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Things Start Moving: French Genocide Bill Changes Reality Around Tur

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  • Things Start Moving: French Genocide Bill Changes Reality Around Tur

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    27.01.12 | 13:46


    Ahmet Davutoglu and Sergey Lavrov (right)

    Turkey is not in a hurry to materialize its threats of economic
    sanctions against France, as it deems the law passed by the Senate
    of France criminalizing the public denial of the Armenian genocide
    is not yet a final decision by Paris. So says Turkey's Deputy Prime
    Minister Ali Babacan.

    Turkey has so far limited its actions to some demonstrative steps,
    showing what it can do if French President Nicolas Sarkozy signs the
    law, which is expected in the coming days.

    Immediately after the January 23 adoption of the law in the senate,
    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu went to Moscow, after earlier
    canceling his trip to Brussels. In the Russian capital, the top Turkish
    diplomat made a number of remarkable statements. First, it was stated
    there that trade between Russia and Turkey may reach a $100 billion
    mark over the next five years. Secondly, Davutoglu said that Turkey
    will not become a springboard for attacks on Iran. And before that,
    a Turkish minister who visited Moscow said that, along with Russia,
    Turkey is in favor of non-interference in Syrian affairs.

    Besides, an unprecedented joint statement was issued by the foreign
    ministers of Russia and Turkey on the Karabakh problem.

    Therefore Turkey tried to show that if pressure continues it will form
    an alliance with Russia and Iran, refusing to cooperate with the West.

    But, apparently, the West has not been deterred by this either.

    Experts do not even rule out that France is intentionally provoking
    Turkey into taking some drastic steps to abandon its allied services.

    Apparently, Turkey is also aware that her being an Islamic country
    and simultaneously a member of NATO sometimes does not satisfy the
    Western community. With the adoption of a bill criminalizing the
    denial of the Armenian Genocide France's Sarkozy, who is running for a
    second presidential term in spring, hopes to gain the support of not
    only ethnic Armenian voters, but also those of the far-right circles
    that suffer from Islamophobia and oppose Turkey's membership in the
    European Union, claimed Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu.

    The French Senate law criminalizing the denial of the Armenian
    Genocide, the discussions of an Armenian Genocide recognition bill
    in the Knesset of Israel and a possible adoption of such a law in the
    German Parliament show that the process of international affirmation
    of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire is unstoppable,
    said director of the Yerevan-based Center for Regional Studies
    Richard Giragosian.

    The Armenian genocide issue has been considered by Israeli
    parliamentarians for quite some time now. And recently a German
    parliamentarian said that discussions of the issue might soon begin
    also at the Bundestag.

    Director of the Yerevan-based Caucasus Institute Alexander Iskandaryan
    also believes that "the train of the Armenian Genocide recognition
    in the world has set off and it cannot be stopped." According to him,
    this event has changed the reality around Turkey and Europe's attitude
    towards Turkey.

    Director of the Institute of Political and Social Studies of the
    Black Sea-Caspian region Vladimir Zakharov said: "Now it is impossible
    to say that there was no Armenian Genocide as Turkey and Azerbaijan
    have tried to do it." He added that the adoption of such a law by one
    of the most influential countries will inevitably lead to a wave of
    other recognitions of the Armenian Genocide.

    The Armenian Genocide is, indeed, a subject being discussed
    internationally. Thus, British Prime Minister David Cameron, recently
    replying to the question of a Turkish delegate at the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe regarding the French criminalization
    of the Armenian genocide denial, said that appalling things were
    happening to Armenians and atrocities were committed against them.

    "Our position on the issue raised is clear. Appalling things happened
    to the Armenian people; appalling atrocities were committed. It is
    important to state that, but we have to live in the present," said
    the British prime minister, adding that the UK has a legislation
    making it possible to prosecute people for appalling war crimes.

    The French Senate's passage of the bill also appears to have inspired
    Armenian American lobby groups with greater optimism for a genocide
    resolution in the United States. Aram Hamparian, the Executive Director
    of the Armenian National Committee of America, the largest of such
    groups, earlier this week again urged U.S. President Barack Obama to
    honor his pledge to recognize the mass killings and deportations of
    1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide.

    "The courageous vote by the French Senate shines the spotlight across
    the Atlantic, on American policymakers, who, for far too long,
    have let Ankara block U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide,"
    said Hamparian.
