, when abroad, citizens of Canada do not enjoy sufficient
    protection from their government. The list of countries where
    incidents occur is quite long: China, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Iran,
    Egypt, the USA. In some cases, the Government of Canada refused to
    interfere or limited itself to minimal interference; in other cases,
    in view of the citizens, its interference never brought any positive
    results. Despite enquiries and rulings of the Supreme and Federal
    Courts, the cases are not being investigated.

    In that country, as well as in other countries, one can hear local
    politicians calling for limiting access to Internet under the pretext
    of fighting extremism, but taking into consideration the lack of
    efficient mechanism that could curtail freedom of electronic mass
    media and reduce universal access to web resources.

    Violations of International Humanitarian Law within the Context of
    Actions of NATO and the Libyan Sides During an Armed Conflict in Libya

    The NATO operation in Libya was accompanied by a large-scale
    propaganda campaign to support the Alliance's mission to protect the
    civilians. At the official level, the NATO leadership has completely
    denied civilian casualties in the aftermath of missile and bomber
    strikes of the coalition forces coordinated by the Alliance's military
    command structures, indirect victims resulting from the blockade of
    the Western regions of Libya as well as the destruction of civilian
    infrastructure. It was stated that the targets for the bombings were
    thoroughly selected to rule out civilian casualties. The point that
    ''if it had not been for NATO, there would have been much more
    casualties'' was promoted in relation to direct support provided by
    NATO to the National Transitional Council of Libya (NTC). The
    Alliance's leadership tried to portray such reports solely as
    propaganda of M. Gaddafi.

    By implementing the concept of collective responsibility, NATO
    members, in essence, set a main goal of the overthrow and murder of
    the colonel (according to some sources, the order to eliminate M.
    Gaddafi was given to units of the armed forces of the USA, France and
    UK). They had placed stake on provoking unrest among the population on
    the territories controlled by Gaddafi and interrupting normal life

    The coalition forces under NATO command committed the following
    violations of international, including humanitarian, law:

    1.According to various information, intensive bombardment in the first
    days of the campaign (and even before the operation was headed by
    NATO) led to civilian casualties: from 64 to 90 civilians were killed,
    including up to 40 in Tripoli, and 150 people were injured; on May 13,
    2011, in the city of Brega, 13 were killed and 50 imams were wounded
    during a collective prayer; 9 people were killed in the course of the
    bombardment of Tripoli on June 19; 15 people, including 3 children,
    were killed as a result of NATO bombing on June 20, 2011; 8 civilians
    of Tawergha were killed on June 28, 2011; during the bombing of a
    hospital in Zliten on July 25, 2011, not less than 11 people,
    including medical staff, were killed.

    The most egregious case was registered on August 9, 2011, when in the
    aftermath of the missile and bomber strike on the village of Majar 85
    people, including 33 children and 32 women, were killed. Finally,
    according to numerous reports, victims among civilian population were
    registered during the fight over Sirte and Bani Walid (when artillery
    and tanks were used).

    Various evidence provided by eyewitnesses and media (in some cases,
    even pro-NATO media publications in the West) indicates that a
    considerable part of this information is true. Moreover, the exact
    casualties taking into account the number of NATO tactical air
    missions and the intensity of bombing have not been determined.

    2. On the night of May 9/10 2011, the NATO air strike resulted in a
    serious damage to civilian infrastructure in Tripoli, including the
    house of parliament, the centre for children with disabilities, burns
    centre and the city court. The bombing of the University of Tripoli
    was reported on June 12, 2011. The water supply system providing the
    majority of the Libyan population with drinking water was hit on July
    22, 2011. NATO forces also attacked the airport of Tripoli, energy
    infrastructures and food warehouses. NATO representatives asserted
    that all targets were military. The strikes targeted at civilian
    facilities have substantially aggravated the humanitarian situation in
    the country.

    The television centre in Tripoli suffered bombing on July 30, 2011,
    and, as a result, 3 people were killed and 15 injured. Irina Bokova,
    UNESCO Director-General, and the International Federation of
    Journalists which is the major association of media workers levelled
    harsh criticism at NATO. The representatives of the Alliance have
    denied the attack on the television centre.

    3. Using an arms embargo regime as a pretext, the Navy of the NATO
    countries taking part in the operation practically cut off the access
    of fuel to the territories controlled by M. Gaddafi. In particular,
    the oil tanker ''Cartagena'' owned by the Libyan government and at the
    time transporting fuel to Tripoli was intercepted in August by the
    rebels directly supported by NATO forces. There were also other cases
    of broad interpretation of the embargo regime, i. e. disrupting
    shipments of nonmilitary cargoes to the capital of Libya.

    The actions of the coalition forces under NATO and rebels' command led
    to serious problems with fuel supply (for instance, as a result of
    blocking the pipeline in Zawiya) and, consequently, to the shortages
    of electricity in the Western regions of Libya, all that in summer
    heat during Ramadan. Problems with providing the population with food
    and medical aid were registered on the territories controlled by M.

