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Women's Rights Activists Demand Dismissal of Syunik Governor

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  • Women's Rights Activists Demand Dismissal of Syunik Governor

    Women's Rights Activists Demand Dismissal of Syunik Governor
    Posted by Armenian Weekly

    January 28, 2012

    YEREVAN (A.W.)-The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women in
    December 2011 drafted a petition demanding Syunik Governor Suren
    Khachatrian's dismissal from office. Khachatrian had publicly
    assaulted businesswoman Silva Hambardzumian on Nov. 14 in the lobby of
    Yerevan's Marriott Hotel after she accused him of theft.

    `[The assault] did not even receive public condemnation from our
    government,' the coalition said in a statement, adding that
    Khachatrian had also recently threatened environmental activist Mariam
    Sukhudyan in public.

    `This would be unacceptable in any civilized society. When a man,
    especially a government official, displays such violent behavior and
    the government does not at least condemn it or punish it, it is a
    message to all that violence against women is condoned and an accepted
    practice in Armenia,' the statement read. `We consider that such acts
    reinforce a culture of violence and encourage violence towards women,
    which is so rampant among Armenian families. We ask that the governor
    be sacked for such uncivilized behavior.'

    To sign the petition, visit

    From: A. Papazian