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Hackers Take Down Turkish Foreign Ministry Website

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  • Hackers Take Down Turkish Foreign Ministry Website


    July 3, 2012 - 16:46 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The RedHack group this morning disclosed the
    identities of hundreds of foreign bureaucrats and diplomats, Hurriyet
    Daily News reported

    The group had announced earlier that they were about to reveal
    "something big," saying that the hacking had already been done and
    that the authorities could do nothing about it.

    Today, the group provided a link to a Dropbox file-sharing address,
    which contained images of the identity cards the Turkish Foreign
    Ministry has issued for foreign diplomats working in Turkey.

    "Those who are revealed should get mad at the Foreign Ministry,
    not us," RedHack said on its Twitter account.

    The file dump did not include the ID cards given to the children of
    foreign personnel. "These are only a part of the IDs we have obtained,"
    the group said.

    The hacking was apparently a bid to show the vulnerability of sensitive
    documents to outside interference, as RedHack also tweeted: "Did
    [the Foreign Ministry] issue IDs to foreign personnel for someone to
    come and disclose them? They should look at their computers instead
    of looking at Syria."

    Socialist group RedHack brought down the Turkish Foreign Ministry
    website on July 3 morning, replacing its contents with pictures
    showing the Turkish prime minister embracing former Libyan dictator
    Muammar Gaddafi and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    The group also defaced the web page ""
    by replacing the page's original contents with two large pictures,
    one showing Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan embracing
    killed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and another showing him
    embracing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    A title was placed above the pictures, reading: "Ministry of War
    and Slavery, not Foreign Affairs." A caption for the pictures read:
    "Brothers yesterday, enemies today."
