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Chechen Rebel Website Raps Georgia, Lauds Azerbaijan For Caucasus Po

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  • Chechen Rebel Website Raps Georgia, Lauds Azerbaijan For Caucasus Po


    Daymohk news agency
    Jan 6 2012

    Georgia is on the verge of repeating a historic mistake. It again
    invites strangers to Caucasus, the strangers who have intense hatred
    towards everything related to people's freedom and religion. We
    have to admit that 10 years ago many agreed to Americans' coming to
    Georgia. We hoped this counterbalance would help restrain Russia's
    pressure, but time showed the United States' betrayal of Georgia.

    Another conclusion was that there have never been and will never be any
    disagreements between the West and Russia on restraining the Caucasus
    liberty movement. But Caucasus is not the territory of slaves. For
    400 years blood has been shed here, and shameless actions of the
    United States, which added Russia's Caucasus policy to their armoury,
    can bring further bloodshed.

    And there is only one way out - Russia must leave, and the West
    must not come. This will be for everybody's good. But they do not
    let the Caucasians live in accordance with mountain laws, remain
    who they were at birth. Nobody wants to understand, including the
    Caucasians themselves, that Caucasus is a separate civilization,
    and not something made up of many different parts. They do not want
    to admit common historical roots and seriously raise the question of
    identity and defend this theory in every possible way.

    Attempts to drag a single body of Caucasus to the heart of North,
    West, East is a deliberate suicide.

    They try to thread somebody else's head onto the Caucasian body and
    make it think disproportionately to the rest of the body. And this
    is why the body cannot properly stand on its feet and the head cannot
    properly think. The nature of the creation, the harmony is upset.

    The presence of Russia and the West as well as other foreign forces
    in Caucasus is a source of threat to the existence and integrity of
    Caucasus nations.

    These griffons' ambitions around the world have put humanity on the
    verge of disaster.

    Azerbaijan turned out to have pursued a wiser policy in this regard.

    Georgia should do the same. Azerbaijan joined non-aligned movement.

    And Georgia should also join it. The move will increase the number
    of the country's friends - and not overseas, but in neighbourhood -
    ready to defend it.

    Azerbaijan joined the movement at the 16th meeting of Ministers of
    Foreign Affairs of member countries, which took place in Bali.

    Membership of the movement means military non-alignment. The
    organization was being formed for 50 years as an alternative to NATO
    and the Warsaw Treaty Organization, paving the way for neutrality-based

    The event has been of great importance to the region. Azerbaijan made
    the move despite the fact that half of its territory is occupied
    by Russians and Armenians. This testifies to Azerbaijan's courage
    because the country did not call for any outside help. Unlike Georgia,
    Azerbaijan did not ask the United States to protect it. Azerbaijan
    relied on its own strength. And most importantly this has been of
    great importance to the whole Caucasus.

    Azerbaijan's move is a serious bid for regional leadership, while
    Georgia's actions can cause another fatal damage to the entire
    Caucasus. NATO's presence in Georgia and the friendship with a free
    Caucasus are mutually incompatible things.

    And the preservation of today's format of relations with NATO and
    the United States can be a way out of the situation so that not to
    break ties with the West and maintain good neighbourhood relations
    with North Caucasus. Otherwise, Georgia and the rest of Caucasus,
    except Armenia, will face another test. These fears have grounds.

    An ominous shadow of the Treaty of Georgiyevsk, which can be repeated
    in the case of NATO, draws an unpleasant scenario, although it will
    make happy the Russian scum, which drowned this land in a human blood.

    [translated from Russian]
