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ANKARA: Dink Case Is Actually Confrontation With 1915 Events

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  • ANKARA: Dink Case Is Actually Confrontation With 1915 Events


    Today's Zaman
    Jan 20 2012

    Tens of thousands of people that come together in Ä°stanbul's Å~^iÅ~_li
    district every year, disregarding rainy or chilly weather, clearly
    indicate that the murder of Hrant Dink caused a social trauma.

    Consciences are wounded because even those who followed the case via
    the newspapers see the Turkish state had a finger in the murder, and
    that the state has busted a gut to hide its involvement in the murder.

    The protestors realize this case is a small-scale repetition of the
    1915 events. Similarly, a group of people who wanted to save the
    country decided on the deportation of all Armenians, including women
    and children, in 1915. The decision to deport hundreds of thousands
    of people from Turkey was tantamount to killing them because of the
    long journey.

    When the truth about the deportation came out, there was a huge uproar
    in the West but ending World War I was everyone's main concern.

    Members of the Committee of Union and Progress who saw the Ottoman
    Empire governors toppled meticulously destroyed the documents
    concerning the deportation of Armenians. They were the key element
    of the new regime that was founded in Turkey within a republic system.

    On the one hand, the Republic denied and rejected the remnants of the
    Ottoman Empire, and it tried to remove the language and traditions
    of the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, it tried to make people
    forget about this massacre.

    Murders carried out by ASALA, an Armenian terrorist group, were
    needed to readdress the forgotten Armenian issue. However, the main
    confrontation started in the last five years.

    The fact that the military tutelary lost power and its effect on
    academicians and the media world paved the way for this issue to be
    studied and investigated, and discussed freely.

    Hrant was murdered because he pointed out the massacre. In the lead-up
    to his murder, first, issues were broadcast that caused Hrant Dink to
    be perceived as "an enemy of Turks" in the opinion of general public.

    And a sentence of imprisonment was given to him. Now, the clues
    indicating this horrible cooperation are being found one by one.

    People in streets can clearly see the process of cooperation that
    started with Veli Kucuk and Kemal Kerincsiz and extended to the
    columnists of big newspapers. People now see through the state better.

    The murder indicates the existence of a gangster state that doesn't
    abstain from killing its own citizens because of their ethnic or
    religious origins and sees human as pawns that may be manipulated
    for its goals.

    Within the state, there are still remnants of this understanding that
    started with the toppling of the Ottoman sultans in the past and moved
    on to the killings of citizens that stood against the impositions
    of the state in the republican era. This mindset still exists among
    police, in the gendarmerie, judiciary, media and universities.

    Eliminating this mindset will not be easy, but the scenes we saw
    in the streets of Å~^iÅ~_li on Thursday indicated that thousands of
    people, who are neither interested nor not interested in politics,
    are for confrontation and eliminating this mindset.

    These people, who cried as they heard Hrant's favorite Armenian
    ballads and demanded the people responsible for the murder of Armenian
    intellectuals in 1915 be called to account, featured the voice of
    humanity in Å~^iÅ~_li. This was a crowd of people that had learned
    that corruption and dark games occurred in the recent past. This
    was a crowd that had learned about the corruption of this structure,
    which calls itself a state.

    We are more bothered by the murder of Hrant than the murder of other

    We know the murderers of Ugur Mumcu and Cetin Emec couldn't be found.

    However, the fact that the murder of Hrant has attempted to be hushed
    up wounds our feelings. It's because, deep inside, we know this isn't
    only about killing a person, but it is the last of a series of murders
    that has been going on for 100 years. Therefore, this case will not
    be closed here.
