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EU asks for unconditional access for EU reps to NK and surrounding r

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  • EU asks for unconditional access for EU reps to NK and surrounding r

    EU asks for unconditional access for EU representatives to
    Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding regions
    04.07.2012 15:55

    `Armenia has brought so much to European history and culture - your
    country's influence is familiar to all Europeans, whether or not they
    have had the good fortune to visit. And I believe we have still much
    to share in the future,' President of the European Council Herman Van
    Rompuy said, speaking at the Armenian National Assembly.

    `I have always been captivated by your country's rich and remarkable
    history. As the most ancient Christian nation, you have among the most
    venerable churches and monasteries in the world,' he added.

    According to the President, Europe recognizes in Armenia a key partner
    in promoting international peace and security, in engaging in
    effective multilateralism, including for the peaceful settlement of
    disputes through the United Nations or the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe.

    `The ambitions we have for our relationship with Armenia will only be
    achieved if they are built on peace, security and stability,' he said,
    adding that `the situation in the region is a major challenge.'

    `A resolution of the conflict on Nagorno-Karabakh is the key to
    unlocking the region's enormous development potential and the
    prosperity that it can bring. But for this to happen, much depends on
    the will not just of politicians, but also of citizens, to take
    difficult decisions and to work together, resisting the temptations of
    populist rhetoric and entrenchment,' Mr. Rompuy said.

    `Armenia is intent on deepening its relations with the European Union,
    and this is something that we welcome. Your desire to bring your own
    standards and norms closer to those of the European Union represents a
    strategic choice for your country, which will lie at the heart of our
    new Agreement.

    President of the European Council stressed that `the benefits of the
    Eastern Partnership cannot fully be realized without a sustained
    effort to build stability between neighbors.' `The European Union will
    continue to insist that Armenia and Azerbaijan step up their efforts
    to reach
    Agreement. The so-called Madrid Principles remain a valid basis for
    peace, in accordance with the commitments made by the Presidents of
    both your countries to France, Russia and the United States as
    co-chairs of the OSCE's Minsk Group. And we will continue to ask for
    unconditional access for representatives of the European Union to
    Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding regions,' he stressed.

    `It was with great concern that I learnt about the recent serious
    armed incidents along the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan and
    the line of contact. I deeply regret the loss of human life. The clock
    cannot be turned back on these tragic incidents, but lessons can be
    learned. The European Union calls on both sides strictly to respect
    the ceasefire and exercise restraint, on the ground and in public
    statements, in order to prevent a further escalation of the situation.
    Threats and the use of force do not contribute to a resolution of this
    persisting conflict,' Mr. Van Rompuy stated.

    `The efforts of the Minsk Group and its co-chairs to seek a peaceful
    resolution have our full support. Where useful, we stand ready to
    provide extra assistance for confidence building measures. And once
    there is a settlement agreement the EU will be ready to help
    implementing it including with rehabilitation assistance,' he

    Touching upon the Armenian-Turkish relations, the President said: `The
    European Union will continue to encourage both sides to remain
    committed to the process of normalization of bilateral relations,
    without preconditions from any side. I am deeply convinced that fully
    normalizing these relations with our common neighbor and EU candidate
    country would be an exceptionally positive contribution to security,
    stability and cooperation in the Southern Caucasus and beyond.'

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress