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Over 600 Community Members Attend Prelate's New Year And Christmas D

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  • Over 600 Community Members Attend Prelate's New Year And Christmas D


    Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

    The clergy pray during the Christmas dinner

    LA CRESCENTA-More than 600 Prelacy sponsors, supporters and friends
    gathered at "Bagramian" Hall of Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello
    on Friday, January 6 for the Prelate's traditional New Year and
    Christmas Dinner. The dinner is held annually under the auspices of
    Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, by the initiative
    of the Religious and Executive Councils, and organized by the Prelacy
    Ladies Auxiliary.

    Among the guests in attendance were Consul General of Armenia the
    Grigor Hovhannissian and his wife, Armenian National Assembly member
    and Heritage Party leader Raffi Hovannisian, Central Executive members
    Khajag Dikijian and Vahe Yacoubian with their wives, Executive Council,
    Members of the ARF Central Committee, ARS, Homenetmen, and Hamazkayin,
    Parishes' delegates and Boards of Trustees, Board of Regents and
    Prelacy Schools' principals and directors, media representatives,
    sponsors, and friends.

    This year's dinner was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Cheryl
    Nadjarian. The evening's Master of Ceremonies was Rev. Fr. Vazken

    The evening began with the entrance of the Prelate and clergy into
    the hall in a procession, candles in hand and singing Christmas hymns.

    H.E. Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian read the passage from the Bible on
    the Birth of Christ, after which the Prelate blessed the tables.

    Master of Ceremonies Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian welcomed the guests and
    reflected on the spirit of Christmas, the good tidings of the Birth of
    our Lord Jesus Christ and the message of peace, love, and harmony. Fr.

    Vazken also commended the service of the Ladies Auxiliary members,
    noting that they greatly contributed to the Pontifical Visit and also
    once again organized the evening's dinner. He then invited Ladies
    Auxiliary Chair Salpi Srourian and Executive Council Chair Rima
    Boghossian to deliver their remarks. Srourian welcomed the guests
    and wished them an enjoyable evening together. Boghossian thanked the
    guests for the support and encouragement they demonstrated with their
    attendance. She spoke in high regard of the efforts and leadership
    of the Prelate, reflected on the role of our Churches and Schools
    in our community life and our work towards the Armenian Cause, and
    concluded by conveying her well wishes on the New Year and Christmas.

    Guests then watched the taped message of His Holiness Aram I,
    Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, which began with His
    Holiness conveying his New Year and Christmas well wishes to the
    Prelate, Councils, and guests. His Holiness reflected on the three
    main themes of his recent Pontifical Visit, which were spiritual
    renewal, continued progress of our Schools, and furthering of our
    Cause, stating that these are ongoing missions which must form the
    basis of all our endeavors and collective lives.

    The evening also included a cultural program. Throughout the night,
    guests enjoyed traditional Armenian music presented by pianist
    Professor Levon Aprahamian and singers Anahit Nercisyan and Kevork

    Fr. Vazken then thanked all those who contributed to the success of
    the dinner, among them the Jabarian, Kurkjian, and Alexanian Families
    for donating the evening's souvenirs, centerpieces, and drinks, as well
    as the participants of the cultural program, organizers, and sponsors.

    The Prelate was then invited to deliver his message.

    The Prelate commended Fr. Vazken for successfully carrying out
    his duties as Master of Ceremonies, the Ladies Auxiliary for
    organizing the evening, and all the sponsors and volunteers who
    made the evening as well as the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness a
    great success. The message reflected on the spirit and messages of
    Christmas, the Prelacy's endeavors and achievements in the past year,
    and the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Aram I. In his message,
    the Prelate also thanked the Prelacy's sponsors and donors, and
    especially Mr. and Mrs. Harry & Cheryl Nadjarian who were the main
    sponsors of the Pontifical Visit and also the hosts of the Prelate's
    New Year and Christmas Dinner.

    The evening came to a close with the Prelate's benediction, and the
    singing of the Cilician and Pontifical anthems.

    Prelate's Christmas Dinner Message

    Distinguished guests, dear sponsors and friends,

    With Christian love and with the warmest spirit of Christmas, I
    congratulate you all on the New Year and the Nativity of our Lord
    Jesus Christ.

    A few days ago we welcomed the year 2012, and tonight, with great joy
    we are gathered here to collectively celebrate the Glorious Nativity
    and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. We offer our gratitude to
    Almighty God for His boundless blessings, for this new year, and
    especially for granting us the greatest of gifts, the gift of His
    Son Jesus Christ and eternal life. Indeed each day of our lives is a
    gift from God and we must therefore give thanks and praise God each
    and every day for His undying love and care.

