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Gwynne Dyer: The Armenian Massacres And The French Presidential Elec

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  • Gwynne Dyer: The Armenian Massacres And The French Presidential Elec

    By Gwynne Dyer
    Jan 24 2012

    I go to France quite often, but after this article is published,
    I may be liable to arrest if I set foot in the country.

    The French parliament has just passed a bill, proposed by President
    Nicolas Sarkozy's party, that will make it a crime to question
    whether the Armenian massacres in eastern Turkey in 1915 qualified
    as a genocide. Sarkozy will doubtless sign it into law next month,
    just in time for the presidential elections.

    It won't just be a crime in France to deny that hundreds of thousands
    of Armenians, perhaps as many as a million, were killed in eastern
    Anatolia in 1915, and that it was the responsibility of the Turkish
    state. That is a historical fact, and only fools, knaves, and Turkish
    ultra-nationalists deny it. It will also be a crime, punishable by
    one year in prison and a fine of up to 45,000 euros ($58,000), even
    to question the use of the word "genocide".

    "Genocide" doesn't just mean killing a lot of people, even a lot
    of civilians. If it did, then the United States would be guilty of
    genocide because of Hiroshima. Genocide is a deliberate attempt to wipe
    out much or all of a specific ethnic, linguistic or religious group.

    Words matter. The descendants of the Armenians who were killed in
    1915, most of whom now live in Lebanon, France, or the United States,
    desperately want what happened to their great-grandparents to be
    defined as a genocide and not just a calamity of war. They have even
    been accused of "Holocaust envy": the belief that they are being
    short-changed if the Armenian tragedy is not given the same status
    as the Nazi genocide of the European Jews.

    The state of Israel, interestingly, has never been comfortable with
    this claim, and avoids the word "genocide" when discussing the massacre
    of the Armenians in 1915.

    Of course, this might just be a Jewish desire to ensure that no other
    group's tragedy is seen as comparable to that of the European Jews.

    But there are concrete reasons for the Israeli unease with the simple
    equation: Jewish holocaust = Armenian genocide.

    About half of the Jewish population of Europe in 1939 was dead by 1945;
    about half of the Armenians living in eastern Turkey in 1914 were
    dead by 1918. But what distinguishes the Holocaust from most other
    atrocities is not the number of deaths, or even the proportion of the
    population that was killed. It is the motivation behind the killings.

    The European Jews were killed as an act of deliberate German policy:
    a peaceful civilian population was rounded up and transported to
    camps where they were systematically murdered. What happened to the
    Armenians of Turkey was less systematic, and probably unplanned.

    There is no equivalent in Turkish history to the Wannsee conference
    of January 1942, at which the Nazis planned the "final solution"
    to the "Jewish problem". The mass deportation of Armenians in the
    First World War, during which hundreds of thousands of them died,
    took place as Russian troops invaded eastern Anatolia and Armenian
    revolutionary groups staged uprisings in support of them.

    The Armenian uprisings of 1915 were tiny and ineffectual, but the
    Dashnak and Hnchak revolutionaries had indeed been conspiring with
    both the Russians and the British to support planned invasions
    of eastern Anatolia. The British attack was switched west to the
    Dardanelles quite late in the planning process, but the Russian
    offensive actually happened.

    The Turkish government was panicked by the uprisings behind the front
    and ordered the mass deportation of the civilian Armenian population to
    Syria. Regular Turkish troops could not be spared from the fighting,
    so most of the job of "guarding" the columns of Armenian deportees
    marching through the mountains to Syria was given to Kurdish tribesmen,
    who proceeded to rob, rape, and murder them in huge numbers.

    But Armenian civilians living in the cities of western Turkey were
    not massacred or deported in 1915. Many Armenians in eastern Turkey
    who were rich enough to buy train tickets to Syria only had to walk
    where the tracks had not yet been laid. Most of the Armenians who
    made it to Syria alive were held in camps there, but they were not
    murdered and burned in ovens. It was horrible, but does it qualify
    as a case of genocide?

    Successive Turkish governments have undermined their own case by
    insisting that it didn't happen at all. That is dishonest and stupid.

    There were certainly horrendous massacres, though the exact numbers
    of dead cannot be known. However, the use of the word "genocide"
    remains open to question-but it will soon be a criminal offence in
    France to say so.

    Have the French politicians gone mad? Not at all. It's election time,
    and there are half a million voters of Armenian descent in France.

    The Armenian massacres were officially recognized as a genocide
    in France just before the 2001 elections. A law criminalizing any
    questioning of that definition was passed by the National Assembly
    just before the 2007 elections, but narrowly rejected by the Senate.

    This time it made it through the Senate, too. So if you're in France,
    watch what you say.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress