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Azerbaijan Will Use Military Ops on Iran to Settle NK Conflict Milit

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  • Azerbaijan Will Use Military Ops on Iran to Settle NK Conflict Milit

    Azerbaijan Will Use the Military Operations Against Iran to Settle the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Militarily,' R. Safrastyan Says
    July 3, 2012 15:06

    Armenian and Russian experts talked about the challenges brought about
    by the developments in the Arab world during a spacebridge between
    Yerevan and Moscow at the Novosti Armenia international press center

    Vladimir Sazhin, the chief science officer at the Academy of Sciences
    of Russia, talking about the developments in Egypt, noted, `Morsi, the
    newly-elected President of Egypt, is a good politician, but it is
    known that there are controversies between him and the military.
    Analyzing the policy he has pursued, one can notice that he wants to
    act independently - he didn't wait until the top brass would allow him
    to come to power. However, I don't predict happy future for Egypt. I
    think that the top brass in Egypt will not lay down their arms to the
    finish. A so-called diarchy has been established there. And the
    influence of the US and Israel is big on this issue. In the latest
    revolutionary period Egypt lost much money, therefore the economic
    crisis is visible and I don't think that Egypt will be able to recover
    without foreign aid. And aid traditionally comes from the other side
    of the Atlantic, the US.'

    As for what impact the developments in the Muslim world had on
    Armenia, Alexander Iskandaryan, the director of the Caucasus Media
    Institute, noted, `The situation in Egypt is disturbed, but I think
    Syria envies that condition. A civil war wages there at the moment. I
    predict that there will be a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria.'

    Getting to the condition of the Armenian community in Syria, Mr.
    Iskandaryan stated, `400 Syrian Armenians wanted to become citizens of
    Armenia last year, whereas this year that number has reached 2000. The
    factor of Syrian Armenians' return starts to play a certain role on
    the Armenian house market. These are indications that testify to the
    situation that exists in Syria.'

    Talking about the war in Syria, Alexander Ignatenko, a member of the
    Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations under the Russian
    Federation President, noted that this war had been instigated by Saudi
    Arabia, at the end of the day, it was a war between Saudi Arabia and
    Iran. And Turkologist Ruben Safrastyan said about the impact of the
    developments concerning Iran on the Republic of Armenia, `If military
    operations against Iran suddenly commence, Azerbaijan will take that
    opportunity and try to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    militarily. Azerbaijan is carrying out big strategic projects with
    Israel and thus wants to get the green light from the US for military
    operations against Nagorno-Karabakh.' And in A. Iskandaryan's opinion,
    Israel's arming Azerbaijan is not the most dangerous factor that can
    be predicted. On the other hand, the expert doesn't share the opinion
    that the West needs Azerbaijan for the war against Iran.

