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Just ARFD Statutes

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  • Just ARFD Statutes

    Just ARFD Statutes

    Igor Muradyan
    Story from News:

    Published: 11:13:46 - 04/07/2012

    The current de facto leader of the ARF Hrant Margaryan gave a large
    interview in which he argues the attempts of party members and their
    friends to reconsider party policies, priorities and to try to restore the
    revolutionary functioning of the party organization.

    Thus, the head of the ARF provides the following arguments: there are
    attempts to remove the current leadership and elect a new party leadership,
    revive the revolutionary party, subordinate the party to the U.S. policy,
    impose on the party certain preferences in the presidential elections in
    Nagorno Karabakh. All this is presented by H. Margaryan as political crime,
    or even perhaps not political but just crime, and he and his associates and
    followers intend to fight against this state of things vigorously.

    It should be noted that all the arguments by H. Margaryan are substantial
    and reflect the current moods and doubts of most members of the party,
    since actually these and some other proposals by other people who try to
    help the ARF to rise against as a national liberation party are a
    possibility for further development of the party's political program.

    However, it is not clear, what the leadership of the party opposes to, the
    party statutes or the general character of the revolutionary party? Maybe
    it is necessary to resolve the question of making fundamental changes to
    the Party's Statutes, excluding such provisions as the revolutionary and
    national liberation character of `Dashnaktsutyun'? Just to shake off all
    responsibility for the death of the party's principles and to reserve a
    place for a `regular' party of parliamentary type in the rest of life just
    with one step. It is comfortable, legitimate and principled.

    Presently, regional meetings of the party are held with a view to holding a
    meeting to elect the Supreme Body in Armenia. Apparently, opinions and
    positions are different, and this is alright, most of us have longed for a
    lively and informative political discussion. The ARF will hardly manage to
    bring order in the party's life immediately, to define the goals and tasks.
    But there is no need to try to conceal the problems and their own mistakes
    and stupidity of his party fellows behind misunderstanding and

    What has been done over the past 13 years to recruit skilled politicians
    for the party fully understanding the essence of the party's tasks? All the
    same, `the King's Men' fooled everyone. For 13 years, no proper statement
    has been made relating to any of the crucial issues, including the Karabakh
    issue. In regard to `normalization' of the Turkish-Armenian relations,
    position and actions of the party were ridiculous to the extent of the
    `artificialness' and `deceitfulness' of the Party's protests sewn with
    `white thread'.

    Perhaps the most blatant and senseless thing is the desire to enter into
    total agreement and compromise with the authorities, which was simply an
    end in itself. The party began to use during the election campaign the same
    methods as all other power-oligarchic parties. And perhaps, the most
    sacramental question is whether the party members have forgotten how to
    shoot a gun?

    But this is only criticisms. The revolutionary party has many important
    tasks, and to approach them it is necessary to understand and develop a new
    program. H. Margaryan has announced four tasks but there are still several
    issues that perhaps do not need to be disclosed. All these issues will be
    worked out in detail, let no one doubt. Actually, this is done if you try
    to be more attentive.

    Now the main thing is not to try to impose on their party fellows
    artificially freedom of will, as this is the most important thing in the
    activities of national liberation organizations. Some top figures of the
    party are trying to condemn attempts to update the policy. In this way they
    distinguished and distanced themselves from the more functional part of the
    party. Actually, now any attempt to freeze the process of radicalization of
    the party can and should be considered as anti-party activities that splits
    the party. You have to understand and remember that the renewal of the
    Armenian society depends largely on the renewal of the ARF.
