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Minimalist And Incompetent Officials

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  • Minimalist And Incompetent Officials

    24 January 2012

    Haro Mherian, Mathematician/Software Architect/Film Maker[Haro.jpg] .

    As an Armenian mathematician, it is not my way to criticize
    incompetent articles that are often posted in non-Armenian language
    media. Moreover, my last 25 years of sociologically-oriented
    computations have persuaded me to never publicly write articles in
    languages other than Armenian, especially regarding mathematical
    research work. Nevertheless, as our Armenian media is being forced to
    promote the assimilation and abolition of our mother tongue by the
    "globalization" juggernaut, I am forced to write this critique in
    English. May our forefather St. Mesrob Mashtots forgive us all.

    On the day of the decision by the French Senate to criminalize Genocide
    denialism, "Ten Suggestions For Turkey To Face Its Own History" by
    Hayk Demoyan, was posted online in the English section of Asbarez media
    [HD or HD-0]. It would not have prompted my attention so much, if the
    article had been written by someone other than Demoyan. Moreover, that
    the author is the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
    at Dzidzernagabert did not surprise me either, since I have grown
    accustomed to the incompetence that spreads among the republic's
    current officials. What is indeed ironic, or perhaps funny, is that
    the author of this article had previously and officially stated that
    Kemal Ataturk rescued Armenian women and children during the Genocide
    of Armenians[HD-1].

    Furthermore, Demoyan approved the Turkish-Armenian Protocols and
    during the Turkish President Abdullah Gul's visit to Yerevan, he
    was directly or indirectly involved in turning the lights off in
    Dzidzernagabert Genocide monument in order not to displease Gul's
    Turkish feelings during the football match [ YM-1 and YM-2].

    As a direct descendant of Genocide survivors, I am furious. Who is
    this writer fooling now? Does he think we can simply forget what
    historically he has chosen to stand for? What monstrosity is implied
    by "not to displease" our arch-foe, denialist and a criminal nation's
    president's feelings by desecrating the sanctuary and memorial of
    our martyred forefathers?

    Also, can any Armenian agree on whether this simplistic and naïve
    article's 10 minimalist and loser-mentality steps are enough until
    2023? And how dare he spit such a date in our face? The centennial
    of Turkish Republic? Who is he working for?

    Now that the Armenian nation wants to wake up from the 95-year slumber
    and are heading toward demanding the return of Western Armenian lands
    (based on US President Wilson Woodrow's arbitration, [AB-1]), this
    author wants us to get back to sleep for another 11 years.

    Mr. Demoyan, it is best for you, first of all, to apologize to the
    Armenian nation for the mistakes that you have committed. And then
    respectfully resign your post, since you have failed to fulfill
    your duties.

    On another note, does Asbarez actually proof-read its posted
    articles? Or do they simply use the Dr. Copy-Paste's algorithm
    [GY-1]? I am asking because there are several misspellings in the
    article. Also, some of the sentences do not make sense in English. In
    particular, the anomalous statements do not form coherent English
    paragraphs (e.g. is the document a legal document or an outline of
    his to-do list, in which case: why is Asbarez publishing Demoyan's
    to-do list?). Unfortunately, there are basic historic and geographic
    mistakes as well. For example, where is Anatolia? Does the author mean
    the infamous "Eastern Anatolia", a terminology that Turkish revisionist
    historians invented, or the actual historic Anatolia? In the latter
    case, the referred location would be way off the indigenous Assyrian
    population area (no disrespect to Assyrians. In fact, I lived among
    them, and grieve for their similar fate in the same Turkish genocidal
    hands. But the geography is flawed in this author's article).

    I have been following the military activities of Turkey and Azerbaijan
    very closely; it is unclear where the author got the fact about
    the Azeri military activity in Northern Cyprus. What is he talking
    about? Why would Turkey train Azerbaijani officers on the territory
    of occupied Northern Cyprus? In order to occupy Cyprus or Artsakh,
    and for the latter case, would not that be a little foolish?

    Why does one train military troops in a marine environment to be
    deployed in a mountainous environment? It's not that the Turks are not
    training Azeris, but simply the geography is flawed in the article. It
    may also be the case that the Azeris have better on-the-field military
    experience than the Turkish gendarmeries, and therefore be able to
    train the Turkish mountainous troops for mountain warfare. In this
    respect it is interesting that historically, no important battle has
    been victoriously fought by the Turks. Their victories were always
    either guaranteed or granted to them by Kurds, Janissaries, Germans,
    Bolsheviks or NATO. Our great Gen. Antranik knew this fact very well:
    "Ottoman might is a bluff," he said.

    My point here is that the article is trying to bluff Armenian minds.

    Such bluffs, in most cases, have a boomerang effect. The author also
    seems to be poorly trained in military affairs. Or maybe he is trying
    to redress our adversaries, putting irrelevant and loser-mentality
    oriented words in our mouths.

    My advice to the author (as well as to the current incompetent
    government of the Republic of Armenia) is to enforce the same judiciary
    rule that was passed in French Senate on the territory of the Republic
    of Armenia. Finally, I want to remind the author with his own sarcastic
    metaphor (which he has shamelessly used in his other articles,
    labeling some of our true intellectuals): "A barking dog never bites."

    So now, Mr. Demoyan, stop barking and start biting.

    Note: This critique's title of "Gambler's Ruin" may be continued,
    targeting the incompetence of the current officials of the Republic
    of Armenia. The gamblers in ruin are the Armenian people, who
    are unknowingly engaged in a life threatening gambling game with
    their oligarchic masters and incompetent leaders, not reckoning the
    well-known axiom of Probability Theory called "The Gambler's Ruin." The
    danger of the anti-national virus has now penetrated through the bones
    of our motherland, and therefore it is my duty to speak up and protest.


    [AB-1] Ara Babyan, Wilson for Armenia [HD] Hayk Demoyan,
    Ten Suggestions For Turkey To Face Its Own History [HD-O] Hayk
    Demoyan, Ten Suggestions For Turkey To Face Its Own History [HD-1]
    The Economists, Friends and neighbors [GY-1] Gevorg Yazichyan, On
    Ethics and Opportunism in Science [YM-1] YouTube, Commenting Turkish
    Provocations-1 [YM-2] YouTube, Commenting Turkish Provocations-2

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress