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Protesters demand persecution for ex-MP Hayrapetyan over doctor's de

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  • Protesters demand persecution for ex-MP Hayrapetyan over doctor's de

    Protesters demand persecution for ex-MP Hayrapetyan over doctor's death

    July 4, 2012 - 15:01 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On Wednesday, July 4 protesters gathered at
    Armenia's parliament building to rally over the death of a doctor
    beaten by ex-MP Ruben Hayrapetyan's bodyguard.

    The demonstrators, carrying `No to Impunity,' `Parliament Mustn't Rest
    When We're Getting Killed' signs, demanded for Hayrapetyan to renounce
    Football Federation of Armenia president's post in addition to deputy
    mandate he gave up.

    Those gathered urged for Hayrapetyan's persecution, maintaining that
    stripping of a deputy mandate alone won't solve the problem. Rally
    participants further demanded the case to be transferred to special
    investigative service to secure unbiased probe.

    As Armenian National Congress (ANC) opposition bloc representatives,
    Ruben Zurabyan and Aram Manukyan noted during the rally, Prosperous
    Party of Armenia, ANC, Heritage and ARF Dashnaktsutyun parliamentary
    groups initiated a special hearing involving law enforcement

    `Hayrapetryan's giving up his deputy mandate is a result of your
    struggle,' Zurabyan told rally participants. `We can't stop until we
    achieve a just punishment for those guilty, including Hayrapetyan.'

    On July 3, FFA president, MP Ruben Hayrapetyan gave up his deputy
    mandate. The step followed the tragic incident at Hayrapetyan-owned
    Harsnakar restaurant, where his bodyguards beat 3 military doctors,
    with one of them having died while in coma.
