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President Sargsyan received the President of the EC Herman Van Rompu

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  • President Sargsyan received the President of the EC Herman Van Rompu

    President Serzh Sargsyan received the President of the European
    Council Herman Van Rompuy

    President Serzh Sargsyan received today the President of the European
    Council Herman Van Rompuy. The President of Armenia and the President
    of the European Council recapped the results of the negotiations at
    the joint press conference given for the representatives of the mass


    Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan at the Joint Press Conference
    with the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy

    I am glad to welcome Mr. Van RÖ...mpuy to Armenia for the first time.
    Such a high-level visit from the European Union seriously encourages
    further deepening and expansion of our relations. We have had a
    sincere and useful discussion with Mr. Van RÖ...mpuy on bilateral and
    regional issues. I should note that we have an overall mutual
    understanding regarding all issues on our agenda.

    We have registered a noteworthy progress in the Armenia-EU relations
    on several directions and reiterated our determination to preserve
    that positive dynamics and develop continually and consistently our

    Armenia is resolute to implement large-scale reforms aimed at further
    democratization, strengthening of the rule of law, considerable
    improvement of the social and economic situation and increased
    efficiency of the state governing structures of our country. In this
    process, we view the European Union as a reliable partner and
    supporter. We have had fruitful discussions regarding the EU's
    assistance to our reforms.

    With Mr. President we have also discussed the recent developments
    around Nagorno Karabakh. Once again, we reiterated that the conflict
    must be solved in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group on the
    principles of the UN Charter and Helsinki Final Act. Threats to use
    force and armed provocations are unbecoming to the Europe of the 21st
    century just as xenophobic statements, intolerance, and attempts to
    revise history. We welcome the readiness of the European Union to
    implement confidence building measures and establish durable peace in
    the region.

    We have also spoken about the parliamentary elections in Armenia;
    assessment of our EU partners and our own assessment on this issue
    concur: these have been the best elections in the history of the newly
    independent Armenia, however there is still much to be done for the
    further improvement of the electoral process. I have reiterated our
    commitment to register new progress in the organization and conduct of
    the presidential elections of 2013.

    We have noted with satisfaction that the Armenia-EU negotiations on a
    number of directions are progressing well. In particular, soon we are
    planning to bring to a conclusion the Armenia-EU negotiations on the
    Association Agreement and in a short period of time to conclude also
    negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. The
    negotiations on the visa facilitation are also underway. We wish to
    conclude these negotiations as soon as possible in order to provide
    ample opportunities for our youth, artists, scientists and people to
    expand their contacts.

    We are grateful to our European partners for their readiness to
    support reforms in Armenia. It is very important for their
    acceleration and comprehensive implementation. With Mr. Van RÖ...mpuy we
    have also exchanged views on the new possible forms of that

    Recently in Brussels I participated in the Summit of the Heads of
    States and Governments ` members of the European People's Party. The
    main topic of the discussions was the existing financial and economic
    tension and possible ways to overcome it. Economies of small states
    are particularly vulnerable in such times and we anticipate that as an
    Eastern Partner we will get our share of assistance for overcoming
    these difficulties.

    Mr. President, your visit is extremely important but way too short. I
    hope that you will find time in your extremely busy schedule to visit
    Armenia again since our intensive contacts are very important for the
    consolidation of our relations.

    Once again I welcome you. And I thank you for attention and support
    extended to us.


    Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council,
    following his meeting with President of Armenia
    Serzh Sargsyan

    Mr President, it is a pleasure to be here in Armenia for the first
    time, a country which has brought much to European history and
    culture, and with which we share many things, both in our past and
    future. I am very grateful for the warm and gracious hospitality
    extended to me and my delegation today.

    This is the third time that we meet. (we met previously in Warsaw for
    the EaP-summit and in Brussels). And as usual, President Sargsyan and
    I had good talks covering our bilateral and regional agenda.

    I would like to highlight the following three points:

    First, We are experiencing overall progress in the EU-Armenia
    relationship. There has been progress in the negotiations on the
    Association Agreement. And, we have started negotiations on a Deep and
    Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. Moreover, in February of this
    year, negotiations were launched on Visa Facilitation and Readmission
    Agreements, as a first step towards visa liberalisation.

    I encouraged President Sargsyan to make maximum use of the
    opportunities provided by the Eastern Partnership for Armenia. We have
    registered good progress since the summit in Warsaw.

    And, as I mentioned, we are on track in reaching the goals set out in
    the Roadmap in time for the next Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius

    Second, I welcome Armenia's commitment to reforms based on the core
    values for the European Union, and geared towards approximating to the
    standards and norms of the EU. This is clearly a strategic choice by

    I encourage Armenia to continue on this path towards strengthening its
    democratic institutions, to promote transparency, to root out
    corruption and to respect Human Rights and the rule of law, including
    the right to free speech and press. You are, President Sargsyan, on
    the right track, even if there is still a lot of work ahead.

    I also pointed out, (and will point out to parliamentarians and civil
    society later today) that we are prepared to support you. The stronger
    the commitment to pursue genuine reform and to uphold universal
    values, the more you will be able to count on the EU in accordance
    with the "more for more" principle.

    In this regard, I am happy to announce that the EU has decided to top
    up its annual support to Armenia by 15 million euros for 2012 under
    the Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC). This is
    an increase of 25 % of the EU:s financial assistance to Armenia.

    The funds will be used to scale up our support to a number for core
    reforms in support for Armenias progress towards association.

    The European Union welcomes the efforts which the Armenian authorities
    made to deliver more competitive and transparent parliamentary
    elections. This was an important step forward. However, as identified
    in the Final Report by the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission,
    some issues remain to be addressed. We trust that this will be done
    before the upcoming Presidential elections.

    On this basis, I m pleased to say that the European Commission will
    now be in a position to start preparations of a donor conference with
    Armenia and international financial institutions.

    Third, progress on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    should remain a top priority. Everyday that goes by without a solution
    is an opportunity missed for all of us. In order to find a solution we
    need to build confidence, trust and respect.

    It is with great concern that we take note of recent reports of
    serious armed incidents on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    and the Line of Contact. I deeply regret the loss of life. My sympathy
    lies with the families of those who have suffered the loss of
    relatives and loved ones.

    Military force will not resolve the conflict. Only a peaceful,
    negotiated settlement can allow the entire region to move beyond the
    status quo toward a secure and prosperous future. If a secure and
    stable regional environment can be prepared, stability, peace will
    bring benefits to all Armenians.

    I repeat what has been said earlier by the EU, and was stated by the
    Co-chairs of the Minsk-group at the G20, to both Armenia and
    Azerbaijan: Both need to take decisions in order to reach a lasting
    and peaceful settlement based on the Madrid principles: both Armenia
    and Azerbaijan need to fully implement the commitments made by their
    Presidents in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group. Both sides should
    also strictly respect the ceasefire and exercise restraint on the
    ground and refrain from hostile rhetoric in public statements.

    The EU stands ready to support any confidence building and
    reconciliation efforts. We have both the means and the experience to
    do so. The appointment of Ambassador Lefort as the new EU Special
    Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia shows
    the increasing commitment of the EU.

    Mr President, thank you again for receiving us here in Yerevan.
    Armenia is a partner - a close partner. I am happy that we today
    confirmed our joint work together to ensure Armenia´s positive future.


    Today, President Serzh Sargsyan gave an official dinner in honor of
    the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy.
