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Dalma Gardens' Former Land Users Continue To Protest Loss Of Lands T

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  • Dalma Gardens' Former Land Users Continue To Protest Loss Of Lands T


    Protesting outside the presidential residence Wednesday were former
    land users of Dalma Gardens, who for several years now have been
    protesting that their lands were seized and no compensation was paid
    to them.

    "It's been 9 years we've been coming - and no results. After the
    collapse of the Soviet Union, the lands given to us by law were sold
    without our knowledge. Sitting in our lands with our spouses, the
    land buyers came and said that this land is theirs. We, perplexed,
    asked, how, how is this your land? Do you have documents? They said,
    we'll bring them.

    "Then it turns out that [former parliamentary speaker] Hovik
    Abrahamyan's sister, [Yerevan] city hall employees, judges, prosecutors
    and deputies divided up Dalma Gardens, the good part.

    [Former president of Armenia] Robert Kocharian has given everyone a
    gift - we stand before this fact. We ask the land buyers, who did you
    buy it from? They say, from the municipality: we gave a lot of money
    to city hall and bought it. When we ask, don't you have to answer
    to us? They say, let city hall respond. It's the ninth year that
    city hall hasn't been responding," said protestor Jemma Kirakosyan,
    speaking to

    According to another protestor, Julietta Arshakyan, at one time Robert
    Kocharian said "even those who have planted beans on the sidewalks
    will receive compensation," but where is the person who made this
    promise, she asked.

    The former land users, who had rented the land for 10 years from the
    local district council, assert that the Armenian government today is
    doing everything possible to prolong settling the matter.

    "They will deceive us for so long till our 1,800-strong numbers
    diminish and no one will remain to make demands from them. For
    exactly one year my father paid land tax even after that land was
    seized from us. My father who never had so much as a headache died
    during a regular quarrel with the land buyer and after all this the
    land buyer without shame said I will give $100 for the meal at the
    wake. The 400-500 trees of the land my father cultivated today have
    been stolen, cut down and sold," said protestor Zoya Gabrielyan.

    According to the protestors, it's now impossible to return the lands
    to them since there are already "castles and palaces towering" on
    the area.

    "There is such a thing as cadastre value; let them calculate it and pay
    the amounts per square meter due to us. For 7,700 square meters, they
    are offering us three land owners $2,000 USD. It's simply laughable
    - abandoned lots [that can't be cultivated] don't even this value,"
    said another protestor, Armen Galstyan.

    Protestors say they believe no one - not the president nor the prime
    minister, nor even the "injustice minister."

    "I have two sons in the army; both defend the border, and soon they'll
    take the third [son] to serve. And how is my country protecting
    me? I have neither a house nor income, and today I've come to ask for
    handouts. Let them bring my sons back - why do I need these country's
    borders to be defended?" complained Zoya Gabrielyan.

    Approaching the protestors outside the presidential residence was
    only Yerevan City Hall spokesperson Davit Azizyan, who said they're
    working on the matter, but those who regularly come to protest
    are hindering their work. He promised that everyone would receive
    financial compensation.

    Protestors requested they be paid normal rates per square kilometer of
    land. The municipality employee again said the issue is being resolved.

    The protest continued for about 1.5 hours after which protestors left,
    promising to gather outside the Armenian government building Thursday.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress