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Turkey: Tens Of Thousands Mark Journalist's Death

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  • Turkey: Tens Of Thousands Mark Journalist's Death


    Associated Press
    ANKARA, Turkey January 19, 2012 (AP)

    Tens of thousands of protesters marked the fifth anniversary of a
    Turkish-Armenian journalist's murder on Thursday as outrage continues
    to grow over a trial that failed to shed light on alleged official
    negligence or even collusion.

    Human rights activists placed red carnations on the spot in Istanbul
    where Hrant Dink was gunned down in broad daylight outside of his
    minority Agos newspaper office by a nationalist teenage gunman.

    The case highlights Turkey's uneasy relationship with its ethnic and
    religious minorities, including at least 60,000 Armenian Christians.

    Many people carried black banners that read: "We are all Hrant, we are
    all Armenian," and some chanted "Turkey will be a grave for fascism."

    Tens of thousands marched for justice, a call shared by Turkish
    leaders and leading businessmen who expressed unease over this week's
    sentencing of one man, Yasin Hayal, to life in prison for masterminding
    the killing, while another 17 were acquitted of charges of acting
    under a terrorist organization's orders. The court neglected to issue
    a verdict about a 19th suspect.

    "The verdict is tragic and is weighing heavily on the conscience
    of everyone in Turkey," Rober Koptas, Dink's son-in-law and
    editor-in-chief of Agos, told AP television in an interview.

    The gunman, Ogun Samast, was sentenced to nearly 23 years in prison
    in July by a separate juvenile court.

    Umit Boyner, the head of Turkey's influential industrialists'
    association TUSIAD, said the court's decision had "shocked" the public.

    "What we solidly see in this trial process is that the belief in
    justice has been shaken and weaknesses in our justice system have
    been revealed," he said.

    Turkey's leaders have vowed a thorough investigation into Dink's
    killing ~W signaling dissatisfaction with Tuesday's court ruling by
    a panel of judges.

    Dink's lawyers have said they will appeal the verdict, saying the
    investigation was flawed because the judiciary had not followed up
    on evidence alleging officials may have been aware of the plot.

    Protesters marching past the site of the Jan. 19, 2007 killing carried
    banners that read: "This case cannot finish like this." A black marble
    plaque marking the spot bore the solemn words in Turkish and Armenian:
    "Hrant Dink was killed here."

    President Abdullah Gul said the case amounted to a tough test for
    Turkey, a democracy with a mostly Muslim population that seeks
    membership in the European Union.

    "The conclusion of this case in a transparent and just manner in line
    with our laws is an important test for us," Gul said on Thursday.

    Koptas responded that politicians were feeling guilty because they
    had done nothing in five years to ensure justice.

    "If Hrant Dink was a test, Turkey failed, the ruling party failed,"
    he said."If candid steps are taken in the future (to rectify the
    verdict), Turkey's image can be repaired but I'm not very hopeful."

    Rustem Eryilmaz ~W who led the panel of judges ~W sparked even more
    fury when he told the daily Vatan in an interview published Thursday
    that he was not satisfied with the decision, acknowledging that the
    court had failed to reveal allegations of negligence or collusion
    between the state and the suspects.

    "We could not shed light on what was going on behind the scenes,
    which is what everyone is curious about," Eryilmaz said. "There must
    be instigators ... but there is a need for evidence to accept the
    existence of such from a legal perspective."

    Rustem Eryilmaz ~W who led the panel of judges ~W sparked even more
    fury when he told the daily Vatan in an interview published Thursday
    that he was not satisfied with the decision, acknowledging that the
    court had failed to reveal allegations of negligence or collusion
    between the state and the suspects.

    "We could not shed light on what was going on behind the scenes,
    which is what everyone is curious about," Eryilmaz said. "There must
    be instigators ... but there is a need for evidence to accept the
    existence of such from a legal perspective."

    Eryilmaz said the judges felt pressure to issue a verdict after
    the 4-1/2 year trial, and did not have time to examine thousands of
    telephone conversations at the scene on the day of the assassination.

    "The assumption that only one person was responsible for this incident
    has damaged the public conscience," Arinc said Thursday.

    Dink had sought to encourage reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia,
    but several years before his death he was prosecuted under Turkish
    law for describing the early 20th-century mass killings of Armenians
    as genocide.

    Historians estimate up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by
    Ottoman Turks around the time of World War I, an event widely viewed
    by genocide scholars as the first genocide of the 20th century.

    Turkey, however, denies the deaths constituted genocide, saying that
    the toll has been inflated and that those killed were victims of
    civil war and unrest.
