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French Armenian Genocide Bill: A Waste Of Time Posing As Morality

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  • French Armenian Genocide Bill: A Waste Of Time Posing As Morality


    International Business Times
    Jan 24 2012

    By William Dove: Subscribe to William's RSS feed

    Now that the French Parliament has passed a bill that will make denying
    the Armenian genocide a crime punishable by a one year prison sentence
    and a five figure fine, what other historical events is the nation
    of liberty, equality and fraternity going to outlaw denying?

    Will those who publicly doubt the moon landings have to watch what
    they say in future? Will Charlie Sheen be required to be more discreet
    about his views on 9/11 and should we abandon altogether the debate
    on who discovered America first?

    It's lucky that there is such a thing as diplomatic immunity, as
    presumably the first person to be arrested under this law would be the
    Turkish ambassador to France, given that he represents a government
    that refuses to accept that "genocide" is an appropriate description
    of what happened to Armenians in the early 20th century.

    Indeed one wonders what the point of this law is if it is not to
    annoy Turkey. Is France currently being overrun by wild revisionist
    historians? Is Marine le Pen making rabid anti-Armenian speeches? Not
    noticeably in either instance

    No it seems the only prominent organisation to deny or at least
    downplay the Armenian genocide is the Turkish government itself, which
    at present does not have to take orders, but is free to take offense
    from, the French Parliament. So again what is the point of the law,
    other than to make some vain politicians feel smug about their own
    goodness, if it is not to wind up Turkey?

    Rather than using the law to penalise cranks, some of them sinister,
    why not bring the power of truth crashing down on those who would
    attempt to resist it?

    Britain's very own Nick Griffin is a case in point. The leader of the
    British National Party for a long period appeared to be a denier of
    the Holocaust, he now tries to avoid the subject while occasionally
    trying to downplay the numbers (which incidentally is what the Turkish
    government does with the Armenians).

    Although he once claimed that the reason he does not talk about his
    views on the Holocaust is that European law forbids him to do so,
    more likely the real reason is that he knows if he did air David
    Irving type views he would be treated with even more contempt than
    he already is, as most people accept the Holocaust happened.

    Why is that? Is it because people are legally required to believe in
    the Holocaust? No, quite obviously it is because the evidence is so
    overwhelming that to deny it would be to fly in the face of reason.

    If then the French Parliament feels so strongly about the Armenian
    genocide instead of trying to ban dissenting viewpoints why don't
    they push to get this particular episode of history, the details of
    which are not particularly well-known in much of Europe, more widely
    taught in French schools? This would surely lead to a reduction in
    the apparently serious problem of Armenian genocide denial.

    That would certainly be better than passing laws against denying
    historical atrocities, which could be a time consuming process. After
    all why don't they go the full hog and ban denial of the Mai
    Lai massacre, Stalin's Purges, the French Revolutionary Terror,
    transatlantic slavery, the Roman occupation of Gaul and the slaughter
    of the Amalekites? Come to think of it why not outlaw claims that
    Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the first telephone?

    Surely French politicians have something better to do? Perhaps one
    thing they could do is work on re-building the Franco-Turkish alliance
    which so scandalised Christian Europe in the 16th century. But then
    their recent behaviour would suggest they would rather forget about
    that connection even if they would not dream of denying it.
