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ISTANBUL: France Ignores Turkish Warnings, Passes Armenian 'Genocide

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  • ISTANBUL: France Ignores Turkish Warnings, Passes Armenian 'Genocide


    Today's Zaman
    Jan 24 2012

    French Senate voted late for Monday a controversial bill making
    it a crime to deny the 1915 killings of Armenians was a genocide,
    ignoring warnings from Turkey that passage of the legislation would
    lead to new sanctions. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned
    hours before the French Senate debate on the denial bill that runs
    a high risk of wrecking Turkish-French ties that the bill could
    provoke reactions from "hundreds of thousands" if it passes through
    the senate, pledging Turkey would reciprocate a senate approval in
    its own determined fashion.

    "We see tens of thousands of our brothers, our kin, gathered in Paris,
    which proves how strong a reaction the bill will receive [in the
    event it passes as law]," Erdogan told reporters earlier on Monday,
    referencing demonstrations in France over the weekend against the
    bill. The bill seeks punishment for anyone who refuses to term the
    killings of Armenians in 1915 by Ottoman Empire as genocide, on the
    grounds that such a rejection is equal to making racist and xenophobic
    remarks and can spark hatred in French society.

    "This decision is very wrong," Tahsin Burcuoglu, Turkey's ambassador
    to France, said minutes after the vote. "We are not responsible for
    this. We did what we could," he added, referring to impending damage
    to Turkish-French ties.

    Turkey already suspended military, economic and political ties when
    the lower house of French parliament passed the bill last month.

    Erdogan announced on Monday that Turkey had "decisions to make in
    response to the decision the French Senate is going to make today,"
    signaling Turkey is readying to counter the French move with
    unspecified measures.

    Earlier in the day, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu also had warned
    France that Turkey is ready to take new measures against Paris,
    in a last-ditch push to fend off the bill.

    Turkey briefly recalled its ambassador to Paris and suspended military,
    economic and political ties when the bill was passed in France's
    lower house last month. Forty-thousand Turks from all over Europe
    gathered in Paris on Saturday to raise their voice against the Senate
    debate, hoping the Senate might drop the bill off the agenda or vote
    against it.

    "The steps we will take in case the bill passes as law have already
    been determined," Davutoglu was quoted as saying by Anatolia, but he
    did not elaborate on what those steps might include.

    "Turkey will continue to implement sanctions as long as this bill
    remains on the table," Davutoglu stated. "We hope, however, this
    won't be necessary, and common sense will reign in the French Senate."

    The foreign minister had earlier voiced late Sunday evening Turkey's
    determination to respond to the bill, saying his country would take
    "new and permanent" measures against France in the event French
    senators do not reject the bill. His message appeared to be a
    response to critics who claimed Turkey vowed measures against France
    in 2001 when the French Senate recognized the incidents of 1915 as
    "Armenian genocide" perpetrated by Ottoman Turks, but they didn't
    amount to anything. "Turkey is not what it was in 2001," he noted,
    with clear reference to his ruling Justice and Development Party's
    (AK Party) assumption of leadership of Turkish politics in 2003,
    which changed the way the country behaved.

    Similarly, AK Party Deputy Chairman Omer Celik said on Monday
    measures against France would be permanent, not temporary, if the
    bill passes. Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag also stated, "It
    is clear relations between Turkey and France will not be the same,"
    Anatolia reported.

    The measure now needs to be signed by President Nicolas Sarkozy,
    whose party proposed it, to become a law, something seen by many a
    mere formality.

    Contrary to the French argument, Turkey has been fighting the bill,
    saying that such a move would mean blocking freedom of expression in
    France and take away Turks' right to defend their ancestors against
    the alleged crime of genocide, a claim Turkey takes as an insult to
    its identity.

    "The issue they [the French Senate] are debating now is foremost
    in denial of freedoms France has laid a claim on up until today,"
    Erdogan was quoted by the Anatolia news agency as telling reporters,
    as he suggested the bill would also be contradictory to human rights
    and could spark demonstrations from "hundreds of thousands of people,"
    who would react to the French move.

    Erdogan may not visit France if bill passes In response to reporters'
    questions, Erdogan raised the possibility on Monday that his future
    visits to France might fall under question due to passage of the
    bill. A day prior to Erdogan's remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent
    Arınc speculated the French bill could jeopardize visits from
    senior Turkish officials to France. Arınc rhetorically asked what
    French officials would do if Erdogan said, "1915 is not genocide,"
    during a visit to France. French President Nicolas Sarkozy noted in
    a recent letter he sent to Erdogan that the law would only affect
    French citizens and be applicable in France, to dismiss speculations
    senior Turkish officials might fall victim to the controversial bill
    during their visits to France.

    'A new era of Inquisition' Meanwhile, the European Democratic and
    Social Rally (RDSE) in the French Senate defined the bill as "dangerous
    and unnecessary," Anatolia reported on Monday. RDSE's group chairman
    Jacques Mézard and member Jean-Michel Baylet held a joint press
    conference on Monday and said they would vote "no" on the bill.

    The bill sets a punishment of up to one year in prison and a fine
    of 45,000 euros for those who deny or "outrageously minimize" the
    killings -- putting such action on par with denial of the Holocaust.

    France formally recognized the 1915 killings as genocide in 2001 but
    provided no penalty for anyone who rejected it.

    Turkey maintains there was no systematic campaign to kill Armenians
    and that many Turks also died during the chaotic disintegration of
    the Ottoman Empire.

    Turkey has argued the bill would compromise freedom of expression
    in France.

    "European values are under threat," Davutoglu said. "If each parliament
    takes decisions containing its own views of history and implements
    them, a new era of Inquisition will be opened in Europe."

    "Those who voice views that exclude this view of history will be
    jailed," he said. "It would, unfortunately, be a great shame for
    France to revive this."

    From: Baghdasarian