    4. In the course of the operation, there were cases when NATO
    coalition forces ships did not come to the rescue of ships suffering
    distress in the Mediterranean with Libyan refugees aboard. In
    particular, the PACE and the Human Rights Watch organization called
    for an investigation on the failure to offer assistance to the boat
    with migrants who had had to return to Libya on April 10, 2011, after
    two weeks in the open sea (only 9 of 72 passengers survived). A
    similar case was registered at the beginning of August when, according
    to some reports, the coalition forces ship failed to render assistance
    to another boat with migrants aboard, which caused a loss of more than
    100 lives. Judging by the total number of refugees trying to escape
    from Libya at the time of the conflict, the list of victims of NATO
    undisguised neglect of the maritime law should include other cases as

    5. NATO did not take any effective measures on the numerous crimes
    committed by the former Libyan armed opposition and registered by
    international human rights NGOs, including killings, violence, ethnic
    crimes, etc., which essentially promoted such actions taken by rebels.
    The representatives of the Alliance countries' leadership just
    criticized that practice.

    The report by the Amnesty International cites various examples of
    human rights violations committed against members of M. Gaddafi's
    armed forces and supporters of his regime as well as against suspected
    mercenaries, and notes the use of torture. The majority of the
    detained were arrested by local paramilitary authorities and armed
    groups without any court ruling. The work of Libyan courts was
    suspended after the National Transitional Council of Libya (NTC) had
    come to power. The prison conditions in Libya do not correspond to
    international standards: minors are kept in the same wards with
    adults, women prisoners are guarded by men, etc.

    Having examined the deaths of 53 people in a deserted hotel in Sirte,
    the Human Rights Watch has come to the conclusion that the mass
    shooting was perpetrated by opposition detachments. Taking into
    consideration that some people were shot after their capture, human
    rights advocates regard the actions of opposition members as a war
    crime according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
    Court. The organization demanded that the NTC of Libya immediately
    start the investigation on mass slaughter in the course of
    establishing control over Sirte and bring those guilty to justice.

    The extrajudicial murders of former regime representatives and
    supporters were perpetrated with tacit consent of NATO members who
    were just urging Libyan authorities to show tolerance. A separate
    inquiry should be made in M. Gaddafi's assassination, including from
    the standpoint of foreign countries' participation in it. The Office
    of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the representatives of
    Russia, USA and other states and a number of reputable international
    human rights NGOs have called for an investigation.

    Presenting the United Defender operation as a model for the conflict
    settlement, the Alliance's leadership is seeking to hush up such
    facts. The Western media either wants to demonstrate its independence,
    in most cases reproducing the NATO stance. The new Libyan authorities
    are neither interested in the exposure of discreditable facts.

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

    December 2011

    [1] In July 2010, Paris has started eradicating illegal Roma
    settlements and sending the settlers back to their home countries
    (spending the French budgetary funds), to the discontent not only of
    human rights activists but Brussels, as well.

    [2] Excluding 3.7% of the population of Lithuania, whose nationality
    was not specified.

    [3] According to which, ''Persons belonging to national minorities
    have the right freely to express, preserve and develop their national,
    cultural, linguistic or religious identity and to maintain and develop
    their culture in all its aspects, free of any attempts at assimilation
    against their will''.

    [4] For instance, Russians made up 9.4% of the population of Lithuania
    in 1989, 6.3% in 2001 (last census) and 4.8%. in 2011, according to
    Statistics Lithuania. In other words, Russian population has almost
    halved over the twenty years of Lithuania's independence. Thus,
    according to Vladas Gaidys, a Lithuanian sociologist and head of
    Market and Opinion Research Centre ''Vilmorus Ltd.'', ''the
    assimilation is one of the major reasons why the number of Russians
    has decreased'' A similar trend is being observed with other
    communities in Lithuania (the downsizing of communities in the period
    between 1989 and 2011): Ukrainians from 1.2% to 0.6%, Belarusians from
    1.7% to 1.1%, Poles from 7% to 6%, Jews from 0.3% to 0.1%. At the same
    time, the share of Lithuanians in total population has increased from
    79.6% in 1989 to 83.1% in 2011.

    [5] Part I of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

    [6] Created by the Decree of the Government of Lithuania of 14.02.2003
    to be in charge of national minority policy.

    [7] In 2009, the Seimas didn't extend its duration as it used to do before.

    [8] According to Statistics Lithuania, 44 Russian-language
    publications were being published in Lithuania in 1995 compared to
    only 16 in 2009. The total circulation of publications in Russian is
    also decreasing: from 14.7 million copies in 2008 to 11.8 million
    copies in 2009. The airtime share for programs in Russian and other
    national minorities' languages on state television is decreasing too.
    It is now 0.7%. For instance, the duration of ''Russian Street'', a
    program for Russian-speaking audience, has been reduced from 30 down
    to 13 minutes due to its allegedly low ratings.
