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"This Is The Same Hillary Clinton Who, Four Years Ago, Pledged That

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  • "This Is The Same Hillary Clinton Who, Four Years Ago, Pledged That

    "This Is The Same Hillary Clinton Who, Four Years Ago, Pledged That She Would Recognize The Genocide As President Of The United States"

    As French Senate accepted the bill on criminalization of Armenian
    Genocide denial, discussions on the theme increased. According to
    the bill everyone who denies Armenian Genocide in France will be
    sentenced with a year and will be fined with 45.000 euros.

    Turkish side, naturally, reacted hysterically to this decision.

    Speaker of the US State Department announced some days ago during
    the annual briefing that USA will not be involved in French-Turkish

    According to US State Secretary Hillary Clinton announced
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the US "opens a door that
    is a very dangerous one to go through."

    "This is the same Hillary Clinton who, four years ago, pledged that
    she would recognize the Genocide as President of the United States",
    the web-site underlines.

    Answering to the question why the US does not recognize the Genocide,
    Clinton characterized the Armenian Genocide as an historical issue
    and not a political one.

    "I think it's fair to say that this has always been viewed, and I think
    properly so, as a matter of historical debate and conclusions rather
    than political. And I think that is the right posture for the United
    States Government to be in, because whatever the terrible event might
    be or the high emotions that it represents, to try to use government
    power to resolve historical issues, I think, opens a door that is a
    very dangerous one to go through. So the issue is a very emotional
    one; I recognize that and I have great sympathy for those who are
    just so incredibly passionate about it," Clinton told the audience.

    She also referred to the question about French Senate resolution
    criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    "...One of our great strengths is we do not criminalize speech. People
    can say nearly anything they choose, and they do, in our country. And
    so other countries, including close friends and allies like France,
    have different standards, different histories, but we are, I hope,
    never going to go down that path to criminalize speech," explained
    the Secretary of State, who seems to have forgotten that there are
    succinct laws against hate speech in the US, under which people can
    be prosecuted.

    Remind, that the bill on criminalization of Armenian Genocide denial
    will start to work in France after French President Nicolas Sarkozy
    signs it.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress