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Masis Mailyan: Azerbaijan attempts over past few months have been vo

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  • Masis Mailyan: Azerbaijan attempts over past few months have been vo

    Masis Mailyan: The attempts of Azerbaijan over the past few months
    have been void
    28.01.2012 14:22

    Lusine Avanesyan

    `The negotiations on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict will
    continue on the basis of the Madrid Principles,' ex-Foreign Minister
    of Nagorno Karabakh Masis Mailyan said, recalling that these
    principles contradict the interests of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
    That is why the ex-Foreign Minister expects new proposals from the
    Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

    The meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan is Sochi was
    the continuation of the existing process, which means that
    Azerbaijan's attempts to refuse from the process of coordination of
    the principles and proceed to the development of the peace treaty have
    been void, Mailyan said.

    `The mediators should come forth with new approaches, which will take
    into consideration the contemporary legal realities, and the new
    precedents that exist in international relations,' he said.

    Commenting on the commitment of the parties to enhance humanitarian
    contacts, the political scientist said he hopes Azerbaijan will not
    try to turn these into inter-community contacts.

    `If the Presidents really want to use the contacts between societies
    of the two countries to relieve tension, and to reinforce confidence,
    this can only be welcomed, but the mistakes of the past must not
    repeat,' he said.

    According to Masis Mailyan, Azerbaijan prevents the investigation of
    incidents at the line of contact. He recalls that is because of the
    Azerbaijani side that the 1995 document signed by representatives of
    Nagorno Karabakh, still remains on the table.

    `Azerbaijan has not yet refused from its policy of military blackmail.
    Under these conditions any meeting of the Presidents, even without the
    participation of Artsakh, is positive,' Masis Milyan said.
