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Bako Sahakyan. "We are proud to have such a victorious army"

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  • Bako Sahakyan. "We are proud to have such a victorious army"

    Bako Sahakyan. "We are proud to have such a victorious army"

    2012-01-28 09:54:48 | Armenia | Politics

    On 28 January President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to
    President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in connection with
    the 20th anniversary of Defense army's formation.

    The letter runs as follows:

    `On behalf of the people, authorities of Artsakh and myself I
    cordially congratulate You on the Day of the Army.

    This year we held nationwide celebrations of the 20th anniversary of
    our glorious army's formation. It is indeed a national army that
    having passed a difficult and heroic way became the main guarantor of
    our peace and security.

    You have been standing at the origins of the formation of the
    Armenian armed forces and today as a Supreme Commander in chief You do
    everything possible for the army to be powerful and efficient, ready
    to fulfill tasks set before it successfully.

    We are proud to have such a victorious army, brave and patriotic
    soldiers who serve devotedly to their Motherland and people.

    I once again congratulate You and the whole personnel of the Armenian
    Army on this sacramental holiday and wish peace, robust health and
    greatest successes for the glory of free and independent Armenia and
    Artsakh, the bright future of our people'.

    Noyan Tapan - News from Armenia
