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TelAviv: The Assassination That Changed Turkey's Minds Over Armenia

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  • TelAviv: The Assassination That Changed Turkey's Minds Over Armenia

    By Zvi Bar'el

    Jan 23 2012

    The murder of an Armenian newspaper editor by a 17-year-old Turkish
    nationalist rattled the country's public. Now, Turks of all political
    stripes are waiting to see what the political ramifications will be.

    "We want to get rid ourselves of this shame. They tell us the Dink
    affair has come to an end, but the truth is that it is only the
    beginning," cried Turkish-Armenian journalist Karin Karaksli with
    excitement as she spoke from the balcony of the headquarters of "Agos,"
    Istanbul's Armenian weekly newspaper. "This is not a closed case, it
    is a wound," she added, expressing the feelings of thousands of raging
    protesters that gathered in front of the newspaper last Thursday.

    Hrant Dink was assassinated in broad daylight, on January 19, 2007,
    at the hands of a 17-year-old Turkish nationalist. Dink - an editor
    at Agos - called for reconciliation between Turks and Armenians,
    and criticized the government's refusal to recognize the Armenian
    Massacre. As a result, he was "marked" by nationalist forces as an
    enemy of the Turkish people, and was to be eliminated.

    Exactly five years have passed since an investigation into the killing
    was opened. Members of the Armenian community, as well as large parts
    of the Turkish public - specifically liberals who advocate for minority
    rights, and nationalists who see the Armenians as enemies - had been
    waiting for the verdict. Last Wednesday, the verdict was published,
    causing an uproar no less severe than the one which followed the
    assassination itself. The court ruled that the killer, Orgun Samast,
    who was 17 when he killed Dink, acted alone, and that there is no
    proof that he was a member of a terrorist organization.

    The judge who sentenced Yasin Hayal, the man who incited Samast to
    kill Dink, acquitted 19 other suspects that were arrested together
    with Samast. This acquittal, along with the explanations given by
    the judge, created a storm which caused tens of thousands of Turks to
    protest across major cities across the countries to demand "justice."

    The demonstrators and critics of the verdict refuse to believe that the
    murder was committed by a sole perpetrator, considering the background
    information that was presented to the court, according to which,
    photographs of police officers could be seen laughing with Samast
    at a police station. The police also received an early warning that
    told them of the intention to assassinate Dink - the police did not
    do a thing to prevent the murder. On top of all this were the reports
    that revealed information regarding the Ergenekon Affair.

    The Eregenkon Affair has accompanied Turkey for over six years.

    Hundreds of military officials, journalists, politicians and
    intellectuals have been arrested for suspicion of attempting to
    overthrow Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party.

    According to the recently published findings, the suspects plotted to
    attack Armenian institutions and mosques, in order to prove that the
    government is not capable of providing public security, thus giving
    the military a reason to take control of the country. It is suspected
    that Ergenekon activists were behind Dink's killing.

    "Students, whose only "fault" was that they protested the government,
    are being judged and jailed due to their involvement in a terrorist
    organization. There are journalists and military personnel who are
    in similar situations. And now they are expecting us to believe that
    those who assassinated Hrant Dink acted on their own accord and
    are not part of a 'terror group,'" wrote Semih Idiz, an important
    publisher, last week. "It seems that the idiom which says one cannot
    sue the devil while the court sits in hell, was written to describe
    the Turkish judicial system."

    Even President Abdullah Gul, who was asked to remark on the court's
    decision, understood that the issue is a political and public bomb,
    which is not about to go away with the trial's end. "This is an
    important trial full of great emotion, as it affects one of our
    non-Muslim citizens," said Gul, who suggests waiting until the appeal
    submitted by Dink's family will be heard by the Supreme Court. But
    such a suggestion does not satisfy the public.

    Even the Vice Prime Minister Bulent Arınc declared that he stands
    "on the side of the people whose conscious does not rest due to court
    decisions." Erdogan, who is still recovering from intestinal surgery
    last month, refused to discuss the issue, although in an interview
    with journalist Mehmet Ali Birand he said that he accepted the claim
    that the court's verdict hurt the conscience of the citizens.

    However, the frustrations and the disappointments on the court's
    decision cannot cover up the concerns and the suspicions, that the
    murder caused great satisfaction among nationalists, even those who
    held senior positions in the ruling party. This is the way Dink's son,
    Arat Dink, blamed former Justice Minister Jamil Chichak for inciting
    against Armenians, mentioning the nickname he gave participants of
    a conference on the Armenian Massacre: "backstabbers." Before his
    killing, Hrant Dink said he was summoned to the Istanbul district
    governor's office for a meeting where members of state intelligence
    were present. The agents warned him "to act cautiously in his
    writing...we know who you are, but society may not know (and may harm
    you, Z.B.)."

    Turkish journalists are exercising extreme caution today when they
    describe the Armenian Genocide. They use phrases such as "the events
    of 1915," or "The Armenian disaster." He who wants to use the word
    "massacre" despite it all must quote foreign sources, as if the
    subject were some military secret.

    But at least the protesting Turks can be comforted by one fact:
    the consciousness surrounding the Armenian Massacre is no longer a
    matter of "Westerners who are seeking to attain what they failed at
    during World War II, when they used the Armenians (to kill Turks,
    Z.B.)," as the nationalists in Turkey claim; now the Armenian issue
    has risen to the top of the public's interest in Turkey.
