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Not For Some

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  • Not For Some

    Jan 21st 2012

    His supporters protest over the verdict in the Hrant Dink murder trial

    ..THEY never expected real justice. But when an Istanbul court gave
    its verdict this week at the end of a controversial trial for the
    2007 murder of Hrant Dink, an Armenian newspaper editor, his family
    and lawyers were still shocked. The judge acquitted all 19 defendants
    on charges of belonging to an ~Sarmed terrorist organisation~T. Just
    one received a life sentence for conspiring to murder Mr Dink, who
    was gunned down in broad daylight outside the offices of AGOS, an
    Armenian weekly. Another suspect who had worked as an informant for
    the intelligence services was cleared, only to be sentenced instead
    to over ten years in jail for the 2004 bombing of a McDonald~Rs
    restaurant in Trabzon.

    Fethiye Cetin, a lawyer and close family friend, described the trial
    as a ~Scomedy from start to finish.~T ~SBut they reserved the biggest
    joke for last,~T she added, as she stood outside the courthouse
    alongside Mr Dink~Rs stony-faced widow, Rakel.

    Mr Dink, who deconstructed myths around the 1915 massacres of some 1.5m
    Armenians by the Ottoman Turks, ran afoul of the authorities when he
    called the episode genocide. He was slapped with a docket of court
    cases accusing him of ~Sinsulting the Turkish identity~T. Another
    crime was to have exposed the Armenian roots of Ataturk~Rs adopted
    daughter and Turkey~Rs first female pilot, Sabiha Gokcen. Mr Dink
    wrote several prescient columns predicting his own tragic end after
    the authorities had warned him to keep in line.

    ReprintsThe murder trial was seen as a test of the ruling Justice
    and Development (AK) Party~Rs commitment to the rule of law. For
    Turkey~Rs 60,000 ethnic Armenians, justice for Mr Dink might have
    salved the wounds of the past. ~SThis verdict sends a clear message
    that Armenians are fair game,~T said an Armenian businessman. Turkey~Rs
    prime minister noted that the outcome had ~Sdisturbed the public~Rs
    conscience~T and said the appeals process was not yet exhausted.

    Even Turkey~Rs allies worry about its legal system. In a report
    citing Mr Dink~Rs case, Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe~Rs
    human-rights commissioner, rebuked Turkish judges and prosecutors for
    ~Sgiving precedence to the protection of the state over the protection
    of human rights.~T He criticised lengthy pre-trial detention periods
    of up to ten years. A former chief of staff, Ilker Basbug, recently
    joined several other generals in pre-trial detention.

    Sadullah Ergin, the justice minister, has announced reforms to reduce
    sentences for supposed terror crimes~Wsuch as praising the imprisoned
    Kurdish rebel chief, Abdullah Ocalan~Wand to raise the bar for evidence
    to detain suspects. These are welcome, if modest, steps. But they
    are too late for the scores of journalists, hundreds of students and
    thousands of Kurdish politicians and protesters still behind bars.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress