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Will Karabakh Become 'Fatal Shore' For Armenian Convicts?

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  • Will Karabakh Become 'Fatal Shore' For Armenian Convicts?

    Jan 17 2012

    Armenia may start promoting an "Australian-style" model of development
    for the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Britain, of course, first colonized Australia in the late 1780s with
    ships loaded with prison convicts. The use of convict labor was seen
    by British officials as a cheaper alternative to slavery for creating
    the distant colony's infrastructure.

    Flashing forward to the present, lawmakers in Yerevan, the Armenian
    capital, are expected to begin debate in the near future on a bill
    that would give white-collar criminals the option of serving time in
    prison or resettling in "free territories," a term that many Armenians
    believe refers mainly to Karabakh. The separatist territory broke
    free of Azerbaijan's control, with Yerevan's assistance, in the early
    1990s. Efforts since then to reach a political settlement between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan have become stalemated.

    Over the past two decades, demographic stagnation in Karabakh has posed
    a national security-challenge for Yerevan. As a result, officials,
    both in the territory and in Armenia proper, have supported a variety
    of schemes, including a mass wedding, to encourage population growth
    in and around Karabakh.

    Pushkin Serobian, chair of the August 23 National Alliance," a
    non-governmental organization, was closely involved in the drafting of
    the bill. He expressed confidence the measure would receive serious
    consideration by parliament. He argued that allowing convicts to
    resettle in "free territories" would address several social problems at
    once - not only potentially bolstering Karabakh's demographic profile,
    but also improving conditions in Armenian prisons, keeping families
    intact, and improving the odds that the convicts themselves would
    once again become productive members of society after competing their
    sentences. "I don't think there will be any problem," Serobian said,
    referring to the bill's prospects for passage.

    "By resettling people with their families in the free zones, we would
    prevent the final break-up of their families," continued Serobian.

    "The families would consolidate, while resettlement in frontier areas
    would strengthen the border and its infrastructure."

    The bill indicates that only those convicted of non-violent crimes
    would be eligible for resettlement. Bakur Karapetian, a writer and
    advocate on behalf of Karabakh, estimated that 1,000 families could
    be resettled in "free territories" under the provision. He told
    journalists back in November during a news conference; "I've talked
    to many convicts, and all of them definitely agreed to settle and
    work in the areas the government considers appropriate for them."

    To some, such as political analyst Richard Giragosian, the proposed
    legislation is far from a panacea. He questioned the potential
    demographic benefits, saying that the measure does "nothing to create
    jobs or economic opportunity, which are essential for any increase
    in population." More broadly, he contended that the bill, if enacted,
    could damage to Armenian national interests by creating an impression
    that Yerevan was intent on permanently possessing Azerbaijani lands
    adjacent to Karabakh that are currently under Armenian occupation.

    "It could be perceived as a decision to officially "occupy" the
    Armenian-held areas, which until now, have not been officially
    resettled or developed," Giragosian said.

    The resettlement aspect of the bill, to a certain extent, is
    overshadowing the issue of prison overcrowding. According to the
    data of the Ministry of Justice, there are 12 penitentiaries and one
    alternative correctional institution in Armenia, housing over 4,500
    prisoners. Most facilities are antiquated. Many also have high rates
    of suicide. In addition, many prisoners, upon release, fall back into
    a life of criminal activity.

    "Correctional institutions need serious reforms," said Arthur Sakunts,
    a rights activist and head of Helsinki Citizens' Assembly's office
    in the city of Vanadzor. The bill has the potential to "change the
    situation" concerning prison overcrowding, Sakunts added. At the same
    time, it is in need of amending in order to more precisely define
    the meaning of "free territories."

    "The bill should refer to Armenia's territories; there are many free
    territories here as well," Sakunts said.

    Hovhannes Sahakian, an MP and senior member of the governing Republican
    Party, echoed a need for amending the bill. "This is a good idea, but
    we should avoid territorial restrictions and propose an alternative
    to convicts," Sahakian told "This must be done to
    escape unnecessary speculations."

    Editor's note: Marianna Grigoryan is a freelance reporter based
    in Yerevan.
