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ECHR verdict against Armenia

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  • ECHR verdict against Armenia

    Vetsnik Kavkaza, Russia
    July 5 2012

    ECHR verdict against Armenia

    Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to VK

    During June the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has made three
    verdicts against Armenia. One of them touched on the action of the
    former political prisoner, participant of the Karabakh war,
    representative of the opposition Armenian National Congress, Vardan
    Malkhasyan. He was arrested in December 2006 and sent to prison for 3
    years for committing the crime required by article 301 of Criminal
    Code of Armenia - `a public call for violent change of the
    constitutional system.' ECHR stated that Malkhasyan had been kept in
    custody from December 9, 2006, to sentencing for 8 months. That is a
    violation of the fifth article of the European Human Rights Convention
    which requires freedom and personal security. The court charged
    Armenia to pay 4.5 thousand euro compestion to Malkhasyan.

    The second verdict of ECHR is about the action of Alaverdi's resident,
    Kamo Piruzyan who was kept in custody for suspicion of life attempt
    for more than a year and then the court declared him not guilty.
    Piruzyan's claim states that during the nine-month legal procedure he
    had been kept in a ward with metal grating which is qualified as
    humiliating treatment by the court. The action also mentions violation
    of the defendant's right for going at large against guarantees and
    illegal custody. ECHR satisfied the action stating that the fifth
    article was violated. The court charged Armenia to pay 8 thousand euro
    compensation to Piruzyan,

    The third verdict of ECHR relates to the case of Ararat Muradkhanian
    who was sentenced for life term and now spends it in the penal
    facility of Nubarashen. According to the ECHR verdict, the fifth
    article of the convention was violated: the life sentenced prisoner
    was illegally kept in custody in 2004-2007. Armenia has to pay 6
    thousand euro compensation to Muradkhanyan.

    `The authorities of Armenia are working against themselves, against
    their state and their people. And it is a fact. We file lawsuits not
    against courts, but against the Republic of Armenia. Compensations are
    paid from the budget, and the money is our, money of taxpayers. People
    suffer from injustice in the country,' Vardan Malkhasyan says. `Courts
    are functioning as power's adjunct, and political cases are considered
    under guidelines of the presidential administration.' He believes that
    judges who made such big mistakes should be brought to responsibility.

    The same opinion is shared by members of the Lawyers Chamber of
    Armenia. According to its member Lusine Saakian, the verdicts by ECHR
    on Piruzyan, Malkhasyan, and Muradkhan cases against Armenia make us
    think about the fact that courts do not provide justice.

    At the same time, the Minister of Justice, Grair Tovmasian, stated
    that these cases relate to 2003-2006, but they have been considered
    only now: `The reason for Armenian losing the cases is not judges'
    mistakes, but contradictions between the laws operated in our country
    at that moment and the European standards. Now some norms of the
    European conventions have changed and become stricter.' Now
    responsibility of each judge is under investigation. `We cannot punish
    judges only for the fact that their verdicts are being litigated. In
    this case we will lose all judges, as almost all cases are litigated,'
    the minister noted.

    For settlement of these and other problems the Ministry of Justice
    developed a complex program on court-legal reforms for 2012-2016 aimed
    at establishing clear mechanisms of officials' responsibility and
    elimination of verdicts contradicting each other. The program requires
    changing approaches of composing the judiciary.

    Nevertheless, every lost case by Armenia damages heavily the country's
    image, not to mention the image of courts in population eyes.

    According to the US Agency of International Development, the majority
    of Armenia's population thinks that prosecution is the most corrupted
    institute; it is followed by courts, the Central Election Commission,
    and law-enforcement bodies. The least corrupted institutes are
    non-governmental organizations and civic institutes.
