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Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders to Discuss Karabakh

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  • Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders to Discuss Karabakh

    Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders to Discuss Karabakh

    © RIA Novosti. Sergei Guneev02:22 23/01/2012MOSCOW/YEREVAN, January 23
    (RIA Novosti)

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will meet with his Armenian and
    Azerbaijani counterparts in the southern Russian city of Sochi to
    discuss the Nagorny Karabakh settlement on Monday, the Kremlin

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev will visit the Black Sea resort on Medvedev's invitation. A
    trilateral meeting and bilateral meetings will be held.

    Sargsyan and Aliyev voiced their intention to meet again to discuss
    the Karabakh settlement in early December 2011. Nine three-party
    meetings have been held since 2008, two of them in the Russian cities
    of Sochi and Kazan in 2011.

    At the Kazan summit, the countries reached rapprochement on disputable
    issues of a draft settlement document that will underlie a peace

    Medvedev said recently the conflict over Nagorny Karabakh, a breakaway
    region on Azerbaijani territory with a predominantly ethnic Armenian
    population, can be settled any day if the two conflicting Caucasus
    states agree to compromise.

    The conflict between the two Caucasus states erupted in the late
    1980s, when Nagorny Karabakh claimed independence from Azerbaijan. It
    is estimated to have left more than 30,000 people dead on both sides
    between 1988 and 1994. The region has since remained under Armenian

    Russia has been mediating peace talks for nearly two decades.
