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French Senate Passes 'Armenian Genocide' Bill

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  • French Senate Passes 'Armenian Genocide' Bill


    Al Jazeera
    Jan 23 2012

    Bill approved after hours of debate and warning from Turkey, making
    it illegal to deny mass killings by Ottoman Turks.

    France's upper house of parliament has approved a bill that will make
    it illegal to deny that the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman
    Turks nearly a century ago amounted to genocide.

    Members of the French upper house debated the bill into the night
    on Monday, nearly a month after the French national assembly voted
    overwhelmingly in favour of the draft law.

    The bill was approved by the lower house in December, prompting
    an angry response from Turkey, which vowed to punish the move with
    "permanent" sanctions if it is passed into law.

    The text will now be put to President Nicolas Sarkozy, who will likely
    approve it before parliament takes a break at the end of February
    ahead of the presidential election.

    Ankara froze political and military ties with France after the lower
    house vote and it promised further measures if the measure is passed
    by the senate or is approved by President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose
    right-wing UMP party put forward the bill.

    Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish foreign minister, has repeated on
    Saturday Ankara's opposition to the bill, saying it went against
    European values and would not help Turkish-Armenian relations.

    "There will be more sanctions and this time, the sanctions will be
    permanent, until the change in French position," he said.

    "It is time for French intellectuals, for French senators to defend
    our common values, freedom of expression. These are European, French
    values. This is against these values."

    Heightening tensions

    Around 15,000 Turks from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and
    Luxembourg rallied on the streets of Paris on Saturday to protest
    against the law.

    Davutoglu cancelled a trip to Brussels on Monday to brief EU foreign
    ministers on his visit to Tehran before they were due to vote on
    further sanctions against Iran, saying he wanted to follow the
    French vote.

    In a bid to defuse the crisis, Sarkozy sent a conciliatory letter
    to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, released by the
    French embassy in Ankara on Friday.

    "I hope we can make reason prevail and maintain our dialogue, as
    befits allied and friendly countries," Sarkozy wrote, adding that
    the measure was "in no way aimed at any state or people in particular".

    Erdogan, however, accused Sarkozy of using the vote to pursue
    electoral gains.

    "We cannot understand how Sarkozy can sacrifice a decision that should
    be made by historians for his own personal electoral gains. We will
    of course take some decisions according to the outcome of the vote
    at Senate, " he said.

    "I hope the Senate will not make France a country contradicting its
    own values."

    Bernard Valero, a French foreign ministry spokesperson, said that
    France was "appeal[ing] for calm" from Turkey over the vote.

    'Untimely' bill

    Sarkozy expressed a wish that Turkey "assess the common interests
    which unite our two countries and our two peoples".

    A French senate committee on Wednesday rejected the bill, but their
    vote was not expected to prevent the bill becoming law.

    The senate's Commission of Laws voted 23 to nine, with eight
    abstentions, that such a bill could violate constitutional protections,
    including freedom of speech.

    Even if the senate does reject the bill, the more powerful national
    assembly could resurrect the bill and try again.

    The bill has not won universal support in the government, where some
    ministers fear it will hurt diplomatic and trade ties with a NATO
    ally and major economic partner.

    Sarkozy's foreign minister, Alain Juppe, has admitted the bill is

    France recognised the killings as genocide in 2001, but the new bill
    would go further, by punishing anyone who denies this with a year in
    jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($57,000).

    Armenia says that at least 1.5 million Armenians died when Ottoman
    Turks deported them from eastern Anatolia to the Syrian desert and
    elsewhere in 1915 to 1916. They were killed or died from starvation
    or disease.

    Turkey estimates the total to be about 300,000. It admits that
    atrocities were committed but argues that there was no systematic
    attempt to destroy the Armenian people and argues that many people
    on both sides died amid the chaos of World War I, in which all sides

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress