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Not A King But A President

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  • Not A King But A President

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:07:00 - 18/01/2012

    Do you think there is a political crisis in Armenia?

    Despite the classic definition of politics as a means of creation of
    goods, different layers of the society associate it with strength and
    power. People did a revolution, its rulers came to power, but this led
    to the traditional preference of power to professionalism. Although
    in the post-Soviet period it was something natural.

    But looking from aside, it is impossible to fail to notice progress
    in Armenia. Yes, there is a political crisis in Armenia but it is
    necessary to understand what politics is. If it is perceived as it
    was in the Soviet times, that is, the state is obliged to ensure
    jobs and quality of life, then yes, there is a crisis in Armenia. But
    the crisis is mostly in the consciousness of people, in the outdated
    texts and revolutionary pathos.

    Is there the understanding that each and everyone needs to deal
    with politics?

    These are daily activities but the development of technologies made
    politics accessible for everyone. A Georgian colleague of mine was
    surprised at the names of the Armenian parties. Can there be non-free
    democrats or what is Prosperous Armenia? Is it a corporation? How about
    Heritage, is it aimed at the past? The Armenian National Congress
    actually limits itself by ethnic frameworks, at the same time it is
    against nationalism. Here is hidden the crisis of political culture.

    Political actions grow into national rituals. The political force
    which speaks of modernization refers to the national factor in its name
    because only this way can it bring people together. And there is only
    one party which sets the task of self-formulation. It is the Republican
    Party of Armenia. No matter how we treat it, it is the only party
    today which is self-organized and tries to form a political culture.

    But the activities of the party don't correspond to its name.

    It starts from the text, self-definition. The Republican Party most
    of all corresponds to the ideas of the most of the Armenian people on
    politics. We have patriarchal society, absolute hierarchy with social
    pretensions. The society approved the criminal-oligarchic thinking
    which the RPA adopted as its ideology.

    Assessing the texts, it is necessary to note that the president stated
    in his New Year address that he is weak and he needs support. In a
    patriarchal society, this step is directed at modernization. Here,
    the president is something mythical, someone calls him a king, others
    call him a jester. King or jester tries to break the ice and take a
    small step in the context of modernization.

    The Armenian National Congress finds it hard to give a political
    definition of itself. Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who authored a lot of
    political texts did not answer questions at the press conference,
    only pointed out that the president's name is Serzhik while he makes
    everyone call him "boss". Actually, on the one side we have the dragon,
    on the other side, we have someone who wants to kill it. This has
    nothing to do with politics.

    The opposition is marginal in its assessments. It ascribes to itself
    more than the political entity is.

    Do you think the RPA is modernizing?

    Serzh Sargsyan yes but the Republican Party. For a couple of years,
    the mass media assess Serzh Sargsyan's activities in the context of
    good or bad and not politics. These are not political analyses but
    texts. They say that there is a sacred wall between the tops and
    bottoms and it can be destroyed only through a revolution. And the
    revolution is associated with the overthrow of those who are at the
    top and rising of those who are at the bottom.

    Perhaps, the members of the Republican Party will go to hell after
    the death, but this has no relation to politics. President delivered a
    political speech, and against the background of other texts, his step
    was visible. Though it was assessed as a signal of self-destruction
    and recognition of weakness. But he just said that he is not a king
    but a president.

    The Republican Party is just trying to work on self-preservation,
    reproduction but it requires some upgrading.

    You draw a line between the party and its president?

    The president is alone but he is trying to do something. He needs
    modernization and reproduction most of all. The party is identified
    with Serzh Sargsyan because people always look only at the top of
    the pyramid, just like in case of the ANC. The president cannot
    but understand that people who form new pretentions appeared in the
    country, and they don't make a part of the patriarchal pyramid.

    Serzh Sargsyan is weak in terms of the political culture but in Armenia
    he is the strongest, even in the framework of the modern politics. His
    weakness as the leader of the patriarchal system consists in the fact
    that he bears the responsibility for the team. On the other hand,
    more people appear around him who form their pretensions. Besides,
    there are already the social networks, which are the biggest enemy of
    the patriarchy. Apparently, this is realized otherwise professionals
    would not appear on the television and the level of criticism would
    not increase.

    After the parliamentary election in Russia which was followed by
    protests, the president and prime minister of this country began
    speaking of modernization. Let it be just symbolism but there is
    political text behind it.

    In the field of opposition and texts are mythologized and based on
    moral judgments. Perhaps, after the death of many of opponents they
    will be ranked among the saints, but this again has nothing to do
    with politics.

    How will the upcoming election in May be?

    There is no issue on legitimacy in the patriarchal society because
    the society does not accept its participation in the formation of the
    power. The strongest leader of the tribe is elected. On the other hand,
    we have freedom of speech in Armenia.

    But when the politics starts dictating also the culture, it becomes
    totalitarianism. Georgia is a proof of this. The same is expecting
    our opposition.

    We are fortunate that in terms of our ideology, our government is
    illiterate and does not dictate culture, but we are unlucky that the
    society is also illiterate, and the top dictates culture.

    On the one hand, I am pleased to see the trend of modernization in
    the texts of the president. On the other hand, I would not like it
    to happen from top down.

    But in Armenia there is hope for modernization from below - discourses
    are formed, people express themselves. A positive election is not so
    much in its results as in the formation of texts and political culture.

    From: Baghdasarian