Jan 25 2012
France called into question its ability to act as a mediator in
settling the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh by adopting legislation
criminalizing the denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide in the Ottoman
Empire, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic said.
"This issue has called into question France's mediating role [in the
Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process]," Kilic said at the presentation
of a book dealing with Azeri-Turkish relations in the past 20 years
in Baku on Wednesday.
"I believe that, instead of passing legislation regarding the events
that happened a hundred years ago not without France's involvement,
not to mention that their origin is doubtful, France should express
its judgment about the occupation of Azeri lands and the existence
of hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced persons," he said.
Kilic praised Azerbaijan's reaction to the legislation passed by the
French Senate. "The presidential administration, the Foreign Ministry,
the leaders of political parties, NGOs, and individual parliamentarians
and ordinary people expressed their immediate reaction to the French
Senate's decision. We are grateful for this reaction on the part of
Azerbaijan. This shows to the whole world that Turkey and Azerbaijan
are united," he said.
The legislation passed by the French Senate might produce even more
hatred and enmity between peoples in the region, he said.
Speaking to journalists later, Kilic said Turkey and the Turkic
world condemn the French legislation. "This legislation goes
against fundamental principles of human rights, freedom of speech and
expression. This is a game played by a limited number of politicians,
which casts a shadow on the history of the French people," he said.
Jan 25 2012
France called into question its ability to act as a mediator in
settling the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh by adopting legislation
criminalizing the denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide in the Ottoman
Empire, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic said.
"This issue has called into question France's mediating role [in the
Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process]," Kilic said at the presentation
of a book dealing with Azeri-Turkish relations in the past 20 years
in Baku on Wednesday.
"I believe that, instead of passing legislation regarding the events
that happened a hundred years ago not without France's involvement,
not to mention that their origin is doubtful, France should express
its judgment about the occupation of Azeri lands and the existence
of hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced persons," he said.
Kilic praised Azerbaijan's reaction to the legislation passed by the
French Senate. "The presidential administration, the Foreign Ministry,
the leaders of political parties, NGOs, and individual parliamentarians
and ordinary people expressed their immediate reaction to the French
Senate's decision. We are grateful for this reaction on the part of
Azerbaijan. This shows to the whole world that Turkey and Azerbaijan
are united," he said.
The legislation passed by the French Senate might produce even more
hatred and enmity between peoples in the region, he said.
Speaking to journalists later, Kilic said Turkey and the Turkic
world condemn the French legislation. "This legislation goes
against fundamental principles of human rights, freedom of speech and
expression. This is a game played by a limited number of politicians,
which casts a shadow on the history of the French people," he said.