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Why Does Azerbaijan Prefer To Keep Its Border Only Partially Open To

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  • Why Does Azerbaijan Prefer To Keep Its Border Only Partially Open To


    Turkey's decision to introduce or tighten its visa regime on Feb. 1
    is a blow to Georgia's strategic plan, which is known under the
    conventional name "Caucasus - a common home". The Turkish parliament
    delegation that visited Turkey explained that the new law applies to
    all foreigners, which might be a small consolation. Especially since
    this move will not affect another neighbor - Azerbaijan, reports
    Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

    According to the new law, beginning on Feb. 1, foreigners will be able
    to stay in Turkey up to 90 days for a period of 180 days - that is,
    they must leave the country after 90 days and can only return after an
    additional 90 days has passed. According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the
    appropriate bodies were unable to say anything about the laws applied
    to Azerbaijani citizens in Turkey - it appears they will remain welcome
    guests in Turkey even after Feb. 1, according to the late president
    of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev's axiom "Two states, but one people."

    The publication recalls that Baku, however, has not dared to introduce
    a visa-free regime for citizens of Turkey, answering Ankara's many
    reminders with vague promises. Officially, Azerbaijan refrains from
    completely opening its border to Turkey for fear of an actual war
    with Armenia. But then a question arises: why does Azerbaijan have a
    visa-free regime with Georgia which has much more cordial relations
    with Armenia, and hence the probability of an invasion of Armenia's
    supposed subversive groups into Azerbaijan is higher from Georgia
    than from Turkey? Therefore, a more plausible version is that Baku
    prefers to keep the Azerbaijan-Turkey border only partially open
    because it fears the great risk of Ankara's increasing influence on
    the population of Azerbaijan and the region in general. "It's enough
    that the Nakhchivan exclave has a very transparent border with Turkey,"
    said the paper's source in Baku.

    Ankara's decision has baffled Tbilisi, which has declared a policy of
    maximum openness with its neighbors. The subtlety of the situation
    also lies in the fact that the first nation to support Mikhail
    Saakashvili's policy of maximum transparency of borders with its
    neighbors was Armenia, which in the edited version of Georgia's
    National Security Strategy published late last year appears only as
    a neighborly state while Turkey and Azerbaijan are included in the
    list of strategic partners. And if Georgia succeeds in agreeing on a
    common customs regime with Turkey and even begins implementing this
    scheme, then it would appear that the case with Baku wouldn't have
    shifted from observance of the visa-free regime.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress