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Turkey Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day

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  • Turkey Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day


    January 27, 2012
    VOA News

    Turkey's Chief Rabbi Izak Haleva (C) and Istanbul Governor Huseyin
    Avni Mutlu (L) light candles, in memory of holocaust victims, during a
    commemoration to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day at Neve
    Shalom Synagogue in Istanbul, January 26, 2012..Turkey's observance
    of International Holocaust Remembrance Day began with a broadcast of
    a French documentary on the Holocaust on state run television.

    Filmmaker Claude Lanzmann's Shoah was shown late Thursday, on the
    eve of the observance.

    Lanzmann says the broadcast marked the first time a predominantly
    Muslim country has shown his 1985 biographical film of the Holocaust

    The nine-hour film was aired to help build understanding between
    Muslims and Jews, and to combat denials that the Holocaust occurred.

    In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution
    designating January 27 as a day member countries honor victims of
    the Holocaust.

    Lanzmann's documentary aired at a sensitive time in Turkey's relations
    with Israel and with Europe.

    Turkey was outraged in 2010 when nine Israeli commandos stormed
    a Turkish-led aid flotilla bound for Gaza and killed nine Turkish
    activists. The confrontation caused a deterioration in relations
    between Turkey and Israel.

    The broadcast also comes amid an escalating dispute between Turkey
    and France over a bill approved by the French Senate earlier this
    week that makes it a crime to deny the mass killings of Armenians by
    Turks nearly 100 years ago was genocide. France's lower house passed
    the bill last month.

    Armenia says 1.5 million Armenians were killed during WWI by troops
    of Turkey's Ottoman Empire, which historians say was one of the
    20th century's worst massacres. Turkey has acknowledged the loss of
    Armenian lives, but says the death toll is exaggerated and does not
    amount to genocide. It says the deaths were the result of civil war.