    First and foremost, we express our thanks and appreciation to our
    beloved Pontiff, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, who was with us
    tonight in spirit through his video message. Recently, last October,
    we were honored with the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness to our
    Prelacy. We were grateful to personally receive his blessings,
    and were inspired by his powerful messages on spiritual renewal,
    the continued progress of our schools, and the furthering of the
    Armenian Cause. His messages are timeless and will remain our guiding
    force for years to come. In the three weeks His Holiness was with us,
    he was a daily and motivating presence in the lives of our parishes
    and parishioners, students, and youth. It was truly an inspirational
    and unforgettable visit.

    The year 2011 was proclaimed to be the Year of the Armenian Child
    by His Holiness. This proclamation is not limited to the previous
    year; it did not end with the ending of the year. Children form
    the foundation of our future, and our mission for their spiritual
    care and upbringing is an ongoing and unending one. The survival
    of our people depends on rooting our faith, language, traditions,
    and heritage in subsequent generations.

    The perpetuation of the Armenian people depends also on the
    preservation of our cultural treasures. Though Armenian culture
    arose in pre-Christian times, our written heritage was formed in
    the 5th century with the invention of the Armenian alphabet and the
    translation of the Bible and other sacred books into our own language.

    Armenian books are priceless as they have been and remain a
    fountainhead of our history and literary legacy. The year 2012 has
    been proclaimed the Year of the Armenian Book by His Holiness, and
    for this reason, we dedicated this year's Prelacy calendar to the
    Armenian Book. Books are not just decoration in our homes and offices;
    they must be read and the knowledge they contain shared to enlighten
    the minds and spirits of our people and especially our youth.

    Dear faithful supporters and friends,

    On this joyous occasion, I would like to once again thank all of
    our sponsors and donors for their unwavering support throughout the
    years and especially during the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness. It
    is you, our sponsors and volunteers, who made the Pontifical Visit a
    successful one, and for that we commend you. You selflessly donated
    your time, efforts, resources, and input, and embodied the Scripture
    passage. "It is more blessed to give than to receive".

    Our collective life, our national life cannot progress without our
    united efforts. Through collaboration and cooperation, we have
    reached new heights in our service and will continue forward to
    even greater achievements. With the support of our community, we
    can achieve great things, and one example of that is the Pontifical
    Visit of His Holiness. With the contributions of our sponsors and
    donors on the occasion of the Pontifical Visit, we recently made a
    record allocation of $800,000 to our Prelacy Schools to alleviate
    the financial difficulties they face. I would like to once again
    express our gratitude to our old and new sponsors who made this
    possible. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Cheryl Nadjarian,
    who were the main sponsors of the Pontifical Visit and have so
    generously hosted this evening's dinner; to Prof. and Mrs. Harut and
    Tamara Barsamian, Mr.

    and Mrs. Mark and Margaret Shirin, Mrs. Silva Tchakmakjian, Mrs. Tina
    Carolan and the Carolan Family Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Osko and Yeran
    Karaghossian, Mr. and Mrs. Harout and Christina Jabarian, Mr. and Mrs.

    Vahe and Nora Yacoubian, Mr. Hank Khachaturian and his Torian Holdings
    company, Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian, Mr. and Mrs. Vahan and Nora Bezdikian,
    Forest Lawn, Glendale Memorial Hospital, as well as our parishes and
    sister organizations. A thank you also to all of you here today. Even
    in these difficult economic times, you once again pledged your support
    and encouragement of our Prelacy with your presence here tonight. The
    names of all our sponsors and donors can be found in the evening's
    program book.

    Throughout the past years we also had various other achievements,
    among them a number of events to celebrate the Year of the Armenian
    Child, and the ordination of a new priest. In late July, the former
    choir leader of the Crescenta Valley Parish was ordained into the
    priesthood and renamed Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian. Tonight, he is
    with us for the first time as a clergy member. In the coming year,
    we will ordain new priests, among them Deacon Khatchig Shannakian who
    recently relocated from Canada and is with us tonight. He recently
    completed his studies, earning a Master's Degree in Theology. We look
    forward to having him join our clergy order in the near future.

    Dear loved ones,

    The inspiring messages of the Glorious Nativity and Theophany of our
    Lord Jesus Christ are timeless treasures and the eternal lighthouse
    that lights up our hearts and lives just like the bright star above
    Bethlehem that lit the night sky and guided the wise men to the manger
    to worship the Baby Jesus. The spirit of peace, love, and harmony
    of our Lord's Nativity reverberates just as powerfully today, 2012
    years after His birth, and continues to guide us in fulfillment of
    our God-pleasing endeavors and mission. With harmonious collaboration
    and unity, we can fulfill our greatest goals and dreams. We have
    already seen progress in our Cause through our united efforts here,
    in Europe, and elsewhere, and must therefore continue on this same
    path until we reach our ultimate goals.

    Let us begin this new year inspired by the renewing and invigorating
    messages of the Nativity and Theophany of our Lord, and may our
    hearts remain a manger where our Lord Jesus Christ dwells each and
    every day of this new year and every year.

    A blessed new year to you all. Christ is Born and Revealed.
