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ANKARA: Hrant Dink Case Drives Awareness Of 1915 Events

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  • ANKARA: Hrant Dink Case Drives Awareness Of 1915 Events

    By Semih Idiz

    Hurriyet Daily News
    Jan 20 2012

    The verdict against those who murdered Turkish-Armenian journalist
    Hrant Dink has the country in uproar. The details of the legal debacle
    are featured in the Hurriyet Daily News, so there is no need to waste
    space here. Judging by the reactions, the general sentiment is that
    justice has not been served in this case.

    The government is trying to douse the anger by arguing that the legal
    process is not over yet since there is still the appeal stage. But it
    is hard, looking at this verdict, not to conclude that the Turkish
    judiciary has acted with subjective selectivity again. As always,
    the problem in Turkey is not the laws but how they are implemented.

    There are students whose only "crime" is protesting the government,
    who are in prison and being tried as "members of a terrorist
    organization." There are journalists and ranking generals in similar
    situations. But we are still expected to believe that those who
    murdered Hrant Dink acted on their own and not as a "terrorist gang."

    Everyone is also aware that the authorities blocked any investigation
    into officials accused of criminal negligence or culpability in
    the Dink case. The comedy is that one of the accused, Erhan Tuncel,
    was cleared of being an organizer of the murder and released, while a
    respected journalist, Nedim Å~^ener, is in prison over a book he wrote
    about official negligence and legal irregularities in the Dink case.

    This Kafkaesque anomaly appears to suggest that the saying "you
    can't sue the devil if the court sits in hell" was coined for the
    legal system in this country. At any rate, as many are pointing out,
    "the Dink case is not over, it has just begun." The short of it is
    that while the gut instinct of officialdom may be to close ranks,
    in order to "protect Turkishness," all that this atavism achieves is
    to sully the reputation of the country.

    But as long as this instinct remains in place, those like the Dink
    family will not get justice in Turkey. They must nevertheless get
    some satisfaction knowing that the murder of Hrant Dink has also led
    to increased awareness about the events of 1915 and the plight of
    Armenians. Meanwhile tens of thousands of Turks have taken to the
    streets for Hrant Dink, and are still doing so, carrying banners
    proclaiming "We are all Armenian."

    Even Robert Fisk of the Independent, whom Armenians have admired for
    his abrasive support of their cause, is surprised. In a column on
    the Armenian issue (Dec.30, 2011) Fisk said he had just finished 21
    interviews on Turkish radio and television and in newspapers.

    "The occasion was the launching of the Turkish-language edition
    of my book 'The Great War for Civilization' - which includes an
    entire and detailed chapter on the genocide - and which has just
    appeared in Turkey without any imposition of the infamous law 301
    [the "anti-Turkishness" law] nor any threats to Ithaki, my Turkish

    He went on to say, "for the most part, Turkish journalists and
    television presenters simply didn't question the veracity of what
    I wrote. And I think I know why. For many hundreds of thousands of
    Turks, the Armenian genocide is now a fact of history."

    The key fact here is that it is not the French Parliament, or any
    other outside pressure, that is forcing Turks to look at 1915 from a
    perspective other than that of the official Turkish narrative. It is
    developments like the Hrant Dink murder that is doing this. Outside
    pressure only provides ultranationalists with fuel for their
    traditional argument that "wily Westerners only aim to achieve what
    they could not during WWI by using the Armenians."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress